2022年12月18日 星期日

英語聽力練習 - 98

"English Listening Practice" (98)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Traffic violations. 交通違規

Pay attention to the traffic signs. 注意交通標誌

I'll try another road to go to the company. 
Ohh, the traffic light is red. Um. I want to turn right. I think it will be fine. 哦,紅燈。 嗯。 我想右轉。 我想會沒事的。

The black car with the license plate: 1B 2345. Please pull over.
黑色車牌號:1B 2345,請靠邊停車。
Good morning, Sir. 早安,先生。

Good morning. May I see your driver's license and registration ID card and proof of insurance? 
早安。 我可以看一下您的駕照和登記身份證以及保險證明嗎?
Sure Sir. But may I ask, did I violate any traffic laws? 
當然,先生。 但是請問,我有違反交通法規嗎?
You don't know. 你不知道?

Yes, I swear I don't know.是的,我發誓我不知道。

OK, let me tell you. 好吧,讓我告訴你
at that intersection there are traffic signs that prohibit turning right and you turned right. 
So sorry I didn't recognize it. This is the first time I go in this way. 
很抱歉我沒有認出它。 這是我第一次走這條路。
You blew the red light and here's your ticket. 
Yes Sir, I got my ticket. 是的,先生,我收罰單
You can appeal to the court within 14 days if something goes wrong. 
如果有問題,您可以在 14 天內向法院提出上訴。
And here this is the image taken from the camera when you blew the red light. 這是你闖紅燈時從相機拍攝的圖像。

No doubt. Thank you very much Sir. I will pay more attention. 
毫無疑義。 先生非常感謝您。 我會多加註意。
It's been a long time since I met someone who got a ticket but thanked me. Like you. 
好久沒遇到拿到罰單卻還感謝我的人了。 喜歡你。
Remember to drive carefully and pay attention to the traffic signs.
Yes, Sir. Have a nice day. I.
是的,先生。 祝你今天過得愉快。

I have a letter from the police station in my mailbox. 
I have a meeting at 10:00 AM. Too early. I will eat something. 
我在上午 10:00 開會。太早了。 我會吃點東西。
Where are you now, Bill? 你現在在哪裡,比爾?

It's already 9:30. I want to discuss it with you before we start the meeting. 
My wall clock is broken. I will come to the company right away.
我的掛鐘壞了。 我馬上來公司。
OMG I have a letter from the police station in my box. 
Let's see what's in there. An administrative record, a ticket, pictures of my motorbike, my number plates, the route was violated, the time of the violation.
讓我看看裡面有什麼。 一份行政記錄,一張罰單,我的汽車照片,我的車牌,違章路線,違章時間。

Oh, I see the address to pay this fine. 
How can I help you? 我該怎樣幫助你?
I'm here to pay the fine for speeding a few days ago.
May I see your ID card? 我可以看看你的身份證嗎?
Here you are. 給你。
You have the minimum penalty for speeding, which is a €100 fine and three penalty points added to your license. 
您對超速有最低處罰,即 100 歐元罰款和駕照扣分 3 分。
OK, so sad to hear, but may I ask this question? 
Yes. 好的。

if I'm busy and don't come to pay the fine directly in here, can I pay online? 
Of course, there are instructions for paying the fine online, write in the letter we sent you.
That's so good. 那真是太好了。

And we also sent you an online e-mail of your violation.

Let me check my e-mail. 讓我檢查一下我的電子郵件。
Oh, I see. 我懂了。
You shouldn't drive too fast. It's not safe for you any more. And every one. 
I know, I didn't think I drove so fast either. Thanks for your information today.
我知道,我也不想開得這麼快。 感謝您今天提供的信息。