2007年2月28日 星期三

英英單字圖文記憶(060) - abuse


abuse  [əˋbjus]
Abuse of something is the use of it in a wrong way or for a bad purpose.

分解:前綴ab = bad;字根use = use
分析:不適當的使用” = 濫用。武力的濫用引伸為 虐待;權利的濫用引伸為 弊病;陋習;語言上的濫用引伸為 辱罵

Did I do something wrong?Stop animal abuse.
What went on here was an abuse of power.

Image Sourcehttp://goo.gl/ahyG7

英英單字圖文記憶(059) - innocent


innocent  ɪnəsnt]
If someone is innocent, they did not commit a crime.

分解:前綴in = not;字根noc = injure;後綴ent = 形容詞。
分析:無傷害的” = 無辜的;無罪的;清白的;天真無邪的。

Four innocent puppy:無辜的四隻小狗。
He was pronounced innocent of the charge. 他被宣告無罪。

Image SourceSukon Sebunradhttp://goo.gl/4VmPt

英英單字圖文記憶(058) - altitude


altitude  [ˋæltə͵tjud]
If something is at a particular altitude, it is at that height above sea level.

分解:字根altalti = high;後綴tude = 名詞。分析:高度” = 海拔。

The plane flew at an altitude of 20, 000 feet.

Image Sourcehttp://goo.gl/SAekQ

2007年2月27日 星期二

英英單字圖文記憶(057) - provision


provision  [prəˋvɪʒən]
the act of supplying or Something provided.

分解:前綴pro = before;字根vis = see;後綴ion = 名詞。
分析:預先看見未來的需求” = 儲備物資;預備;供應;提供。

A symbolise of giving life and provision from the father to the child.
一種生活供養的象徵 – 父親將儲水倒入孩子的桶中。

Image Sourcehttp://goo.gl/80MX5

2007年2月26日 星期一

英英單字圖文記憶(056) - prosper


prosper  prɑspɚ]
If people or businesses prosper, they are successful and do well.

分解:前綴pro = forward;字根spairsper = hope
分析:使前途有希望” = 興旺;繁榮;昌盛;成功。

Prosperity Lucky Cat:繁榮昌盛招財貓
Whatever prospers my business is welcome. 凡使我生意興隆者皆竭誠歡迎。

Image Sourcehttp://goo.gl/0vgSQ

2007年2月25日 星期日

英英單字圖文記憶(055) - despair


despair  [dɪˋspɛr]
Despair is the feeling that everything is wrong and that nothing will improve.

分解:前綴de = not;字根spair = hope。分析:沒有希望” = 絕望。

Disappointed but not despair - The dog is waiting outside the church for its owner
失望但不絕望 - 在教堂外守候主人的忠狗。
I looked at my wife in despair. 

Image Sourcehttp://goo.gl/A1ZAV

2007年2月24日 星期六

英英單字圖文記憶(054) - gesture


gesture  dʒɛstʃɚ]
a movement or position of the hand, arm, body, head, or face that is expressive of an idea, opinion, emotion, etc.

分解:字根gest = mode of action, manner, bearing
後綴ure = 名詞,表狀態、特質或行為。
分析:動作,儀態或舉止的模式” = 姿勢;手勢;姿態;表示。

Happy gesture of the cat on the bike:貓咪在單車上逍遙的姿態
He raised his hands in a gesture of despair. 他舉起雙手表示絕望。

Image Source Sukon Sebunrad

2007年2月23日 星期五

英英單字圖文記憶(053) - exhibit


exhibit  [ɪgˋzɪbɪt]
If someone or something shows a particular quality, feeling, or type of behaviour, you can say that they exhibit it.

分解:前綴ex= out;字根hibit = hold
分析: 拿出去;擺出去給人看” = 展出;陳列。

The girl exhibited beautiful gesture:美姿女孩
She exhibited no fear in the face of danger.

Image Source Sukon Sebunrad

2007年2月22日 星期四

英英單字圖文記憶(052) - denounce


denounce  [dɪˋnaʊns]
If you denounce a person or an action, you criticize them severely and publicly because you feel strongly that they are wrong or evil.

分解:前綴de = 否定的;字根nounce = speak
分析: 以否定的語言說出;講否定的話” = 譴責;痛斥。

Bad luckwas denounced again!:真衰!又被訓了!
The minister's action was denounced in the newspapers.