2022年12月17日 星期六

英語聽力練習 - 97

"English Listening Practice" (97)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Marriage. 婚姻

Happy marriage. 幸福的婚姻

Hi, Kelly, how are you? And it's been a few months since the last time we met. 
I'm fine. Thanks, caddy. How are you and your family? 
我很好。 謝謝,凱蒂,你和你的家人好嗎?
Never better. Thank you for asking. 
I really admire you and Eric. You are such a perfect couple though. How long have you been married now? 
我真的很佩服你和埃里克。 你們真是一對完美的夫妻。 你結婚多久了?
Almost 10 years. 快10年了。
That's a long time. No regrets? 那是一段很長的時間。不後悔嗎?
No. There are ups and downs, of course, but I wouldn't change it for anything. 不後悔,當然有起有落,但我不會為了任何事情而改變它。

I'm so glad to hear that. What is the key to a happy marriage, in your opinion? 
我很高興聽到這個消息。 在您看來,幸福婚姻的關鍵是什麼?
Yeah, it works well. Of course, part of being a good couple is knowing when to give each other some space.
That's true.這倒是真的。

I see a lot of people who move in together and they give up all the things which make them individuals. 
We spend a lot of time together, but we have our own friends, our own hobbies and so on. 
Sure, you mean you don't want to be too dependent on each other?
Absolutely. Although you need to strike a balance, you need to make time for each other too. 
絕對地。 雖然你們需要取得平衡,但你們也需要為彼此騰出時間。
Of course, I imagine that it can be easy to let things slip when you have been together so long. 
Yeah, it's dangerous actually. You can't take things for granted, otherwise your relationship will suffer.
One more thing is we have a cute daughter. I think having a child really strengthens the connection between two people. 
Of course. But you know, sometimes conflict happens the most when you're parenting. 
當然。 但你知道,有時候當你為人父母時,衝突發生的次數最多。
That's right. Therefore, I think the most important thing to maintain a happy marriage is sharing respect and understanding.

Thanks a lot for your sharing, caddy. I definitely learned something today. 

Traffic violations. 交通違規

When you go somewhere, you're always in traffic before going to your destination. This video is situations where the characters violate traffic laws. What will happen to them? Let's see together. 
當你去某個地方時,在到達目的地之前你總是在交通中。 本段影片是角色違反交通法規的情況。 他們會怎樣? 一起來看看吧。

Remember to wear your seat belt.記得繫好安全帶

I am in maternity hospital. Listen, I see your husband and a pregnant woman. 
我在婦產醫院。 聽著,我看到你的丈夫和一個孕婦。
They entered the hospital and also looked very intimate. 
I will send you the address. Come here quickly. 
我會把地址發給你。 快點過來。
What? My husband said he went to Michael's house.
什麼? 我丈夫說他去了邁克家。

The black car with the license plate 1B2345, please pull over. 
Hi may I see your driver's license and registration ID card and proof of insurance? 
Yes, Sir, here you are. 是的,先生,你要驗的證件在這兒。

This isn't your car, is it? 這不是你的車,對吧?

es, it's my husband's car, John Robertson. 是我丈夫的車,約翰·羅伯遜。

Please check for me the information of Mr. John Robertson and his wife. 
Why do you look so sad? Because you violate a traffic law, right? 
你為什麼看起來這麼難過? 因為你違反了交通法規,對吧?
Sorry Sir, but what do I violate? 
You don't wear the seat belt. 你沒有繫安全帶。

Oh, that's a shame, because I'm in a hurry. 
It is Mr John's car and his wife is Laurel West Robertson.
Thank you. 謝謝。
So here's your ticket. You and your husband can appeal to the court within 14 days if something goes wrong.
這是你的罰單。 如果有問題,您和您的丈夫可以在 14 天內向法院提出上訴。

Yes, Sir. 是, 先生。
Whether you are in a hurry or have something sad, remember to wear your seat belt. Your safety comes first. 
不管你是趕時間還是有什麼傷心事,記得好安全帶。 安全第一。
Thank you so much, you are good police. 
Who is she? 她是誰?
Why are you here, honey? 
So you are his wife. On the way to catch the bus, my stomach hurt a lot. 這麼看來妳是他的妻子囉。 在趕公車的路上,我的肚子疼得很厲害。
I asked people around for help, but only Mr. John drove me to the hospital. 
Oh, it's good to hear that. No, I mean, how do you feel now? 
哦,很高興聽到這個消息。 不,我是說,你現在感覺如何?
I feel fine now. Thank you so much. Good bye. God bless you all.
我現在感覺很好。 太感謝了。 再見。 上帝保佑你們。
Ohh I have an e-mail. My wife drove my car and got a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. 
哦,我有一個電子郵件。 我的妻子開我的車,因為沒有安全帶而被開罰單。
Oh, really? Which wife?哦,真的嗎? 哪個老婆?