2022年12月12日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 94

"English Listening Practice" (94)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

How are you? 你好嗎?

Hello, grandma. 您好,奶奶。

Hello, my lovely granddaughter. 你好,我可愛的孫女。

How are you? How is school? 你好嗎? 學校怎麼樣?

Couldn't be a better grandma. School is also great.


I just won the first prize in the school's tennis competition.

我剛在學校的網球比賽中獲得一等獎(第一名)。 Oh, that's great Anna. I'm so proud of you.


Thanks, grandma. What about you? How are you doing recently?

謝謝,奶奶。 那您呢? 最近好嗎?

My health's getting better now, thanks to the tea your dad sent.


I can sleep better at night. 我晚上可以睡得更好。

I'm glad to hear that. Do you want more of that tea? I will tell Dad to send you more.


That would be lovely! but I still have enough for the next few months.


I will tell you when I run out of it.等我用完了,我會告訴你的。

What about your knees? Are they still hurting?


Not as much as before. 不像以前那麼痛了。

I am seeing a doctor now and I am taking medicines.


I think they will be alright soon. 我想它們很快就會好起來的。

I am glad to hear that you are doing better now!


Yes, I am glad that you are doing well too. Thank you for always caring about me.


So now, what do you want to eat? Do you want some freshly-baked brownie?

那麼現在,你想吃什麼? 你想要一些新鮮出爐的布朗尼餅(核仁巧克力餅)嗎?

Oh, yes! I am craving chocolate right now.

哦,是的! 我現在很想吃巧克力。

You are the best, grandma! 你是最棒的,奶奶!

I am feeling under the weather 我感覺不舒服

So is that for your patient? 那是給你的病人的嗎?

Yes, honey. 是的,親愛的。

James is under the weather. 詹姆斯...不舒服。

He is feeling slightly unwell. 他感覺有點不適。

How was he during this morning, honey? 親愛的,他今天早上怎麼樣?

He seemed fine yesterday, didn't he? 他昨天看起來很好,不是嗎?

Oh yes, James was doing all good. 哦,是的,詹姆斯一切都好。

He was still playing around with the neighbour's kids.


But there was something getting to him this morning.


Sweetie, wake up. 小甜心,醒醒。

Rise and shine. 該起床曬太陽了。

Ohh mommy. 哦,媽咪。

I'm under the weather right now. 我現在不舒服。

I think I'm catching a cold. 我想我感冒了。

Are you James? 是嗎,詹姆斯?

Yes, mommy. 是的,媽咪。

Hmm. Let me check your temperature. 唔。 讓我檢查一下你的體溫。

Oopsie, you are certainly hot. 哎呀,你確實發燒。

Mommy. 媽咪。

Now you are sneezing too. 現在你也在打噴嚏。

It seems like you are really getting a cold. 看來你真的感冒了。

Yes. Can I stay at home today, Mommy?

是的。 媽咪,我今天可以呆在家裡嗎?

Sure, James. 當然,詹姆斯。

You should lie down and I will cook you some chicken soup.


It'll help you get better from your sickness. 它會幫助你從疾病中康復。

Ohh, I'm going to have a check on him. 哦,我要去檢查他。

By the way, your soup smells delicious, honey.


Thanks, honey. 謝謝,親愛的。

Evil genius, you can't get away with your crime anymore.


I'm Superman and I am here to save the world.


Son, what are you doing? 兒子,你在做什麼?

Daddy, please don't tell on me. 爸爸,請不要舉發我。

Mommy will force me to go to school if she finds out.


If you tell me the truth, I promise that we won't force you to go to school today.


What's the matter, James? 怎麼了,詹姆斯?

It's about my music class. 它是關於我的音樂課。

My classmates often tease me about my singing.


I don't think music is my thing anymore.我認為音樂不再是我的事了。

La La La La.

I get it. 我明白了。

If you don't like learning music, you can choose a different class James.


Your mom and I will not yell at you. 你媽媽和我不會對你吼叫(生氣)的。

Ohh Daddy you are the best. 哦,爸爸,你是最棒的。

Promise me this is the last time you lie to us.


I will not do it any more. 我不會再這樣做了。

That's good, James. 很好,詹姆斯。

By the way, can you please suggest Mom cook us some spaghetti too?


Dad's belly needs to be saved by spaghetti.


OK, daddy. 好的,爸爸。

Good teamwork.
