2022年12月6日 星期二

英語聽力練習 - 87

"English Listening Practice" (87)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Unit 16 make a date

單元 16:約會

Hello. 你好。

Hi, Michelle, this is Al. 嗨,蜜雪爾,我是艾爾。

Hi, al. How are you? Fine, thank you. 嗨,艾爾。 你好嗎? 很好,謝謝。

I'm calling to see if you and Wanita are free this Thursday.


Why? What's happening this Thursday? 為什麼? 這個星期四有什麼事嗎?

Well, if you and Wanita are free, I would like to invite you to dinner.


Oh, dinner this Thursday. 哦,這個星期四的晚餐。

Um, well, I'm not free, but Wanita is. 嗯,,我沒有空,但瓦妮塔有。

Oh, that's too bad. 噢,那太糟糕了。

I'm sure Bob will be sorry to hear that. 我相信鮑勃聽到這個消息會很難過。

Oh Bob will be there too. 哦,鮑勃也會在那裡。

Yes, of course. 是的,當然。

OK, let me check my schedule one more time.


OK. 好

Hey, guess what, I am free that evening. 嘿,你猜怎麼著,那天晚上我有空。

Super. And how about Wanita?太好了。 瓦妮塔呢? Let me ask.讓我問一下。

Yes. Um, yes. She seems to be free too.

是的。 嗯,是的。 她似乎也有空。

Great. Can we meet at 7:00 PM? 太好了。 我們可以在晚上 7:00 見面嗎?

Yes, where shall we meet? 好,我們在哪裡見面?

How about KFC? 《肯德基》如何?

KFC. 肯德基》?

I'm just joking. 開玩笑的啦。

Yeah, actually I'm making reservations at the Chateau De Me.

對辣!,實際上我在 Chateau De Me(法式城堡餐廳) 進行預訂。

Isn't that an expensive French restaurant? 那不是一家很貴的法國餐廳嗎?

Yes, but I have a coupon. Eat 4, pay 2.

是的,但我有優惠券。 吃4,付2。

Ohh that's great. 哦,太好了。

So can we meet there at 7:00 PM? 那麼我們可以晚上 7:00 在那裡見面嗎?

7:00 o'clock PM this Thursday. We will be there.

本週四晚上 7:00。 我們會在那兒。

OK. Bye, bye.好的。 再見。 Unit 17 going to the shop.單元 17:去商店

Michelle. 蜜雪爾。

Hmm. I'm going to the corner store. Do you want anything?

唔。 我要去街角的商店。 你想要什麼嗎?

Wait, where are you going? 等等,你要去哪裡?

The corner store? You know 711?


Do you want anything? 你想要什麼嗎?

Ah, yeah, I'd like a loaf of bread. 啊,是的,我想要一條麵包。

Loaf of bread. OK, I'll be right back.


Wait, wait. 等等。

Yeah. 是。

There was something else. 還有別的東西。

A loaf of bread and something else. 除了一條麵包,還有其他東西...

Hmm, oh, I know. A roll of tissues. 嗯,哦,我知道了。 一捲紙巾。

Right. I'm so glad you said that. We're out of the tissues.

對喔。 我很高興你這麼說。 我們沒有紙巾了。

OK. I'll be right back. 好的。 我馬上就回來。

Wait, wait, wait. 等等,等等,等等。

Yeah. 是。

Can you check whether they have today's newspaper?


Think by now they're probably out of today's.


The newspaper. Well, if they have it, great. If they don't, forget about it.

報紙。 好吧,如果他們有,那就太好了。 如果他們沒有,那就算了。

OK, I'll be back. 好的,我馬上就回來

Wait. 等等。

Ohh yeah. 哦,是。

Just remembered something. Can you get me some toothpaste?

剛想到一件事。 你能幫我買點牙膏嗎?

Some toothpaste. 一些牙膏嗎?

Yes, mint flavour. 是的,薄荷味。

OK, I'll be back. 好的,我馬上就回來

And a large box of laundry soap. 要一大盒洗衣粉。

Do you have a pen? 你有筆嗎?

Here you go. 給你。

I'd better write this down. 我最好寫下來。

OK. 好的。

Well bred. 嗯,麵包...

Right, bread and tissues. 對,麵包和紙巾。

Hmm. and a newspaper. 唔。 一份報紙。

If they have them. Soap, right? 如果他們有的話。 還有肥皂,對吧?


Oh, I know. A light bulb for my closet. 哦,我知道了。 還有我衣櫥裡的燈泡。

A light bulb for your closet. 你衣櫥裡的燈泡嗎

Wait, I changed my mind.等等,我改變主意

Changed your mind? 你改變主意了喔?

Yeah, I'll go by myself tomorrow. 嗯,明天我自己去。

Unit 18 postponing. 單元 18:延期。

Wanita. 瓦妮塔。

Yes. 是的。

I have bad news. 我有壞消息。

Bad news. What is it? 壞消息。 是什麼?

I cannot go to the dinner tomorrow. 我不能去參加明天的晚宴。

Can't go to dinner? Why not? 不能去吃飯嗎? 為什麼?

I forgot I have a dentist appointment.


Oh, that's no problem. Just cancel it.

哦,那沒問題。 只需取消它。

I can't. 我不能。

Sure you can. It's easy. Just call the dentist office and cancel it.

你當然可以。 這很簡單。 只需致電牙醫辦公室並取消即可。

No, you don't understand. He's a popular dentist.

不,你不明白。 他是一位受歡迎的牙醫。

It will take me another month just to make another appointment.


Wow.Why are you going to the dentist?


Are you in pain? 你會痛嗎?

No, I have to have a cavity filled. 不,我必須填滿一個洞(補牙)。

That's no problem, I can fill it for you right here.


What? 什麼?

Uh, that's all right. 嗯,行了

I was just really excited about going to dinner with Al.


I know, I feel terrible. 我知道,我感覺很糟糕。

That's OK. Are you free on Friday? 沒關係。 你星期五有空嗎?

Yeah, in the evening. 是的,在晚上。

Me too. 我也是。

Hey, maybe we can move the date to Friday.


Good idea. 好主意。

I'll call Al and see if we can postpone until Friday.


That sounds perfect.聽起來很完美。 Unit 19 passing a message. Hello.