2024年10月11日 星期五

short vowel - [æ]


When a word has only one vowel, it is pronounced as a short vowel.

When a word has only one vowel, the vowel is pronounced short.

短母音 /æ/
after [ˈæf.tɚ]
afternoon [ˌæftərˈnun]
am [æm]
and [ænd]
ant [ænt]
apple [´æpl̩]
aunt [ænt]
at [æt]
back [bæk] adv.
bad [d]
bag /bæɡ/ n. 背包
batter [´bætɚ] n. 打擊手
brat [bræt] n. 小頑童
can [kæn]
cab [kæb] n. 計程車
cap [kæp] n. 便帽
carried [ˈkærid] v. 背著
cat /kæt/
clap [klæp] v. 拍(手),擊(掌)
dad [dæd]
draft [dræft] n. 草案
flag [flæɡ]
flat [flæt] adj. 平坦的
grandpa [ˈɡræn.pɑː]
had [hæd]
hammock [ˈhæmək] n. 吊床

hat /hæt/
hand [hænd]
lack [læk] n.v. 缺乏
lag [læɡ] v. 滯後
land [lænd]
Mac  [mæk]
mad /mæd/ adj. 瘋狂的
man [mæn]
map /mæp/
mass [mæs] adj. 大量的
math [θ]
pass [pæs] v.
past [pæst] 
piano [pɪ´æno]
plan [plæn]
rapid [ˈræp.ɪd] adj. 快的
rat /ræt/ n. 大老鼠
sack [sæk] n. 大袋

sad movie [sæd ˈmuvi]
Sam [sæm]
sat [sæt]
stamp [stæmp]
tan [tæn] n. 棕褐色 adj. 曬成棕褐色的
task [tæsk] n. 任務;工作;差事
tax [tæks]
vast [væst] adj. 巨大的
wax [wæks] n. 蠟
wrap [ræp] v. 裹
wrap up 結束、總結
zap [zæp] v. 蓄意破壞

attractive [əˈtræk.tɪv] adj. 有吸引力的
half [hæf] 
calf [kæf] n. 小牛;幼獸
laugh [læf] v.

jam /dʒæm/ n. 果醬

tag /tæɡ/ n. 標籤 vt. 加標籤於

mat /mæt/ n. 蓆子 (鋪墊於地上或床上,以供坐臥的平面片狀用具。多由竹、葦或草編織而成。)

pan /pæn/ n. 平底鍋

gas /ɡæs/ n. 瓦斯

bat /bæt/ n. 球棒

ham /hæm/ n. 火腿

lab /læb/ n. 實驗室
laboratory /ˈlæb.rə.tɔːr.i/ 的縮寫

fat /fæt/ adj. 肥的

pad /pæd/ n. 護墊

nap /næp/ n. 小睡,打盹

fan [fæn] n. 風扇

I am Sam, a brat, I turn on the gas stove, put the pan on top, and set a mass of ham.
[ æm sæmə bræt tɜrn ɑn ðə ɡæs stoʊvpʊt ðə pæn ɑn tɑpænd sɛt ə mæs ʌv hæm.]


Turn on the gas and place the pan on top and then layer the ham.

A fat cat ran to the lab and sat quietly on the mat.
/ə fæt kæt ræn tu ðə læb ænd sæt ˈkwaɪətli ɑn ðə mæt./

Dad wore a hat, carried the Elephant Team tag bag, and had a bat in his hand.

The man with the tan skin was my dad. He wore a flat cap, carried an Elephants tag bag, and hand with apple watch holding bat. He walked at a rapid pace along street to hail a cab, like a brat. He really makes me laugh.
[ðə mæn wɪð ðə tæn skɪn wʌz maɪ dædhi wɔr ə flæt kæpˈkærid ən ˈɛləfənts tæɡ bæɡænd hænd wɪð ˈæpəl wɑʧ ˈhoʊldɪŋ bæthi wɔkt æt ə ˈræpɪd peɪs əˈlɔŋ strit tu heɪl ə kæblaɪk ə bræthi ˈrɪli meɪks mi læf.]

The map was covered in jam and the rat was going mad.

The fat cat took off his pads and took a nap in the hammock with the fan blowing.

In the afternoon, grandpa Mac took a nap in the hammock with the fan blowing, then the fat cat with the pads comes over and lies down on the ground at the entrance.
[ɪn ði ˌæftərˈnunˈɡrændˌpɑ mæk tʊk ə næp ɪn ðə ˈhæmək wɪð ðə fæn ˈbloʊɪŋðɛn ðə fæt kæt wɪð ðə pædz kʌmz ˈoʊvər ænd laɪz daʊn ɑn ðə ɡraʊnd æt ði ˈɛntrəns.]

2024年10月3日 星期四



姓名嘉旭 賴


電子郵件    20a0900nomail@gmail.com

電子郵件    laijiaxu25@gmail.com

password    a65885961

+886 0968 720 080

lend /lend/ 借出

lead  /liːd/ 引領

lean /liːn/ 斜靠

Luck never gives, it only lends.


2024年10月2日 星期三

Taiwan stocks

 The Taipei stock market is faltering today(2024/09/30) and there should be another low tomorrow, so we will put our investment plans on hold.


Today(2024/10/01), Taiwan stocks (fluctuated up and down), fluctuating no more than 100 points, (which was extremely dull). (Volume continues to shrink). I am afraid that (this week will be the same), (coupled with) the possibility of a typhoon holiday, (the market will slowly decline), (looking for bottom support). This week should be like this. (Investors) should be patient and (wait for the buying point) and (don't be impatient).

今日台股(上下波動),波幅不超過 100 點,(極度沉悶)。(成交量持續萎縮)。恐怕(本週也會如此),(加上)可能有颱風假期,(大盤會慢慢下跌),(尋找底部支撐)。本週應該是這樣的。(投資人)要有耐性,(等待買點),(不要急躁)。

fluctuate  /ˈflʌk.tʃu.eɪt/ v.

falter  /ˈfɑːl.tɚ/ v.

The root of the word "fluctuate" - fluct means "flow".

The word "flater" is related to "fall".

單字「fluctuate波動」字根 - fluct 表「flow流動」。


shrink /ʃrɪŋk/ V. 縮小;畏縮。n. 心理醫

despite  /dɪˈspaɪtpreposition. 不管儘管無論

respite /ˈres.pət/ n. 暫時緩解

Despite the drop, the Taipei stock market got a respite from the typhoon holiday.


One can avoid something for a short while but not forever.


look (看) 


spy (監看) 


字根 -spi (看)

字根 -spect, -spec, -spic, -spi 皆有 "看" 的涵義

字根 -spi 有 "看" 的涵義
-t 是音素綴字
字尾 -e 表名詞或動詞
因此-spite 是 -spi 
的衍生字根 = look

字首 -de;-re 皆有 "否定" 及 "away"的涵義
despite = 不看;不管;儘管
respite = 不看;看開;(因看開而)喘息


After two days of typhoon vacation, the Taipei stock market took a respite.

The Taipei stock market got a temporary reprieve from the two-day typhoon holiday.

But if you can avoid the first day, can you avoid the fifteenth? 

With the Double Ten National Day approaching, I chose to lay out the policy positives early next week.

The Double Ten National Day is approaching, and I choose to deploy bullish policies early next week.

尾盤 - 台積電多空廝殺 - 忽紅忽黑 。



With the Double Ten National Day approaching, I chose to lay out the policy positives early next week.