2022年12月19日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 99

"English Listening Practice" (99)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

What's your address?你的地址在哪?

Linda, have you heard about Michael's new house? 
It is a whole mansion! 它是一整座豪宅呀!
Wow. Really. Where did you get that information? 
哇!真的? 你從哪裡得到這些信息的?
Leo told me about it. 
Apparently they live right next door to each other now. 里歐告訴我這件事。 據說他們現在就住在隔壁。
That's nice. 真不錯!
Talking about Leo, he is throwing a party at his place this weekend. .
Are you coming?你要來參加派對嗎?

Yeah, he invited me yesterday. 是的,他昨天邀請了我。
Can you give me his address again? 妳能再給我他的地址嗎?
I totally forgot to write it down. 我完全忘了寫下來。
Let me see. Hmm. 讓我看看。 唔。
It's 45 XYZ Street right next to a gas station, I think. 
我想是 XYZ 街 45 號,就在加油站旁邊。
OK. 好的。
While we're at it, maybe we can pay Michael's house a visit as well. 
Good idea. Let's ask him.
好主意。 讓我問問他。
Hey Michael, can we hang out at your place after Leo's party this weekend? 
Sure, but my family and I just moved in and we have not finished unpacking yet. 
If you guys are fine with the house being a bit messy, then it's fine. 
No worries, we just want to check out your place a bit. 
OK, I'll tell my parents you guys are coming. 
Oh, should we bring something over as a House warming gift?
You can if you want, but it really isn't necessary. 
Your presence is enough. 你的蒞臨就足夠了。
That's so nice of you. 你真好。
I'll still bake something for us to enjoy together though. 
That's also great. I'm excited.那也很棒。 我很興奮。

Mom, can I go over to Michelle's place and hang out with her there today? 
Sure, honey. Have her parents agreed to that yet? 
當然,親愛的。 她父母同意了嗎?
She said so, mum. 她是這麼說的,媽媽。
All right. Do you need me to drop you off or are you going on your own? 
好的。 你需要我送你還是你自己去?
It would be great if you could give me a ride, mom. 
I'm not too familiar with her neighbourhood. 
That's no problem, honey. What is her address? 
沒問題,親愛的。 她的地址在哪裡?
Oh, it's 29 Def Street. 哦,是 Def 街 29 號。
I think you would know it. It's on your way to work. 
我想你知道那地方的。 它在你上班的路上。
Ah, yes, I have to go past that street every morning.
Should I get ready to go now? 
Maybe in 15 minutes I need to finish doing these dishes. Then we can go. 也許 15 分鐘內我需要洗完這些碗。 那我們可以走了。

Oh, can you grab the car key in the living room for me? 
Um, where exactly in the living room, mom. 
Look on top of the coffee table. I saw it there last time. 
查看咖啡桌的頂部。 我上次在那裡看到過。
Got it, mom. I'll wait for you in the car. 
明白了,媽媽。 我在車上等你。

911 What's your emergency? 911,你有什麼緊急情況?

Hi, I am calling to report a potential burglary at my neighbor's house. 
They told me they were out of town for the week. 
But I heard something like Windows breaking and saw movement in the house.但我聽到類似窗戶破裂的聲音,並看到房子裡有動靜。

All right, keep calm and please tell us the address of your neighbor's house. 
It's 64 XYZ St.它是 64號 XYZ 街。

Can someone come over here right now? 
I'm not sure if the burglar is still there. 
We are sending a team right over. 我們馬上派一個團隊過來。

In the meantime, can you give us some additional information? 
Yeah, sure. 當然可以。
Did you see anyone suspicious around the house earlier? 
Hmm. Actually, yes, yes I did. 唔。 實際上,是的,是的,我有。

I saw a male in dark clothes with a black cap covering his face, about 5 foot 10, a bit slender.
I didn't think much about him though, because it was quite cold outside. 
I see. What about his vehicle? 我懂了。 那他的車呢?

Did you see a new car or motorbike on your street? 
I don't think so. Everything seemed normal except for what I already reported. 我不這麼認為。 除了我已經報告的以外,一切似乎都很正常。 

OK. Well, our team should be there any moment now. 
好的。 好,我們的團隊現在應該隨時會到場。
Please stay on the line and update us with any new information as soon as you have it. 
Alright. I got it. 好的。 我知道了。