2022年11月29日 星期二

英語聽力練習 - 81

"English Listening Practice" (81)

《Spoken English for life - 英語生活口語

Chill out. 冷靜點

安撫 '驚惶失措' 或 '勃然大怒' 的人,
請他們「冷靜點、別激動」,可以說:「Chill out.」。
也可以省略 out,直接說:「Chill.」。

Synonyms - 同義語】

Calm down.
Cool down.
Cool it.
Just relax.
Take it easy.

Situational Video - 情境影片

Chill out, Ricky.
You chill out!

I could go to jail! And it's all your fault!
And all you care about is your job,
and your...your chair-friend!
"Okay, okay chill, we'll help you."

2022年11月27日 星期日

英語聽力練習 - 80

"English Listening Practice" (80)
《Spoken English for life - 英語生活口語
I'm over it. 我釋懷了;我受夠了

over 有「在…上方」以及「越過」的意思。
I'm over it. 這句口語,通常表達「我對這件事已經想開了、釋懷了、沒差了、不再讓我困擾了」。

Situational Video - 情境影片

"Vanessa, I thought you liked bad boys?"

"Eh, I'm over it. I think it's time I tried a... A good guy."

Leave me out of it. 別把我牽扯進去

Situational Video - 情境影片

"Whatever you're doing, leave me out of it."

What did you have in mind? 你心裡有什麼想法嗎?

Situational Video - 情境影片

"What if we tried something exciting?"

"Well, what did you have in mind?"

"Um... I know!
What if in the middle of the song
there comes a giant spider?
And everyone goes, 'Ahh! A spider!'"
「呃… 我知道了!要不在歌曲進行到一半的時候跑出一隻大蜘蛛?

Situational Video - 情境影片

What did you have in mind?

"I don't know yet,
but I want do something that my friends will think is really neat!"

Situational Video - 情境影片

"Is something bothering you? You don't seem very happy."

"Every day is the same,
Babar. Scooping ice cream, wiping counters.
I need a challenge."

What did you have in mind?

"I don't know.
Something big and important, something more meaningful than slinging sundaes."

2022年11月25日 星期五

英語聽力練習 - 79

"English Listening Practice" (79)

Life Conversation
Zip it!

The slang(俚語) 'zip it'  is a rude way to tell someone to shut up, be quiet, and not say anything else.
叫別人'zip it' ,是不太禮貌的要他人「閉嘴、別說了、惦惦就好」。


Zip your lips. (閉上你的嘴)
Stop talking. (別再說了)
Drop it. = Drop the subject. (別再談論這件事了)

【Situational Video】

"Zip it, you two."

"Zip it, Carl."

"We made a deal! Zip it!"

"Zip it or lose it."

"Congratulations, bookworm. You're officially on probation."


"Zip it! I'll be watching you."

Have we met before?

這裡的 met 是動詞 meet 的過去分詞,表示「見面、認識」。
但不確定自己認不認識對方,可以問 "Have we met before?"
或是省略 before (以前),直接問 "Have we met?" 表示「我們見過面嗎?

使用情境二:有人叫你的名字,當你不覺得自己認識對方,可以說 "I'm sorry. Have we met (before)" 表示「抱歉,我們認識嗎?

【Situational Video - 情境影片】

Have we met before?
Because I think that beard of yours is really hot.

2022年11月22日 星期二

英語聽力練習 - 78

"English Listening Practice" (78)

Life Conversation
I didn't catch that.

' I didn't catch that.' here means
to not hear or understand what someone has said.

動詞 'catch',常見的意思是「抓到」某人或某物,或是「趕上」公車、火車等。

但當你說 ' I didn't catch that.'
或是 ' I didn't catch what you just said.'

如果你沒聽清楚對方的名字,也可以說 'I didn't catch your name.'

Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you say that one more time?
I didn't catch what you just said.
Could you please repeat that a little more loudly?

【Situational Video - 情境影片】

I didn't catch that last part!
What did you say?
I said, get us out of here quick!
The baby could be born any minute!
Oh my! A pregnant woman trapped in the elevator.
---I'll call 911!

【Life Conversation】
What's the catch ?

A ' catch ' here means a trick,
something that is hidden,
something that you don't know about but you only find out later.
'Catch ' 在這裡的意思為: 'trick' (詭計;惡作劇),
因此,' What's the catch? '常用在對方突然對你獻殷勤或特別關心你,
而你覺得對方可能有什麼企圖或目的,就會問 ' What's the catch? '

'So, who wants coffee ?'
'You wanna buy us coffees ?'
'What's the catch ?'
'No catch. It's my turn.'

2022年11月21日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 77

"English Listening Practice" (77)

Life Conversation
You're telling me

We use this expression 'you're telling' to show that you completely agree with what another person has said.
You're telling me is a way really of saying you don't need to tell me.
It's obviously true, or I already know that because I have personal experience with that.

Had a rocking time.

Catch you later.
But I have to walk you to your counter!
How else will I know you made it safely to work?
Well, first of all, I'm here.
And, there's no girls allowed...in the store...on Tuesdays.
Just a little kiss for the road?
I can't. That's uh, another rule.
No kissing in the store.
There's no rule like that here, Jude.
Oh, I'm pretty sure there is, dude!
Yikes! That was a level 5 clinger.
Cha!You're telling me.
I've heard about chicks like this, but I've never actually met one.

2022年11月20日 星期日

英語聽力練習 - 76

"English Listening Practice" (76)

Questions & Answers
Now what?

What should I do next?

What is the solution or next step?
What should I do next?
OK, I'm at the intersection you told me about, now what?

Now what?是非常口語且白話的說法,
意思接近於Now what do I do? (現在我要做什麼?)
或是What's next"(接下來呢?)

Get ready.
I think I need you a little more that way.
More. More.
No, the other way.
But just a little.
A teeny bit.
come forward. 向前。
Backward. Forward. 向後向前。
A little more to the side. 再往旁邊一點
Stop! Uh..."停! 呃……”

"No, no, no. 不,不
Uh, Duck, you stand here. 鴨子,你站在這裡。
Hen, you here. 母雞,你在這裡。
Straighten up, Owl. 站直,貓頭鷹。
"Okay. One... two..."好的。一……二……”
Now what?現在是怎樣?
"Aren't we supposed to say something to make us smile?"
"Yes, that's right. 是的,沒錯。
On the count of three, we all say, uh... cheese."

2022年11月18日 星期五

英語聽力練習 - 75

"English Listening Practice" (75)

Questions & Answers
How can you tell?

tell 在此是「知道、辨別」的意思。
"How can you tell?" 意思等同於 "How do you know?"。

He's gay.  
How can you tell?

She is British.
How can you tell?

How can you tell the difference between a cold and the flu?
How can you tell when its time to quit a job?

Do you think there are a lot of fish down there? 
Mm, we have to choose just the right spot. 
"How can you tell where just the right spot is? 
Ah, fishermans instinct. Its just a feeling. 
「痾,憑漁夫的直覺,就只是⼀ 覺。」 

【Additional Sentences - 附加句】

在這些情況下tell ≠告訴:

You never can tell.

你永遠不能說出去。 ×


{You never can tell} what life is going to bring you.

I could tell.

{I could tell} you were unhappy.

Watch your language.

watch ≠ 看

看你的語言 ×


Watch the step.


Watch your time.


Take your time.

There's no need to hurry. Take your time.

2022年11月16日 星期三

英語聽力練習 - 74

"English Listening Practice" (74)

Everyday English Listening Practice

Today's Topic - Celebrity Interview (名人專訪)】

【Listen to the interview with Jen, a fashion model.】

Thanks for taking the time to speak with me, Jeri.

Oh, it's my pleasure.

You have a beautiful accent. Where did you grow up?
你的口音很美。 你在哪兒長大的?

I grew up in England, in a city called Brighton.

How do you spell that?


Just like it sounds.


What was that like?.

It's a lovely city,  right by the sea. 
My family still lives there.
My father owns a restaurant, and my mother teaches school.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Well, I never thought I'd be a model! 
I wanted to be a doctor or maybe a writer.

Why not a model?

Well, I always thought I looked funny. 

I can't imagine it.
Were you popular when you were growing up?

Not really. 
I wasn't unpopular, but I wasn't in the popular crowd at school.
I had a nice group of friends, though. 

How did you like school?

Oh, I like school. 
I was a great student.
My mother actually taught at my primary school.
I always thought that was terrific.

How about your free time as a child.
Did you have a hobby?

I used to love to draw. 
Later I learned to paint, and I still do that.
Actually, I have some paintings in a gallery right now.

That's impressive.

Well, It's a very small exhibit. 
But it's something I really enjoy.

Did you have a favorite game when you were growing up?

I used to play video games a lot as a kid. 
The video games then were very different from the games now.
I didn't have a favorite, though.
I like a lot of them.

What about favorite place?

Hmm. My favorite place?
I used to go to a summer camp in Ireland.
I love that.
I got to go horseback riding almost every day. 

Do you still go to Ireland?

No. Not very often. 
不. 不常去

英語聽力練習 - 73

"English Listening Practice" (73)

Easy Story & Easy English

/English Story - /

【Chapter 5 - Adam changes his money order

I said nothing.
Mr Sheth gave me the money order back.
Then Mr Sheth smiled and said,

'I am very sorry.'
'You are an old man.' 
'You came a long way from your village.' 
'What can I give you to eat and drink?'

'I was not hungry.'
But Mr Sheth went out of the room.
Then he brought me some coffee and some cakes.
I drank my coffee.

'Old man,' 

said Mr Sheth, 

'I like to help people.'
'I am a rich man.'
'Give me your money order.'

I gave my money order to Mr sheth.

'Yes, this money order is wortshless.' 

he said again

'But I am going to help you.
'I am going to change this money order for you.' 
'I am going to give you some money.'

Mr Sheth went out of the room.
I felt very happy again.
After a few minutes the tall man came into the room.
He gave me an envelope.

'This is from Mr Sheth.' 
'You can go now.' 

the tall man said. 
I went out of the house.
I walked along the road to the bus station.
I opened the envelope and I took out my money.
I counted the money.
It was 10 pounds.
I thought about my only son, Soul.
My son, Saul had sent me a money order for 100 pounds.
Sheth had given me 10 pounds.
I felt old and I felt poor again.

2022年11月15日 星期二

英語聽力練習 - 72

"English Listening Practice" (72)

Easy Story & Easy English

/English Story - /

【Chapter 5 - Adam changes his money order

Later, a large black car came and the man went into the house.
A long time later, the tall man opened the door again.

'Come in now, please, and follow me,' 

he said.
I followed the tall man.
We went into a large room with fine carpets and big chairs.
Another man was in the room.
He was drinking.

'This is Mr Sheth, 

said the tall man.
'I am Adam of Minta Village, I replied.

'Yes, I know.' 

said Mr Sheth

'Thank you for the letter.'
'I hope I can help you.' 
'I like to help people.'
'Please sit down.'

Sheth smiled.
His clothes were new and smart.
'Thank you,' I said.

'Can I see the money order, please,'

Mr Sheth asked.
I took the money order out of my pocket
By now, the money order was dirty and looked very old.
I gave it to Mr Sheth.
'This money order is for 100 pounds.' 
I said, 
'My son sent it from a foreign country.'
Mr Sheth unfolded the money order and looked at it.

'You can't change this money order,' 

he said.

'This money order is not worth 100 pounds.'
'But this money order is worth nothing.'

'Worth nothing!'
I asked.
Then Mr Sheth looked at the money order again. 

'Yes, worthless.'
'Your son does not understand about money orders.'
'This money order is not correct for our country.' 

Mr sheth said.
Then he looked at the money order again and said,

'And this money order is also old.'
'It is out-of-date.'

I said nothing.
Mr Sheth gave me the money order back.
Then Mr Sheth smiled and said,

'I am very sorry.'
'You are an old man.' 
'You came a long way from your village.' 
'What can I give you to eat and drink?'

'I was not hungry.'
But Mr Sheth went out of the room.
Then he brought me some coffee and some cakes.
I drank my coffee.

'Old man,' 

said Mr Sheth, 

'I like to help people.'
'I am a rich man.'
'Give me your money order.'

I gave my money order to Mr sheth.

'Yes, this money order is wortshless.' 

he said again

'But I am going to help you.
'I am going to change this money order for you.' 
'I am going to give you some money.'

Mr Sheth went out of the room.
I felt very happy again.
After a few minutes the tall man came into the room.
He gave me an envelope.

'This is from Mr Sheth.' 
'You can go now.' 

the tall man said. 
I went out of the house.
I walked along the road to the bus station.
I opened the envelope and I took out my money.
I counted the money.
It was 10 pounds.
I thought about my only son, Soul.
My son, Saul had sent me a money order for 100 pounds.
Sheth had given me 10 pounds.
I felt old and I felt poor again.

2022年11月14日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 71

"English Listening Practice" (71)

Easy Story & Easy English

/English Story - /

【Chapter 5 - Adam changes his money order

Next day I told my story to all the villagers.
The villagers were angry.
Martha was very unhappy.
She said, 

'Saul is working very hard.' 
'He is sending money and we can't have the money.' 
'What are we going to do?'

I did not know.
Then in the evening the school teacher came to my house again.

'Adam perhaps I can help you,' 

The school teacher said, 

'Here is a letter to Mr Sheth.'

Sheth?' I said, 
'Who is he?'

'He's an important man in Darpur and he's a friend of my wife's cousin.'

Replied the school teacher. 

'This letter is to Mr Sheth.' 
'The letter is about your money order.'
'Perhaps he can help you.'

I took the letter and thanked the school teacher.
So I traveled to Darpur again, on Saturday, for the third time.
After a long time I found Mr Sheth's house.
The door was opened by a tall man.
'Can I see Mr Sheth?' I asked. 

'And who Are You?' 

The tall Man asked. 
'I have a letter for Mr Sheth.' I replied.

'I see.' 
'Can I have the letter, please?'

And the tall man held out his hand.
'The letter is here.' I said. 
And I took the letter out of my pocket. 
But I must see Mr Sheth.'

'Many people want to see Mr Sheth.' 

the tall man told me. 

'He is a very busy man and a very important man.' 
'Mr sheth is not here at the moment.' 
'But give me your letter and Mr Sheth will read it later.'

I gave the tall man the letter.
Then I waited.
Later, a large black car came and the man went into the house.
A long time later, the tall man opened the door again.

'Come in now, please, and follow me,' 

he said.
I followed the tall man.
We went into a large room with fine carpets and big chairs.
Another man was in the room.
He was drinking.

'This is Mr Sheth, 

said the tall man.
'I am Adam of Minta Village, I replied.

'Yes, I know.' 

said Mr Sheth

'Thank you for the letter.'
'I hope I can help you.' 
'I like to help people.'
'Please sit down.'

Sheth smiled.
His clothes were new and smart.
'Thank you,' I said.

'Can I see the money order, please,'

Mr Sheth asked.
I took the money order out of my pocket
By now, the money order was dirty and looked very old.
I gave it to Mr Sheth.
'This money order is for 100 pounds.' 
I said, 
'My son sent it from a foreign country.'
Mr Sheth unfolded the money order and looked at it.

'You can't change this money order,' 

he said.

'This money order is not worth 100 pounds.'
'But this money order is worth nothing.'

'Worth nothing!'
I asked.
Then Mr Sheth looked at the money order again. 

'Yes, worthless.'
'Your son does not understand about money orders.'
'This money order is not correct for our country.' 

Mr sheth said.
Then he looked at the money order again and said,

'And this money order is also old.'
'It is out-of-date.'

I said nothing.
Mr Sheth gave me the money order back.
Then Mr Sheth smiled and said,

'I am very sorry.'
'You are an old man.' 
'You came a long way from your village.' 
'What can I give you to eat and drink?'

'I was not hungry.'
But Mr Sheth went out of the room.
Then he brought me some coffee and some cakes.
I drank my coffee.

'Old man,' 

said Mr Sheth, 

'I like to help people.'
'I am a rich man.'
'Give me your money order.'

I gave my money order to Mr sheth.

'Yes, this money order is wortshless.' 

he said again

'But I am going to help you.
'I am going to change this money order for you.' 
'I am going to give you some money.'

Mr Sheth went out of the room.
I felt very happy again.
After a few minutes the tall man came into the room.
He gave me an envelope.

'This is from Mr Sheth.' 
'You can go now.' 

the tall man said. 
I went out of the house.
I walked along the road to the bus station.
I opened the envelope and I took out my money.
I counted the money.
It was 10 pounds.
I thought about my only son, Soul.
My son, Saul had sent me a money order for 100 pounds.
Sheth had given me 10 pounds.
I felt old and I felt poor again.