2022年12月14日 星期三

英語聽力練習 - 95

"English Listening Practice" (95)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

I am feeling under the weather 我感覺不舒服

Good morning, Bob. 早上好,鮑勃。
Good morning, Shelly. 早上好,雪麗。
Where is Nina? Didn't she go to work with you? 
妮娜在哪裡? 她不是跟妳一起工作的嗎?
Uh, Nina is still under the weather. 呃,妮娜還在不舒服。
She's ill, hmm. 她病了,嗯。
No, she's still a bit drunk after the party. 不,派對後她還有點醉。
We don't think she's sober enough to go to work, so Nina took an absence today. 我們認為她沒有清醒到可以去上班,所以娜今天請假了。
Oh, I see. 哦,我明白了。
It was so bad that you couldn't come to the party last night, shaylee.
Hmm. Why so? 唔。 為什麼這樣?
At the party last night. 在昨晚的聚會上。
Boss ordered a lot of pizzas and drinks for us.
People were eating chitchatting, dancing, and eating again. 
We had a lot of fun. 我們玩得很開心。
But it was probably because of the pizza. 但可能是因為披薩...
Some people had troubles after eating too. 有些人吃了太多之後,有了麻煩。
They vomited. 他們嘔吐了。
It was such a stinky mess. 真是一團糟。
When checking if Nina was doing OK. 當檢查妮娜是否沒事時...
She looked totally under the weather. 她看起來完全不行了...
I mean, she was wasted when I saw her. 
Nina, you are such a party animal, 妮娜,妳真是個派對狂!
but I think you should stop drinking, my friends.
Who are you? Are you Bob? 你是誰? 鮑勃嗎?

Yes, I am. 是的,我是。
Nice to meet you, Bob. 很高興認識你,鮑勃。
Ohh, this is my favorite song. 哦,這是我最喜歡的歌。
It is. Let's dance. 是嗎?那我們跳舞吧。
OK, so you guys kept dancing and drinking more. 
Not for long, shaylee. 時間不長,雪麗。
Nina threw up on me when we were in the middle of the dancing. 
Ew, Yucky Nina. 妮娜,你好噁心.
Oh come on, this is my favorite T-shirt. 哦,拜託,這是我最喜歡的T恤。
Not anymore. 不再是了。

I told you 2. 我告訴過你們兩個。
If you hadn't drunk too much, you would not be under the weather now. 
Yeah, I regret it so much now. 是的,我現在非常後悔。