2005年7月31日 星期日

2005年7月23日 星期六


顧此失彼 羚羊裝死趁機逃離魔爪goo.gl/xf9HBO




2005年7月19日 星期二

跑 〜 轉 〜 跳 〜仆 〜 咚 〜 痛

)))>Д<(((       )))>Д<((( 
)))>Д<(((       )))>Д<(((

2005年7月17日 星期日


飛天狗 借助層次彈力 極盡伸展的美姿跳遠goo.gl/eGXPRT

2005年7月13日 星期三


To:小黃 - 要做的事情
1. 澆花。
2. 倒垃圾。
3. 修剪草坪。

2005年7月7日 星期四

2005年7月6日 星期三


What did the five fingers say to the face?goo.gl/2vlZwf


隨興英語(007) - stuffy & oppressive

【隨興英語 - 007】【 stuffy & oppressive  – 不通風的 & 沉悶的 】

a stuffy room:空氣不流通的房間。oppressive heat:悶熱。

雖然中文可以說【空氣悶】,但是在英語中,stuffy 和 oppressive 等的主詞不能是【air】,而應當是某個地方,如 theatre(戲院),classrooom(教室)等名詞。

【誤】:The air in this low-ceilinged room was stuffy and oppressive.
【正】:This low-ceilinged room was stuffy and oppressive.

2005年7月4日 星期一

隨興英語(006) - not so bad

【隨興英語 - 006】【 not so bad  – 還湊合;不錯;也不賴 】
spoken used to say that something is not as bad as expected
It's not so bad. 情況沒你想的那麼糟。

How are you feeling today?  Not so bad.
【你今天感覺怎樣? 還不錯.】
The price is not so bad , let ' s just buy it .


隨興英語(005) - end of story

【隨興英語 - 005end of story  – 就這樣就這樣,不用多說

It is used when we make a statement about something and we feel there is nothing more to be said about it. This is because we think the statement contains such truth that nobody could argue against it. For example:

I’m right. He’s wrong. end of story【我對;他錯。就這樣,不用多說!

If you invest in this company, you’ll make a lot of money. End of story.

A: Why did Oscar buy that car? It’s so old and ugly.
B: He bought it because it was cheap, and he hates to spend money. End of story.

2005年7月3日 星期日

狗狗 – 空翻跑酷

狗狗依主人的信號 作出姿態優美的 空翻跑酷goo.gl/0X00Wv

隨興英語(004) - in no time

【隨興英語 - 004in no time  – 立刻;馬上;立即】

We use it when we want to say that something will happen very quickly. Let me give you some ways to use it in sentences.

I'll be back in no time.【我馬上就回來。】
If we take the bullet train, we’ll get to Osaka in no time.【如果我們坐子彈列車,我們很快就會到大阪。】

2005年7月2日 星期六

隨興英語(003) - a wake-up call

【隨興英語 - 003a wake-up call  – 敲響警鐘一記警鐘;叫醒電話】

We use it when we want to talk about an event which makes a person realize that they have to change some kind of negative behavior. Let me give you some ways to use it in sentences

I used to smoke, but when my friend died of lung cancer, it was really a wake-up call for me. I quit smoking very soon after that.【我以前抽煙,但是當我的朋友死於肺癌時,這真是一記警鐘。之後我很快就戒菸了.
My son has been lazy about studying, so he failed his last exam. I hope that will be a wake-up call for him.【我的兒子已經懶得學習,所以上次考試不及格。我希望這將是一個喚醒他的警鐘.



隨興英語(002) - don’t get one's hopes up

【隨興英語 - 002】【 don’t get one's hopes up – 別抱太大希望 】

We use this when we want to talk about a situation in which a person wants something to happen. However, there is a strong possibility it won’t happen, so someone else encourages them to expect that it won’t happen. Here are some example sentences:

Don’t tell Sue you can take her to Disneyland if you’re not sure. I don’t want you to get her hopes up.【不要告訴蘇,你可以帶她到迪士尼樂園,如果你不確定。我不希望你讓她抱太大希望。】

A: Valerie said she’d help me move.
B: Don’t get your hopes up. She always agrees to help people, but then she doesn’t.

【圖: 別對致命的完美抱太大希望 - 那是需要條件的 :http://goo.gl/fqp9ME】

越野摩托車 - 空翻技巧

越野摩托車 - 空翻技巧goo.gl/OBsuos

隨興英語(001) - when pigs fly

隨興英語 (001) - when pigs fly - 無稽之談;永無可能;絕不可能

This expression means “never” because pigs will never be able to fly. So if someone asks you when you will do something and you know you will never do it, this expression can be very useful.

When we want to say that something is never going to happen or that we have no intention at all of doing something. For example:

I will trust you when pigs fly. 我絕不會相信你.
She will do that for you only when pigs fly! 要她為你做那事是決不可能的!

A: When are you going to finally go out with me?
B: When pigs fly! I’m never going to be your girlfriend!

2005年7月1日 星期五