2022年12月29日 星期四

五分鐘英語練習- 003

"Five minutes English practice" (003)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.

What were you doing?

Dialogue 3. What were you doing? 
Hi, Gloria. Good morning. How are you? 
Good morning, Tiffany. I'm fine, thanks. What about you? 
I'm great. Thanks. 
Hey, by the way, what were you doing when I called you last night? 
你在做什麼?when 我打電話給你的時候,昨晚。

There seemed to be a lot of noises. 

The customer seemed unhappy with our service.
不滿意 with 我們的服務。

It seems like a good idea.
這似乎 like 好主意。

They seemed as if they hadn’t slept all night.
他們看起來 as if 都沒有睡,一整晚

but you said you were busy, so I didn't have the chance to ask. 

Ohh, I'm sorry again for all the noises my nieces and nephew came over. Yesterday was my sister's five year wedding anniversary, so she and her husband were going out on a date at a nearby French restaurant. My husband and I wanted them to enjoy their romantic dinner, so we agreed to watch the kids for them.

Ah, I see. How many nieces and nephews do you have? I have only one nephew who just turned 5 in twin nieces who are only three. Oh nice. And you have two kids. So yesterday you were watching 5 kids in total. Yeah, basically. Oh my God, I love children. But watching 5 kids at the same time must be so hard. Yeah, you're not wrong at all. Last night all of them were playing games and watching cartoons together. I tried to tell them to keep it down, but it was impossible. It's the same for my kids. The kids are still small, so it's understandable why they're naughty. Yeah, I guess.