2022年10月24日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 46


"English Listening Practice" (46)

wordpraise [preɪz]  [vt.] 讚美

The word 'praise' means 'to say something nice about someone'.
'Praise' 一詞的意思是「對某人說些好話」。

sentence pattern - 句型

praise + 人 + for  + doing (某事)

for example

The teacher praised Mary for her wonderful report.

wordpraise [preɪz]  [n.] 讚美

The word 'praise' can also be used as a noun, meaning "to win good reviews".

for example

The movie has won praise from children and adults alike.

word】/nu-me-rous [ˈnuːmərəs]  [adj.] 許多的

'Numerous' means 'many' or 'plenty of' .
'Numerous' 的意思是 'many' 或 'plenty of'。

for example

You can see numerous stars in the clear night sky.

word】com-/pare [kəmˈper]  [vt.] 將...比擬為...

'Compare' means 'to think of someone or something as someone or something else' .
'Compare' 的意思是 "將某人或某物視為(其他的)某人或某物"。

compare A to B (把A比擬為B)
= A be compared to B (被動語態)
= think of A as B 
= regard A as B
= see / view  A as B
= consider A (to be) B

example sentences

Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.

The singer's beautiful voice is compared to that of an angel.
這句的主詞為 'voice' ,聲音是 「事物」不能跟「天使」作比喻,應該跟「天使的聲音」做比喻,因此,以代名詞 that 來代天使的「聲音」。

think of him as someone who will always help me.

Frank's friends regard him as a walking dictionary because he is knowledgeable.

We have to see our improvement as being the result of our hard work, not luck.

Sheila's parents love her so much that they view her as a princess.

Many people consider red (to be) associated with luck.

Difference between 'be compared to' and 'be compared with'

A be compared to B:A 被比擬為 B

Her life is compared to a movie.

A be compared with B:A 被拿來跟 B 比較

I hate that my mom compares me with my sister every time.