2022年10月7日 星期五

英語聽力練習 - 33

"English Listening Practice" (33)

How to talk about movies in English -7

【key words】

gravity [ˈɡrævəti] n. 地心引力

the movie Gravity:電影《地心引力》

alien [ˈeɪliən] adj. n. 外星人

feature aliens:以外星人為特寫

astronaut [ˈæstrənɔːt] n. 太空人

American astronauts:美國太空人

orbit [ˈɔːrbɪt] n. 軌道

in orbit around the Earth:在環繞地球的軌道上

atmospheric [ˌætməsˈferɪk] adj. 大氣(層)的

atmospheric pressure:大氣壓力

terror [ˈterər] n. (暴行引起的) 恐懼,驚駭

loneliness and terror:孤獨與恐懼

rave [rev] vi. (通常指因爲心煩、憤怒或生病而) 語無倫次

rave about:大肆吹捧

beforehand [bɪˈfɔːrhænd] adv. 預先

to make arrangement beforehand:預先安排


Finally, let’s see how you can put all of this language together into a longer answer.
Your job is to make a longer answer using language from this lesson to talk about a movie which you’ve seen.
You need to say what kind of movie it is, give some basic information about it, say if you like or dislike it, and explain why.
Before you do that, let’s do some examples together!
Here’s one:
I’m going to tell you about the movie Gravity, which is one of my favourite movies from the last few years.
It’s kind of a sci-fi movie, but it’s set in the present day and it doesn’t feature aliens or anything like that, so you could say that it’s more of a thriller.
It was directed by Alfonso Cuarón, and it stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as two American astronauts.

Most of the story takes place in space, in orbit around the Earth.
I really like it because the visuals and the special effects are incredible; it’s really atmospheric, and it gives you a good sense of the loneliness and terror of being stranded in space.
我真的很喜歡它,因為它的視覺效果和特效令人難以置信; 它真的富有大氣層氣氛,它讓你很好地感受到了被困在太空中的孤獨和恐懼。
I would say it’s one of the best space movies I’ve ever seen.

Could you make an answer like this?
Before you try, let’s do one more example together:
I never saw Titanic until quite recently.
Everyone raves about it like it’s the best movie ever made, but honestly I wasn’t impressed.
The cast was good; Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet are great actors, but I found it boring.
演員陣容很好; 李奧納多狄卡皮歐和凱特溫斯蕾都是很棒的演員,但我覺得它很枯燥乏味。
The biggest problem is that it’s predictable.
You know the story beforehand, so there can’t be any surprises.
I also thought it was too long and slow; it’s over three hours, but there’s not enough plot to fill so much time.’
我也認為它太長太慢了; 片長超過三個小時,但是沒有足夠的情節來填補這麼多時間。
OK, now it’s your turn.
Use the language from this video, and look up any other words you need.

Then, make your longer answer and say it aloud, or write it down, or both!
Don’t forget that if you really want to practise effectively, you should make many different answers, and also practise saying each answer aloud multiple times.

If you want, you can leave one of your answers in the comments.

We’ll give you some feedback and corrections!

Thanks for watching!

See you next time!