2022年10月11日 星期二

英語聽力練習 - 37

"English Listening Practice" (37)

courtyard [ˈkɔ:rtjɑ:rd]

A courtyard is an open area of ground which is surrounded by buildings or walls.庭院;院子;天井
【字根】court = court,表示:宮廷。
【後綴】yard = yard,表:院子。
【分析】courtyard 宮廷院子。引申為:庭院

For example

Nikol entered the courtyard.

Rise at dawn and sweep the courtyard.

arch   [ɑːrtʃ] n. 拱門
Now step through this arch.
Passing through the arch, you enter an open courtyard.


cobbled   [ˈkɑːbld] adj. 鋪鵝卵石的
cobbled streets
The streets of the main village are still cobbled.


They walked through the arch and into the cobbled courtyard.

embrace [ɛmˈbres] v. 擁抱

If you embrace someone, you put your arms around them and hold them tightly, usually in order to show your love or affection for them. You can also say that two people embrace .抱;擁抱
【前綴】em = into,表:進入…之中。
【字根】brace = two arms,表示:兩臂;胳膊。
【分析】embrace 進入兩臂之中。引申為:擁抱

For example
I couldn't find it in me to embrace him. 我打心眼裡不想擁抱他。
couldn't find it = 找不到
"in me" is short for "inside my heart",

hug [hʌɡ] v. 擁抱

Affectionate embrace (深情的擁抱)

warm hug (熱情的擁抱)

《embrace vs hug》

An embrace is basically the same thing as a hug. "Hug" is said more often.

'Embrace' 與 'Hug' 基本相同。 “擁抱”的說法更頻繁。

An embrace is normally longer than a hug. You might hug a distant relative but embrace your partner.
"embrace" 通常比 "hug" 長。 你可能會 "hug" 遠親,但 "embrace" 你的伴侶。

For example

They embraced and promised to keep in touch. 

She embraced her son warmly. 

They greeted each other with bear hugs. 

The two friends greeted each other with bear hugs. 

component [kəmˈpoʊnənt] n. 零件;組成部分

【前綴】com = together,表:一起。
【字根】pon = put,表示:放置。
【分析】component 放到一起的東西。引申為:成分;零件;[]要素

For example

computer components 電腦零件

The management plan has four main components. 管理計畫有4個主要部分

compatible [kəmˈpætəbəl] adj. 相容的;諧調的

【前綴】com = together,表:一起。
【字根】pati = feeling,表示:感情;忍耐;遭受。
【分析】:compatible = 有共同感情;能相處的。引申為:相容的;和諧的

For example

compatible element 相容的元素

Such policies are not compatible with democratic government.此類政策與民主政體格格不入。
candor [ˈkændɚ] n. 坦率;公正
【字根】cand = white/glow,表示:白;發光。
【分析】candor = 潔白而且發光。引申為:坦率;公正

For example
a man of refreshing candor 令人耳目一新的坦率之人
The candor of the speech impressed the audience.演講的坦率給聽眾留下了深刻的印象。

cacophony [kəˈkɑ:fəni雜音

【前綴】caco = cac = bad,表:壞的。
【字根】phon = sound,表示:聲音。
【分析】cacophony = 壞的聲音。引申為:刺耳的聲音;不和諧的聲音

For example

What a cacophony!多麼刺耳的聲音!
All around was bubbling a cacophony of voices. 周圍人聲嘈雜