2023年2月13日 星期一

五分鐘英語練習- 036


五分鐘英語練習 (036)
"Five minutes English practice" (036)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.

Casual English - 隨興英語
Let's shake off the Taiwanese English!
隨興英語 (004) - like fingernails on a chalkboard – 非常煩人
'Like fingernails on a chalkboard' means: extremely annoying
This idiom means "extremely annoying".
這句成語的意思是 "非常煩人"。

The lyrics of the song sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard.
這首歌的歌詞聽起來像黑板上的指甲 - 非常煩。

Easily Confused Word 容易混淆的單字

great - grand - grate - grind

[ɡreɪt] - [ɡrænd] - [greɪt] - [ɡraɪnd]

great 和 grand 耳熟能詳,皆有 'big' 的意思;但 grate 和 grind 則不然,兩者皆跟 "磨碎;壓碎" 有關。

grind the teeth

The sound of someone grinding his teeth is like fingernails on a chalkboard for me.
有人磨牙的聲音對我來說就像黑板上的指甲 - 非常煩人。

If you're like most people, you probably can't stand the sound of fingernails scraping across a chalkboard. 

cringing [krɪndʒŋ] v. adj 畏縮
"cringing" 是 "cringe" 的現在分詞,可轉化為主動形容詞,充當連綴動詞 be 的主詞補語。
字根 "cringe" 表 "to bend or crouch, especially with servility or fear - 彎腰或蹲下,尤指奴性或恐懼" 。
"cringing" 主要的意思是 "畏縮",記憶方式可採 "因畏縮而cry"。

I mean, you're probably cringing just thinking about it.

The sound is so disliked that scientists have actually researched why it evokes such a visceral reaction, and the answer lies, in part in what the screechy sounds sounds like. The noise made by nails on a chalkboard has the same frequency as the sounds of a baby crying or a person screaming 2 sounds. They're universally unpleasant, and the way those sounds bounce around in our ears might make it worse. The shape of the human ear canal can amplify sounds of these frequencies. Now, years ago, that could have had its benefits. If humans could better hear the sounds of people screaming, they could know if they were in danger. But nowadays it's just annoying and our brain knows it. In one study, people had their brain scanned while listening to the hair raising noises of fingernails on a chalk.

Sorry, those screechy sounds cause the parts of the brain related to hearing and negative emotions light up and talk to each other. Basically the brain's way of saying I hear this and I do not like it. Nails on a chalkboard. Just another one of life's little mysteries.