2023年3月24日 星期五

五分鐘英語練習- 076


五分鐘英語練習 (076)
"Five minutes English practice" (076)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

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【Casual English - 隨興英語】

隨興英語 (019) - beat around the bush – (說話)轉彎抹角,兜圈子

「beat around / about the bush」

Don't beat around the bush - get to the point!

Sometimes we do this 
if we are uncomfortable, 
if we're talking about something 
that's a little bit difficult to talk about 
or maybe something 
we don't really want to talk about. 

So you might say, for example, 
stop beating around the Bush. 
Tell me, do you want to date me or not? 
Someone is being too indirect about this. 
We often use this with words like 
don't beat around the bushes, 
stop beating around the Bush, 
why are you beating around the Bush? 

We usually use this in these kind of negative ways, 
because it's usually not seen as a good thing 
to beat around the Bush. 
You should just get to the point.

Beating around the Bush. The meaning of this idiom is. 
Avoiding the main topic and not speaking directly about it. 
When John got his grades, he did not want to have dinner with his parents. 
He kept beating around the Bush.

Beating around the Bush. The meaning of this idiom is. Avoiding the main topic and not speaking directly about it.

Welcome to English in a minute. Sometimes it's hard to communicate clearly and directly. Hmm. Let's hope Anna and Jonathan are extra clear about what this means. I have news. OK, what is it? You can't tell anyone else, OK? And you have to still be my friend, of course. Honor. Stop beating around the Bush and tell me what it is, OK? I got a job offer. If you beat around the Bush, you do whatever you can to avoid saying something. In medieval times, hunting groups used sticks to beat around bushes. But they wouldn't directly hit the bushes because they didn't know what else might be in there. And that's English in a minute.


excited or exciting?

Which version is correct?

I have had a very excited career.

I have had a very exciting career.

Excited is an adjective that describes when someone feels happy and enthusiastic about something. 
For example: 
She was so excited that she couldn't sleep. 

Exciting is an adjective that means something is making you excited. 
For example: 
The football match was so exciting!