2023年3月21日 星期二

五分鐘英語練習- 073


五分鐘英語練習 (073)
"Five minutes English practice" (073)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

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【Casual English - 隨興英語】

隨興英語 (017) - tip of the iceberg – (重大問題的)冰山一角

tip [tɪp] n. 尖;頂端

iceberg [ˈaɪsbɜːrɡ] n. 冰山
a large mass of ice floating in the sea.

Main Topic: tip of the iceberg 
本日主題: 冰山一角(用來提醒別人,針對一件事情,需要注意其他不容易看到的地方,通常那才是事情的癥結點所在) 
"Tip of the iceberg" means a part of something which is easily seen but there are many more parts hidden, one of which could be the real issue or the most influential one. We usually use "tip of the iceberg" to tell people do not be convinced easily by a superficial story. Instead, we should go further to confirm. 
"Tip of the iceberg" 的意思是指容易看見的一部分但是有更多的部分是你還沒有看到的,可能 其中一個你沒有觀察到的才是正的問題點或是最有影響力的部分。我們通常使用"tip of the iceberg"告訴別人別被表面的事物給迷惑住。我們應該要進入更深的一層去探究,別只被表面、容 易被看見的部分給侷限住、說服。 
To avoid bare memorization in Chinese, we are going to use informative pictures as a hammer. Speaking to iceberg, you must be very familiar because of the classic movie "Titanic". The Titanic struck the iceberg and finally its wrecks sank to the deep ocean. Iceberg means ice mountain, please refer to picture.1. Tip means the thin pointed end of something, for example fingertip, nose tip, etc. Please refer to picture.2. So far I believe the image of the tip of the iceberg must rise in your imagination system, please refer to picture.3 
為了讓各位讀者遠離中文死背,我們現在要利用圖解方式讓大家了解其意思後,自然而然就塞入腦袋裡 囉。說到iceberg,你一定非常熟悉,因為鐵達尼號就是撞到冰山後,最後其殘骸都沉入深海中。 iceberg就是冰山的意思請參考圖.1。Tip通常是指尖端,例如,指尖、鼻尖等等。請參考圖.2。到 目前為止我相信針對 tip of the iceberg應該都有畫面浮現在各位腦海中了吧,請參考圖.3

Welcome to English in a minute. 
An iceberg is a large mass of ice floating on the water. 
Here is an idiom about icebergs. 
Did you see that story about the university scandal? 
A professor got in trouble for giving 90% of his students aid.
Some hadn't even come to class all semester. 
It's a huge scandal. 
That's probably just the tip of the iceberg. 
I bet there are more teachers and maybe even administrators involved. 
If something is the tip of the iceberg, it's a small part of a much larger issue. 
Most of an iceberg is actually underwater. 
The bigger danger is below the surface. 
People usually use this idiom when talking about a problem. 
and that's English in a minute.

一位教授因為給他90%的學生打了 "A級分" 而陷入困境。

scandal [ˈskændl] n. 醜聞

A scandal is a situation or event that is thought to be shocking and immoral and that everyone knows about.

A scandal is a situation or event 
that is thought to be shocking and immoral
and that everyone knows about.