2023年3月18日 星期六

五分鐘英語練習- 070


五分鐘英語練習 (070)
"Five minutes English practice" (070)

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【Casual English - 隨興英語】

隨興英語 (014) - Every cloud has a silver lining. – 黑暗中總有一線光明

英文有一句諺語是 "Every cloud has a silver lining." 意思是每朵雲都有一條銀邊,這比喻有些日子雖看起來很不愉快、很不幸,但終歸都有一絲慰藉透現。同樣的,即使遇上不幸,總會有一線希望!

a silver lining:(失望或不幸中的)一線希望;一點慰藉

If you talk about a silver lining, you are talking about something positive that comes out of a sad or unpleasant situation.
The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.

If you say that every cloud has a silver lining, you mean that every sad or unpleasant situation has a positive side to it.
As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.

Every cloud has a silver lining.

此諺語字面上的意思是「每一朵雲都有一道銀邊」,指「天無絕人之路」;即使天空看似烏雲密佈,也總會透出一道光。當你的朋友發生了不太 OK 的事,你就可以用這句話安慰他,事情沒有像世界末日那樣糟。囊括   2013 年奧斯卡金像獎多項獎座的電影《派特的幸福劇本》Silver Linings Playbook  片名也和此寓意相關。
你也會看到老外直接寫/說 “See the silver lining.” 或 “See a silver lining.”,意思是一樣的,就是要對方看開點、往好處想,是相當實用的日常用語。
A:  The store is going to cut back my hours.
B:  That means you’ll have more free time. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Hello, and welcome to info cloud. 
Have you ever heard the expression, every cloud has a silver lining? 
It's a pretty common expression in English. 
It means that every bad situation also has good things that come out of it. 
If you imagine a dark cloud hiding the sun, 
at the edge of the cloud there is a part where the sun shines through, 
and that part has a silver glow to it. 
I like to think of this saying as a reminder that difficult times will pass and you will see some sort of good effects from living through hard times. 
Let's say you lose your job and because of that you really go through some financial difficulties and you find yourself at home a lot. 
你是否聽說過 "每朵雲都有一線生機 "的說法。

But you discover that you really enjoy having the time to spend with your kids, and that makes you think about the important things that you do have. 
So the silver lining is that you realize making money isn't as important as time with family that might just go to show that every cloud has a silver lining. 
I really do think that if you look hard enough, you will find that to be absolutely true. 
Every cloud has a silver lining. 


So when you're changing PZ, highlight in when you list the sofa, every cloud has a silver lining you unless your own side Quinn and the big hole, don't you, Wang Ji?

The NATO. Is Guangdong in way your Thai Yang Taipei ho, silver lining Joshua Uin Joey told you like the insert guangyang Zhangjiajie Hunan Pico so is. Like what? Rugani. I'm sure every cloud has a silver lining. Justinian info cloud.

Hello and welcome to Info Cloud Have you ever heard the expression every
cloud has a silver lining? It's a pretty common expression in English
it means that every bad situation also has good things that come out of it if
you imagine a dark cloud hiding the sun at the edge of the cloud there is a part
where the sun shines through and that part has a silver glow to it I like to
think of this saying as a reminder that difficult times will pass and you will
see some sort of good effects from living through hard times let's say you
lose your job and because of that you really go through some financial
difficulties and you find yourself at home a lot but you discover that you
really enjoy having the time to spend with your kids and that makes you think
about the important things that you do have so the silver lining is that you
realize making money isn't as important as time with family that might just go
to show that every cloud has a silver lining I really do think that if you
look hard enough you will find that to be absolutely true every cloud has a
silver lining

Every cloud has a silver lining. 
This means that there is something good in every bad situation. 
So you might say lockdowns were really tough this year, but I guess every cloud has a silver lining. 
I got to spend some quiet time doing some enjoyable things with my family. 
We often add, I guess before this idiom, I guess every cloud has a silver lining and that means that you know, it's not 100% good. 
Of course, lockdowns were not 100% good. 
There was a lot of awful things that happened because of lockdowns. 
But we could say, well, there there's a little bit, there's a silver lining. 
There's a little bit of good that we can try to find in this difficult situation. 
The cloud is the difficult situation. 
There's a silver lining. 
Well, I got to have some quiet family time together.


Every cloud has a silver lining. This means that there is something good in every bad situation. So you might say lockdowns were really tough this year, but I guess every cloud has a silver lining. I got to spend some quiet time doing some enjoyable things with my family. We often add, I guess before this idiom, I guess every cloud has a silver lining and that means that, you know, it's not 100%.