2023年3月1日 星期三

五分鐘英語練習- 052


五分鐘英語練習 (052)
"Five minutes English practice" (052)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

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English Sentence Structure - 英文活用句型
【英文活用句型 (006)
Guess the Electronic Device | Learn English through Games

I was born ready我打從娘胎就準備好了;我生來就準備好了

A: Are you ready to rock and roll tonight?
B: I was born ready, let's rock!
A: 你準備好今晚瘋狂開趴了嗎?
B: 我打從娘胎就準備好了!

Rule #1 never worked near where you live. Rule #2 don't write anything down. In the car. Hey, could you stay in the car? I like to play this for the drawing on the 22nd. Yeah. You know the odds of the same numbers hitting in the same month? The same numbers hitting ever? Ohh that's why I changed one. Waste your dollars. Hey, you financial advisor. No, you're a cashier to convenience store. Take his dollar and give him a ticket for the 22nd. You're ready for this. I was born ready. But I missed that there.

規則1 絕不在你住的地方附近工作。規則2:不要寫下任何東西。在車內。嘿,你能呆在車裡嗎?我喜歡為22日的抽獎玩這個。好的。你知道相同的數字在同一個月中出現的機率嗎?同樣的號碼中過嗎?哦,這就是為什麼我換了一個。浪費你的錢。嘿,你這個財務顧問。不,你是便利店的收銀員。拿著他的美元,給他一張22號的票。你已經準備好了。我天生就準備好了。但我錯過了。
