2023年2月19日 星期日

五分鐘英語練習- 043


五分鐘英語練習 (043)
"Five minutes English practice" (043)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

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Grammar Practice - 文法練習

文法練習 (005) - Verbs that often require an object complement – 經常需要受詞補語的動詞

【S+Vt+O+OC - Example Sentence (3)】


We heard Lily sing the song. It was really beautiful!
我們聽到 Lily 唱那首歌。那真的很優美!
因為後面加上的是原形動詞 sing,所以強調的是「唱歌的整個過程」。

We all noticed Luke _____ a weird hat.
(我們都注意到 Luke 戴了一頂奇怪的帽子。)
(A) to wear (B) wear (C) wore
The crowd cheered as they watched the athletes _____ through the finish line.
(A) to run (B) ran (C) run

Janet was glad to see her leaky roof fixed.
Janet was glad to see her leaky roof repaired.
Janet saw her leaky roof repaired happily.

With a single phrase, Martin Luther King,Jr
joined Jefferson and Lincoln in the ranks of men who've shaped modern America.