2022年12月15日 星期四

英語聽力練習 - 96

"English Listening Practice" (96)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Marriage. 婚姻

Watch the following video to see how the characters talk about married life and their views on marriage. 
Marriage conflicts.情境之一:婚姻衝突

Why are you looking so tired these days, Jack? 
Yeah, my wife and I are having a difficult time these days. 
We are fighting all the time. She seems to change so much after having a baby. 
我們無時無刻不在戰鬥。 生完孩子後,她好像變了很多。
Really? What's wrong? 真的嗎? 怎麼了?
Ah, it's all these little things that keep adding up, so I'm very tired.
For example, I came home from work being so tired and the house was a mess sometimes I threw my clothes away on the floor thinking it's messy anyway. 
I would clean up everything later, but she was extremely angry with me about that. 我稍後會清理所有東西,但她對此非常生我的氣。
OK. Is there anything else? 好。 還有別的事嗎?
Another? OK, milk bottle story. For example, there was some milk leftover. She asked me to empty the bottle and wash it. 
其他? 好的,牛奶瓶的故事。 例如,剩下一些牛奶。 她讓我把瓶子倒空洗乾淨。
But I was so busy that day that I forgot when she found out, she grumbled all night. 
You were tired all day at work. Then come home and have to listen to your wife. Be cranky. Are you happy?
你整天工作很累。 然後回家就得聽老婆的。 胡思亂想。 你快樂嗎?
OK, got it. I think you should have more sympathy with your wife. She just gave birth. 
好的,我知道了。 我認為你應該對你的妻子多一些同情。 她剛生完孩子。
Many women also experienced postpartum depression, so it's normal to get angry easily. 很多女性也有過產後抑鬱症,所以容易生氣是正常的。
Besides, you're the one who made mistakes anyway, your reason for everything is that you come home from work being tired?

But it may be even more tying for her to take care of the baby alone all day. At least you shouldn't add more work for her right? 
但整天一個人帶娃,對她來說可能更累(束縛)。 至少你不應該為她增加更多的工作,對吧?
back to the milk bottle. You don't know how carefully mothers take care of their babies. 
Just thinking about the bacteria multiplying in the baby's bottle is driving them crazy. 
Besides, maybe she needed a bottle for her baby right away, but she didn't have one. 
Washing and cleaning the bottle also takes time, baby. Can't wait, you know.
Yeah, it seems like I was too careless actually. I'm not mad at her at all. 
I'm just a little tired of hearing complaints all day long. 
Then you should think about how tired she is from the lack of sleep to take care of the baby. 
I think if you apologize to her and explain that you are also a first-time father.
You may make many mistakes but will try to help her more. I think she will be happy again.

Say again? I understand. Thank you. I will try to talk to her and help her more. 
再說一遍? 我明白。 謝謝你。 我將嘗試與她交談並為她提供更多幫助。

Will you do me the honour of being your husband? 
Lily time flies so fast, it's already our two year anniversary. 
Right. So quick. I'm glad I had you by my side all this time. 
是啊。 這麼快。 很慶幸這段時間有你在身邊。
So am I. Today I order this crab soup. I know you like it a lot. Try it.
我也是。今天我點了這個蟹湯。 我知道你很喜歡它。 試試看。
So delicious. I love it. Thank you. I still remember on our first date you took me here and let me try it. 
真美味。 我喜歡它。 謝謝你。 我還記得我們第一次約會時你帶我來這裡讓我試一試。
John. I saw something on the plate. Let me finish the soup. 
約翰, 我在盤子上看到了一些東西。 讓我把湯喝完。
Oh my God, John.哦,天哪,約翰。
Lily, these two years with you have been the happiest time of my life. 
We have gone through many ups and downs together many challenges, and grown up together every single day. 
I now know that you and I are truly meant to be together. You are the one I've been waiting for my whole life. 
我現在知道你和我真的注定要在一起。 你是我等了一輩子的人。
I believe it is the time we should move. One step forward. 
Lily, Let's get married. Let's spend the rest of our lives together. 
莉莉,我們結婚吧。 讓我們一起度過餘生。
Will you do me the honour of being your husband? 
Yes, John, of course, yes. 
She said yes!
Oh my God, John, I was so surprised. What if I didn't finish the soup? 
哦,天哪,約翰,我太驚訝了。 如果我沒喝完湯怎麼辦?
I knew you would finish it very quickly. I know you too well, Lily.