2022年12月5日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 86

"English Listening Practice" (86)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Unit 13 make an appointment for later.

單元 13:相約在稍後

Oh, that was not easy, but I finally found the toilet.


Are you ready to go, Bob?


Yes, Al, I'm ready.


Do you want to invite Michelle?


Yeah. Hey Michelle, would you like to go see a movie with us?


Well, that sounds like fun. Where will you go?


What will be going on in about another 10 minutes?

大約再過 10 分鐘。

10 minutes.

10 分鐘。

Oh, that is too soon. I have to wait for the staff to arrive.

哦,那太快了。 我必須等工作人員到達(接班)。

Uh, when will your staff arrive?


About an hour. Please go on without me.

大約一小時。 你們自個兒去看,我抱歉失陪。

No, no, no, no, no. We can wait.

不,不,不,不,不。 我們可以等。 Oh, go on without me.


What about after the movie?


Will you be free then, Michelle?


Well, I'm supposed to meet a friend in about 2 hours.

我預定在大約 2 小時內會與一位朋友會面。

And then I'm just going to go home.


Oh, so you're busy then?


Well, why don't you stop here after the movie and tell me how it was?


Yeah, that would be great.


OK uh, we'll see you here after the movie in about 2 hours, OK?

好呦,我們大約 2 小時電影結束後在這裡見,好嗎?

Sounds great. OK. OK. Bye. Bye. Bye, Bob. Unit 14 choosing a movie.

第 14 單元:選擇一部電影

Wow, this is a big theater.


Yeah, they have 10 movie screens.

是的,他們有 10 個電影螢幕。

Do you want to see every movie?


I don't think so. I think one movie is enough.


Don't think so. I think one movie is enough.

What's this about Iron Ladies 2?

《鐵娘子2 - 人妖打排球》怎樣?

Ohh, that's a foreign film.


It's about a transsexual volleyball team.


I've seen it.


Well, how about the terk?

那,The Terk》怎樣?

Have you seen the truck?

你看過The Terk》這部電影嗎?

Not yet. It's an action movie.

還沒。 它是一部動作片。

Yeah, I want to see that too.


Ohh, but it's not out yet.


Ohh yeah, coming soon.


Have you seen our two hearts?

你看過Our two hearts》這部電影嗎?

What's that about?


Oh, it's a love story about a man and a woman and they're.


Enough. Enough. 夠了。 夠了。

If it's a love story, I don't want to watch it.


Why not? They're so sad and romantic.

為什麼不? 他們是如此悲傷和浪漫。 That's right.


And the last time we watched a love story, you cried.

I remember that. It was such a good story.

我記得那件事。 它真是個好故事。

Let's watch a comedy.


OK, I like to laugh. 好,我喜歡笑。

How about fool school? 看《Fool school - 傻瓜學校》怎麼樣?

I read about that in the newspaper. 我在報紙上讀到過。

It's supposed to be very funny. 它應該是非常有趣的。

OK, let's watch fool school. 好吧,我們看Fool school - 傻瓜學校》。

But we better hurry. 但我們最好快點。

It starts in 10 minutes. 10 分鐘後開始。

Perfect. Just enough time to get tickets and to go to the snack bar.

完美。 剛好夠買票和去小吃店的時間。 Unit 15 what a coincidence. 單元 15:真是巧合

Hey Michelle, we're back. 嘿蜜雪爾,我們回來了。

Hi there. 嘿....你們好

Hi Michelle, I forgot my phone. 嗨,蜜雪爾,我忘了我的手機了。

I know I kept it for you. 我知道,我把它收起來了。

Did you like the movie? 電影喜歡嗎?

Yeah, it was really funny.是啊,它真的很有趣。

I laughed a lot. 我笑得很開心。

What movie was it? 那是什麼電影?

It was called Fool School. 它叫Fool school - 傻瓜學校》

Oh. That's a very nice theater upstairs. 哦。 樓上那電影院很棒。

Yeah. And it's really comfortable. 是的。 而且真的很舒適。

And Al ate a lot. 艾爾吃了很多。

The food there is really good. 那裡的食物真的很好吃。

Oh, excuse me. 哦,對不起。

Hello. OK. Sure.

See you soon. Bye, bye. 你好。 好的。 當然。再見。再見。

That was my friend. 那是我的朋友。她快來了。

She's coming soon.

Where is she now? 她現在在哪兒?

Upstairs. 樓上。

Upstairs? We were just upstairs. 樓上?我們剛才就在樓上。

The theatre is upstairs. 電影院在樓上。

You know, I can't wait to go back and visit that snack bar there.


Here is my friend. 這是我的朋友。

Juanita. 瓦妮塔?

Hello, al. Hello, Bob.你好,艾爾。 你好,鮑勃。

Do you know each other? 你們相互認識嗎?

I've known Juanita for a long time. 我認識瓦妮塔很久了。

And I met Juanita just today. 我今天剛認識瓦妮塔。

You're kidding? 真的嗎?你們不是在逗我吧?

Juanita is my roommate. 瓦妮塔是我的室友。

Yeah, we're roommates. 是的,我們是室友。

What a coincidence. 真是巧合。

Yeah, that's quite a coincidence. 是啊,這真是巧合。

Hey, we should all go out sometime. It could be fun.

嘿,我們應該找個時間出去玩。 這可能很有趣。

That sounds like a great idea. 這聽起來像一個好主意。

Why don't we have dinner or something? 我們為什麼不就吃個晚飯或什麼的?

Sounds great. 聽起來不錯。

OK. 好的。

Uh, sorry, not tonight. I am too tired. 呃,抱歉,今晚不行。 我太累了。

Hmm. How about later in the week? 唔。 本週晚些時候怎麼樣?

Perfect.完美。 Unit 16 making a date.