2022年12月12日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 93


"English Listening Practice" (93)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

How are you? 你好嗎?

Good morning, Peter! 早安,彼得!

Hello Ricky, how are you? 嗨!瑞奇,你好嗎?

I'm feeling great. Thank you. What about you? 我感覺很好。謝謝。你呢?

I'm doing OK too. Last weekend I had to take work home.


Last week's workload was crazy. 上周的工作量非常大。

Ohh really? I heard that your department is working on a new project though.


Yeah, that one. 是的,那個新專案...

We had to prepare a presentation to introduce our new product.


Our kitchen multi-purpose cooker to the company's investors and we had to finish it within last week. 我們的廚房多功能炊具,介紹給公司的投資者,我們必須在上周內完成。

At least everything's done now. 至少現在一切都完成了。

Glad to hear that. Well, do you want to go drinking today after work? It's on me.

很高興聽你這樣說。 那麼,你今天下班後想去喝酒嗎? 我請客。

It's been a while since we went drinking, right?


Ohh yeah I would love to let out some steam at the usual place right?


Yeah. 是的

Sure. OK. I got to go now. See you this afternoon.

當然。 好的。 我現在得走了。 下午見。

See you. 再見。

Hello, Mr Park. 你好,帕克先生。

Ohh hello Sam. 哦,你好,山姆。

What are you doing? Been a while since I last saw you at home.

你在做什麼? 自從我上次在家裡見到你,已經有一段時間了。

I am just taking care of the roses in my garden.


I just came back from my one week business trip.


That's why you did not see me home.


How are you recently? 妳最近好嗎?

I'm fine.Thank you for asking.我很好。謝謝您的關心。

How's your son doing? He just started college, right?

你兒子怎麼樣了? 他剛上大學,對吧?

Yes, and I miss him. Already children are growing so fast.


What about Lily, your daughter? How is she doing at school?


Ohh, she is preparing her applications for universities.


She wants to go somewhere out of town, just like your son.


The kids now just want to be away from their parents, huh?


Yeah, I guess it's good for them to grow up too.


Well, I have to go now. See you around. 我現在該走了。 再見。

Goodbye. If you have time, let's have a BBQ party this weekend.

再見。 如果你有時間,我們週末來個燒烤派對吧。

Sure, I will tell my husband about that. 當然,我會告訴我丈夫的。

Hello, Jane.你好,簡。

Long time no see. How are you? I miss you so much.


Hi Lisa, I miss you too. It's so lucky that we can meet each other today.

嗨,麗莎,我也想你。 今天我們能相遇真是太幸運了。

Everything's been great recently. I just got a new job.

最近一切都很好。 我剛找到一份新工作。

Really. Congratulations. Where is it? 真的。 恭喜。 它在哪裡?

It is a tech startup in Silicon Valley. I will start it next week.

它是矽谷的一家科技新創公司。 我將在下週開始。

I'm super excited about this new job. 我對這份新工作非常興奮。

I've always wanted to work in Silicon Valley. 我一直想在矽谷工作。

Yeah, you've told me that I am glad that you can do your dream job.


How are you? 你好嗎?

Not so great, actually. I'm under so much stress now.


I am writing my graduating thesis for my master's degree.


Oh no, studying Masters must be very hard. Which step are you on now? 
哦!呀,讀碩士一定很辛苦。 你現在走到哪一步了?
Oh, it's almost done. I'm working on the literature review. 
Writing a thesis consumes much more time than I imagined. 
I had almost no time left for myself.
Oh, I know. I think you can try meditation to reduce your stress.
It only takes about 5 to 10 minutes every day. 
Oh, I know about that. Have you tried meditating before? 
哦,我知道那件事。 你以前試過冥想嗎?
No, but a friend of mine is doing it. She told me that her life is improving a lot thanks to it. 
沒有,但是我的一個朋友正在做。 她告訴我,她的生活因此有了很大改善。
Interesting. I think I will read more about it. Thank you for the advice. 
真有趣。 我想我會閱讀更多有關它的信息。 謝謝你的建議。
It's nothing. Please pay more attention to your health. 
I will. Thank you for worrying about me. 