2022年12月9日 星期五

英語聽力練習 - 89

"English Listening Practice" (89)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Unit 1 Buying an old car. 買一輛舊車

Dad, look, look, 爸爸,你看!你看

I got my drivers license. I passed the exam. 我拿到了駕照!我通過考試了

Ohh, really! Let me see! 哦,真的!讓我看看!

Hey, this is great!Congratulations! 嘿,這太棒了!恭喜

Thanks dad. Now that I have a license, 感謝爸爸。 既然有了駕照,現在

now can I have my own car? 現在我可以擁有自己的車了嗎?

My school is pretty far away, right? 我的學校很遠,對吧?

You always have to wake up early and drive me to school.


Now I want to be independent. 現在我想獨立

I also saved up some money from my part time jobs.


Though I still have to borrow some from you to be able to buy a car.


Now that you have a license and you know how to drive.


I think there is no problem with getting your own car.


Really?thanks, dad! 真的嗎?謝謝,爸爸!

But buying a car is pretty expensive. 但是買車是相當昂貴的。

Do you want to drive mine to school? 你想開我的車去學校嗎?

But then you can't drive to work, right...但是這樣你就不能開車去上班,對吧…

Right... 對...

We can buy a used car, dad! 我們可以買一輛二手車,爸爸!

I think it wouldn't be too expensive! 我覺得不會太貴!

I heard an average used car only costs around $2000, which is half a price of a new cheap car!

我聽說一輛一般的二手車只要 2000 美元左右,是一輛便宜車的一半!

Besides, a used car does not mean it has bad quality.


We can always check it when we go buying. 我們可以在購買時隨時檢查它。

Some are almost like new too. 有些也幾乎像新的一樣。

What do you think? 您怎麼看?

That's a great idea. 好主意啊。

Yeah. Why didn't I think of that? 對啊。 為什麼我沒想到呢?

See. Dad. There's always a solution to everything.


Speaking of used cars, I have a friend who works as a salesperson in a used car garage.


We can go there. He can help us with choosing the best car.

我們可以去那裡。 他可以幫助我們選擇最好的汽車。

That's great! dad. Which garage is that? 那太棒了! 爸爸。 那是哪個車廠?

I think the garage is called Max car. 我記得那車庫叫《馬克斯汽車》。

Should we go there this Sunday? 這個星期天我們該去那裡,好嗎?

I think that would be great. 我認為那會很棒。

OK, so Sunday it is. 好的,就星期天。

Welcome to Max car. 歡迎來到《麥克斯汽車》。

Isn't this Jackson? 這不是傑克遜嗎?

Long time no see. How are you? 好久不見。 你好嗎?

Long time no see, Tim! I'm doing great. How are you?

好久不見,蒂姆! 我很好。 你好嗎?

I'm good too. It's so good to see you again.

我也很好。 很高興再次見到你。

And this must be your daughter, right? 這一定是你的女兒吧?

Hi, I'm Liz. Nice to meet you. 嗨,我是麗茲。 很高興見到你。

Nice to meet you too. 我也很高興見到你。

So we are here to buy my daughter a car.


We are here to buy my daughter a car.

She just got her license so 她剛拿到駕照,所以

I want her to be able to drive herself to school every day.


We are looking for a car that is suitable for her.


Oh, I see. I can help you with that. 我懂了。 我可以幫你們。

What is the price you are looking for? 您要找的價位是多少?

I can afford a car that is around 2000 or $2500.

我買得起一輛 2000 或 2500 美元左右的汽車。

I see. 我知道了。

Then let me introduce this one. 那我就介紹這台吧。 This is Suzuki car modeled S200. It is a four seater car.

這是鈴木汽車型號S200。 這是一輛四人座汽車。

It's a common option for ladies. 這是女士們的常見選擇。

This one looks so pretty. 這台看起來很漂亮。

You have taste, Liz. 麗茲,你有品味。

The color bronze makes it look elegant and stand out.


Can you tell me a bit about this car's history? How long was it used?

你能告訴我一些關於這輛車的歷史嗎? 使用了多長時間?

Oh, I got this one from a young household.


They want.