2022年12月8日 星期四

英語聽力練習 - 88

"English Listening Practice" (88)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Unit 19 passing a message.

單好吧,我們認為花太無聊了,巧克力會讓你發胖。元 19:傳遞消息

Unit 19 passing a message.


Hi, Al, it's Wanita. 嗨,艾爾,我是瓦妮塔。

Ohh hey Wanita, how are you this evening? 哦,嘿,瓦妮塔,今晚好嗎?

Not so good, sorry to say. 不太好,抱歉這麼說。

Oh really? What? What's wrong? 哦,真的嗎? 什麼事? 怎麼了?

Are you OK? 你還好嗎?

Well, I'm fine, but I was calling to see if we can postpone our date.


You want to postpone our date? 你想延期約會嗎?

Yeah, she has a dental appointment and she can't cancel it.


Ohh I see. Um well that doesn't sound important.

哦,我明白了。 嗯,這聽起來沒那麼嚴重。

It's rather important. 怎會不重要...

So when do you want to postpone our date too?


Is Friday OK? 星期五,好嗎?


This Friday, like the day after tomorrow.


Yes, is that OK? 是的,可以嗎?

Yeah, that that's great. I was so happy.

I thought you were going to postpone it longer.


No way. I've really been looking forward to going out to dinner with you involved and Michelle.

沒那回事。 我和蜜雪兒真的很期待與你共進晚餐。

I know she's been looking forward to it too. 我知道她也很期待。

That's great. 那太棒了。

Can you please tell Bob if you see him? 如果你看到鮑勃,你能告訴他嗎?

Yeah, sure. I'll tell Bob that we've postponed dinner until Friday.

好,當然。 我會告訴鮑勃,我們已將晚餐延到星期五。

OK. That's all. Thanks. 好的。 就這樣。 謝謝。

Well, thank you too. 嗯,也謝謝你。

Bye. 再見。

Bob, we've postponed dinner until Friday. 鮑勃,我們把晚飯延到週五了。

Friday?OK, no problem.週五嗎?好的,沒問題。

Unit 20 making a reservation. 單元 20 :預訂。

I'm glad they called. 我很高興他們打電話來。

Because you like Michelle. 因為你喜歡蜜雪兒。

Well, Yes, but I forgot to make a reservation.


Oops, yeah, I'll call and make a reservation now.


Good evening chantor deme. 晚上好,這裡是《法式城堡餐廳》。

Hello, I'd like to make a reservation please. 您好,我想預約。

Yes, Sir. For what day? 好的,先生。 哪一天?

Friday. 星期五。

Friday. Yes Sir? How many people in your party?

星期五。 好的先生? 你們有多少人?

Two men and two women. 四個人。兩男,兩女。

Very good for you, Sir. 很好,先生。

What time would you like the reservation for?


We will arrive at 7:00 PM. 我們將在晚上 7:00 到達。

Uh, I'm afraid I do not have anything available for 7:00 PM, Sir.

呃,恐怕我們晚上 7:00 沒有空位,先生。

Oh no. 喔,不妙。

I do have a table available for 7:30 PM. 我們晚上 7:30 有空位

7:30 that would be great. 7:30,那太好了。

Would you prefer smoking or non-smoking?

你喜歡吸煙區還是禁煙區? Non-smoking. 禁煙區

Thank you. 謝謝你。

Your name please.Sir. 請賜大名,先生。

Felfar, Albert Felfar. 費爾法爾,艾爾伯特·費爾法爾。

Very good. Mr Felfar, you have a reservation for four 7:30 PM.

很好。 費爾法爾先生,您預訂了下午 7 點 30 分,四個人。

This Friday, non-smoking. 本週五,禁煙區。

Great. Thank you so much. 太好了。 太感謝了。

My pleasure, Sir. 很榮幸,先生。

Unit 21 at the restaurant. 單元 21:在餐廳

This is a nice restaurant. 這是一家不錯的餐廳。

Yes, thank you for inviting us. 是的,謝謝你邀請我們。

I hear the food is delicious. 聽說食物很好吃。

This is the nicest restaurant I have ever been to in my life.


Bob, do you have your gift ready? 鮑勃,你的禮物準備好了嗎?

Yes, I'll, I do. 是的,我有,我會的。

Michelle, Wanita, Bob and I have gifts for you.


Oh, you shouldn't have. 你們太客氣了。(收禮物時的客套話)

Well, we decided flowers are too boring and chocolate will make you fat.


So we put our heads together to come up with some really exciting gifts.


You guys are so kind. 你們真好。

Yes, you two are so very thoughtful. 是的,你們兩個很周到。

Bob, would you like to go first? 鮑勃,你先來嗎?

Yes, Al. Don't mind if I do. 好,艾爾,別介意我這樣做。

Wanita, this is for you. 瓦妮塔,這是給你的。

A goldfish. 一條金魚。

No, not a goldfish. It's an Oscar fish. 不,不是金魚。 這是一條奧斯卡魚。

Well, thank you, I think. 嗯,謝謝你,我想。

And when it gets bigger, it eats the goldfish. 當它變大時,它會吃掉金魚。

That's disgusting. 那太噁心了。

Wow, that's cool. 哇,太酷了。

Now, for you, Michelle. 現在,獻給你,蜜雪兒。

What is this? Some sort of dartboard? 這是什麼? 某種飛鏢?

Wow, Al. You're so handsome in your picture.哇,艾爾。 照片上的你真帥。

What do you think? 你覺得怎麼樣?

Do you like your gift?


Well, I really like the fish, wenita. 嗯,我真的很喜歡這條魚,瓦妮塔。

I really like your picture, Michelle. 我真的很喜歡你的照片,蜜雪兒。

Unit 22 making a toast. 單元 22: 敬酒。

The dinner was delicious. 晚餐很美味。

And the company was excellent. 聚會非常出色。

I'm glad you like your picture, Juanita. 很高興你喜歡你的照片,瓦妮塔。

Yes, I really do. Thank you. 是的,我真的喜歡。 謝謝你。

I like my fish. I can't wait to feed it. 我喜歡我的魚。 我等不及要餵牠了。

So do you have a name for it yet? 那麼你有沒有給它起個名字?

No, not yet. But I think of one soon. 還沒有。 但我很快就會想到了。

Isn't life funny? 生活不是很有趣嗎?

Yes, especially the way you like Michelle. But I like you.

是的,尤其是你喜歡蜜雪兒的方式。 但是我喜歡你。

And Michelle likes me. But I like you. 蜜雪兒喜歡我。 但是我喜歡你。

It makes me dizzy just thinking about it. 光是想就讓我頭暈目眩了。

Wait, I'm confused! I don't know whether I like Al or Bob.


I think I like Al. 我想我喜歡艾爾。

So, such a nice dinner. 所以,這麼好的晚餐。

We'll have to do it again. Next time, Michelle and I will get gifts for you.

我們將不得不再做一次。 下次,我和蜜雪兒會為你們準備禮物。

And don't forget that it's OK to trade with each other.


I've had such a nice time this evening. 今晚我過得很愉快。

I have to thank you all for a wonderful time.


Let's make a toast to everybody liking everybody else into a beautiful friendship


May last forever. 願永垂不朽。

Forever and a day. 讓這一秒,接近永恆。(願友誼長存。)

Cheers. 乾杯。