2022年11月27日 星期日

英語聽力練習 - 80

"English Listening Practice" (80)
《Spoken English for life - 英語生活口語
I'm over it. 我釋懷了;我受夠了

over 有「在…上方」以及「越過」的意思。
I'm over it. 這句口語,通常表達「我對這件事已經想開了、釋懷了、沒差了、不再讓我困擾了」。

Situational Video - 情境影片

"Vanessa, I thought you liked bad boys?"

"Eh, I'm over it. I think it's time I tried a... A good guy."

Leave me out of it. 別把我牽扯進去

Situational Video - 情境影片

"Whatever you're doing, leave me out of it."

What did you have in mind? 你心裡有什麼想法嗎?

Situational Video - 情境影片

"What if we tried something exciting?"

"Well, what did you have in mind?"

"Um... I know!
What if in the middle of the song
there comes a giant spider?
And everyone goes, 'Ahh! A spider!'"
「呃… 我知道了!要不在歌曲進行到一半的時候跑出一隻大蜘蛛?

Situational Video - 情境影片

What did you have in mind?

"I don't know yet,
but I want do something that my friends will think is really neat!"

Situational Video - 情境影片

"Is something bothering you? You don't seem very happy."

"Every day is the same,
Babar. Scooping ice cream, wiping counters.
I need a challenge."

What did you have in mind?

"I don't know.
Something big and important, something more meaningful than slinging sundaes."