2022年12月31日 星期六

五分鐘英語練習- 005

"Five minutes English practice" (005)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.


get into

In a minute


went through

Baggy clothes






by the time

be out there


Hey everybody, welcome to this A2 English listening practice video. 
You can use this video to practice your listening and comprehension as I speak. 
You ready? 
So today I'm going to talk about clothes and fashion. 
This is a topic that I don't really like that much, but it's an important one. 
Everybody wears clothes and everybody has some kind of fashion or lack of fashion. 
I might be one of those people that lacks fashion, but we'll get into that in a minute. 
First, let's talk about when we first develop our own fashion sense and take it seriously. 
For me, this was around the time when I was in middle school. 
Middle School is when I started paying attention to what kind of clothes I was wearing, what brands, what styles, and what colors. 
One of the first phases that I went through was the one where I wore really baggy clothes. 
Baggy clothes are clothes that are too big for you. 
And they come down lower than normal clothes. 
My shirts were too long and my pants weren't pulled up high enough. 
It wasn't a good phase for me. 
I'm sure many of you can remember going through something like this when you were young. 
If we look back at our middle school pictures, some of us would be horrified. 
So once I got into high school, my style changed because I started playing more basketball.
Thus I started buying all kinds of Air Jordans, Nikes, and other brands basketball shoes. 
I used to match the color of my shoes with the color of my shirts. 
I was super color coordinated. 
Then after that, I ditched the basketball phase and I started wearing more casual clothes. 
And then finally, by the time I started college, I'd stopped caring so much about what clothes I wore. 
Nowadays, I'm the least stylish person you'll meet. 
I wear what's comfortable, and I don't have many clothes. 
So now let's talk about some of the popular clothing stores that are out there. 
Back when I was seventeen, I got my first job at a clothing store called Hollister. 
Some of you might know this store. 
Actually, it was really popular back in my high school days, but I don't know how popular it is now. 
Now when I go shopping, I either go to stores like H&M or I go to department stores like JCPenney's. 
Department stores are really big stores that sell all kinds of clothes, jewelry, electronics and other things from many different brands. 
I like these stores because they have a huge selection of clothes. 
Some of the most popular athletic clothing stores in the US include Nike, Footlocker and Dick's Sporting Goods. 
For women, forever 21, Sada, and Abercrombie and Fitch are some of the popular stores. 
Do you have these stores in your country? 
In the US, most popular clothing stores are found in shopping malls.
Here we just call them malls. 
You can find malls everywhere in the US. 
I think most of them are indoor malls, but there are plenty of outdoor malls too. 
I'm not a big fan of malls, but there are definitely times when I need to go there to buy something. 
And during the Christmas season, I have to spend much more time at the mall buying presents for everyone. 
OK, that's all for today. 
Leave a comment and tell me what your favorite clothing store is. 
I'll see you next time.
於是我開始買各種Air Jordan、Nikes和其他品牌的籃球鞋。
在過去,當我十七歲那年,我在一家名為 Hollister 的服裝店找到了第一份工作。
現在我去購物時,要么去 H&M 這樣的商店,要么去 JCPenney 這樣的百貨商店。
美國一些最受歡迎的運動服裝店包括 Nike、Footlocker 和 Dick's Sporting Goods。美國一些最受歡迎的運動服裝店包括Nike、Footlocker和Dick's Sporting Goods。
對於女性來說,forever 21、Sada、Abercrombie 和 Fitch 是一些受歡迎的商店。

2022年12月30日 星期五

五分鐘英語練習- 004

"Five minutes English practice" (004)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.

Her selfishness is never satisfied.
You guys don't seem very satisfied.

You guys, come on.
實際上,在美國的日常生活裡,常聽見老外用 ' Hi guys.' 或 ' Hi there.' ,來說「嗨!」。其實 you guys 跟 you 「你們」意思是一樣的,但多加一個字 'guys',便使得語氣親切許多;有些人可能會好奇,查字典 guy 指「男人;傢伙」,那當我們要和一群朋友打招呼時,朋友有男有女,是否也可以說 “Hi guys”?答案是「可以的」。

Come on, you guys, tell me all the dirt.

I've been up for hours!
Anyone up for another beer?

2022年12月29日 星期四

五分鐘英語練習- 003

"Five minutes English practice" (003)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.

What were you doing?

Dialogue 3. What were you doing? 
Hi, Gloria. Good morning. How are you? 
Good morning, Tiffany. I'm fine, thanks. What about you? 
I'm great. Thanks. 
Hey, by the way, what were you doing when I called you last night? 
你在做什麼?when 我打電話給你的時候,昨晚。

There seemed to be a lot of noises. 

The customer seemed unhappy with our service.
不滿意 with 我們的服務。

It seems like a good idea.
這似乎 like 好主意。

They seemed as if they hadn’t slept all night.
他們看起來 as if 都沒有睡,一整晚

but you said you were busy, so I didn't have the chance to ask. 

Ohh, I'm sorry again for all the noises my nieces and nephew came over. Yesterday was my sister's five year wedding anniversary, so she and her husband were going out on a date at a nearby French restaurant. My husband and I wanted them to enjoy their romantic dinner, so we agreed to watch the kids for them.

Ah, I see. How many nieces and nephews do you have? I have only one nephew who just turned 5 in twin nieces who are only three. Oh nice. And you have two kids. So yesterday you were watching 5 kids in total. Yeah, basically. Oh my God, I love children. But watching 5 kids at the same time must be so hard. Yeah, you're not wrong at all. Last night all of them were playing games and watching cartoons together. I tried to tell them to keep it down, but it was impossible. It's the same for my kids. The kids are still small, so it's understandable why they're naughty. Yeah, I guess.

2022年12月27日 星期二

五分鐘英語練習- 002


"Five minutes English practice" (002)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.

My brother got a new bicycle yesterday.
我哥哥 got 一輛新自行車,昨天。

My father gave me enough money to buy new clothes.

There aren't any children in this bus.
沒有 any 孩子 in 這輛公共汽車上。

This is a cake that Kathy likes.

Please write down what I'm going to say.
請寫下 what 我要說的話。

What time does your husband get up?
幾點 does 你老公起床?

What are you doing?


Yes…fifty points to go. 「好耶…還差五⼗分。」
Franklin!? What are you doing? 「富蘭克林!? 你在幹嘛?」
Hey, Beaver, guess what? I've almost beaten level four!
Turn it off, Franklin. 「關掉,富蘭克林。」
What?! 「什麼?!」
I said turn it off. 「我說把它關掉。」

What are you doing here?

Hello, everyone. 「⼤家好。」 
Hello, Hen. 「妳好,⼩⺟雞。」 
I'm on my way to your house, Little Bear, for the harvest feast. 
What are you doing here? 
Were fixing Mother Bears gravy boat. 
「我們在修理熊媽媽的船形壺。 」
I broke it. 「被我打破了。」

Candace, baby! Let me introduce you to the directors of this film. 
Hi, Candace. 
Phineas and Ferb? What are you doing here? 
Were directing the movie. 

2022年12月25日 星期日

五分鐘英語練習- 001


"Five minutes English practice" (001)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

I play basketball with my friends 
on Saturdays and Sundays.

She married a cute man.

He married a woman 3 years older than him.
他娶了一個女人 3 歲 older than 他。

I didn't know he was married to Lisa.
我不知道他 was 已婚的 to 麗莎。

My daughter is playing the piano in her room. 
我女兒正在彈鋼琴 in 她的房間。

Would you mind if I use your phone?
你介意 if 我用你的電話嗎?

I was too sleepy to get up in the morning.
我 was too 睏了,to 起床,in 早上。

The buildings shook because of the earthquake.
建築物搖晃,because of 地震。

Is this what you wanted for a long time?

What do you do for work?

This watermelon is not sweet.

Where do you want to eat tonight?

【Chat Language 聊天用語】

Guess what? 你猜怎麼著?

“Guess” 是「猜測」的意思,那 ”Guess what?” 是要人猜甚麼嗎?
其實 ”Guess what?” 這句話不是要人猜甚麼,雖然它看起來像是「問句」,但它並非真的在問問題喔。
當你說 ”Guess what?” 的時候,表示你覺得對方可能會對「你將要說的話」感到意外或驚喜,它跟「你知道嗎?」意思差不多。

Guess what? I proposed to Jane last night!
[gɛs wɒt prəˈpəʊzd tuː ʤeɪn lɑːst naɪt!]
Really! Did she say yes?
[rɪəlidɪd ʃiː seɪ jɛs?]

Situational Video - 情境影片

Yeah, we're sorry, Joey.
You said let's just be friends.
你說過的 - 我們就做朋友吧。
So, guess what? We're just friends.
那麼,你知道嗎? 我們就 - 只是朋友。

Well, you must be having a lot of fun on your business trip.
Well, guess what? The kids and I wanna have some fun too.

Good for you! 真好!

"Good for you! " 這句口語,有「褒義」和「敷衍或諷刺」兩層意思:
褒義 - 用於表示對某人成功或好運的讚許。

I wanna hit the gym everyday. 
Good for you. 

敷衍或諷刺 - 相當於我們常說的「你開心就好」或呵呵,關我屁事

I just got a raise!
Good for you.

My boyfriend bought a Gucci bag for me.
Good for you.

Situational Video - 情境影片

Guess what? My boyfriend will take me to Paris this weekend.
你知道嗎? 我男朋友這個週末會帶我去巴黎。
Well, good for you!

2022年12月22日 星期四

英語聽力練習 - 101

"Five minutes English practice" (001)

Learn English by Watching Movies - 看電影學英語

Retreat to Paradise 天堂之旅

Fiji NADI airport 斐濟納迪機場

Ha, 哈,

Hi, it's me. 嗨,是我。

Hey, Neil Terry good to meet you. 嗨,尼爾·特里,很高興認識你。

Welcome to Fiji. 歡迎來到斐濟。

Thank you. 謝謝

First time here. 第一次來這裡。

yeah. 是的。

Oh, you have to check out the island where you enjoy.

Thank you. 謝謝

So how long have you been here. 你來這裡多久了。

Four months. 四個月了。

I've been Jordan's coach for four years so when he decided to come down here and recover I came along.

or of moral support at this point, I suppose. 
You know, I couldn't have picked a nicer spot.

Can't believe the last physical therapist left... 

Jordan had a hard time adjusting to his injuries. 
It's made treating him taxing. 
I'm here to help. 
This is your room. 

This is great.
When you're ready Jordan's expecting.
Same thing every day. 
It's not rocket science. 
Yes, Mr. Greer
Every time I use this shoulder, it throbs in pain. 
At the end of the day, I need my rest. 
Yes, Sir. 
Just make the bed the way I want it. 
Are you Neil? 
Who's this? 
This one. 
Please call me Ellie.

You're the physical therapist.
Did you lie on your resume? 
You don't look old enough to be a decent physical therapist? 
Age doesn't mean that I haven't studied and worked hard to do my job. 
The others were worthless no matter what their age, so you might have a point. 

If you have any doubts about my abilities, you know we're good.

Is that your family? Yes. Did they visit here? Let's get this out of the way. My life, not your concern. And you're not here to be my friend either. Your whole purpose in being here is to get me moving this arm again without being in agony, all right? Zero confidence in your type. So far it's been nothing but a massive waste of time and money.

2022年12月20日 星期二

英語聽力練習 - 100

"English Listening Practice" (100)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

In the jewelry store. 在珠寶店。

Topic 1:A proposal ring. 主題 1:求婚戒指。

Good morning, Sir. Welcome to the LA jewelry store. 
早上好,先生。 歡迎來到洛杉磯珠寶店。
I'm Kevin, staff manager. What can I help you with? 
我是凱文,員工經理。 有什麼可以幫您?
Hello I want to buy ring. Could you give me some suggestions? 
你好,我想買戒指。 你能給我一些建議嗎?
Yes, Sir, could you please tell me your name? 
My name is Peter. 我的名字是彼得。
OK, Mr Peter. Do you want to buy a ring for yourself or for another person? 好的,彼得先生。您是想為自己還是為他人購買戒指?

Actually, I want to buy a ring to propose to my girlfriend. 
Oh, I see. 喔,我懂了。
Our store is currently including a variety of proposal rings for you.

What is the material of the ring you want? 
My girlfriend is really keen on platinum. 
Yes, please follow me to the guest room for platinum jewelry over here. 
Sir, you can choose the most suitable one for your girlfriend. 
Here are five of the latest items in our store. 
Or you can choose the best seller ring here. 
Hmm. These are really beautiful. 
Could you take this one for me please? I would like to see it closer. 
你能幫我拿這個嗎? 我想近距離看看。
This one. 這個。
Yes, please. 是的,請。
Here you are. 給你。
This ring was made of pure platinum with a .25 carat diamond on it.
這枚戒指由純鉑金製成,上面鑲嵌著一顆 0.25 克拉的鑽石。
We guarantee that your ring will keep this colour forever.
By the way, would you like to engrave your name and your girlfriend's name on the inside of the ring? 
We have a service to do it for free. 它是免費的服務。
Yes, I'd love to. 是的,我很樂意。
OK. I'll take this one. 好的。我要這個。
OK, I'll measure the finger size now. 好的,我現在就測量手指尺寸。
Have you brought this finger size of your girlfriend? 
Of course.當然。
Here please. 在這裡,請。
And your girlfriend's name is? 你女朋友的名字是?
She's Lana. 她是拉娜。
OK, we will engrave Peter and Lana, right? 
好的,我們將雕刻 Peter 和 Lana,對嗎?
Perfect. 完美。
All right. Please sit here and wait for a few minutes. 
好的。 請坐在這裡等幾分鐘。
We have tea and coffee. What would you like to drink? 
我們有茶和咖啡。 請問您想喝點什麼?
One coffee please.請給我一杯咖啡。

Here's your invoice. 這是您的發票。
Please check the invoice carefully to ensure that the price 
on the bill is the same one shown on the counter. 
You can pay in cash or buy card. 你可以付現或刷卡。
Ohh use my card. 哦,刷卡。
OK Sir, 好的,先生,
here is the diamond grading report to make sure that our diamond is authentic 
and here is your warranty card. 這是您的保證(修)卡。
Your rings are done. Here you are. 你的戒指完成了。給你。
So beautiful. I love it. 太美了。我喜歡。
Thank you for purchasing in our LA store. 感謝您在我們的洛杉磯商店惠顧。
We hope that you will have a lot of beautiful memories with our product. 
Have a good day, Sir.祝你有美好的一天,先生。

Topic 2:A gift for your wife. 主題 2:給妻子的禮物。

Honey, Do you like this necklace? 
親愛的。 你喜歡這條項鍊嗎? 
Hmm, looks fantastic, baby. 
Excuse me? 打擾一下?
How much is this one? 這個多少錢?
There's no price tag on this necklace. 這條項鍊沒有標價。
Sorry, Sir. Madam. 對不起,先生。 女士。
This necklace belongs to our latest collection called Celestine. 
這條項鍊屬於我們名為 Celestine 的最新系列。
And we have just displayed it today. 
It costs $299. 它的價格為 299 美元。
But if you buy at least three items from the collection, 
you will receive 10% off for all three of them. 
您將獲得所有這三個產品的 10% 折扣。
Oh, it sounds great. 哦,聽起來不錯。
I want to try bracelets and earrings as well.

Are they included in the collection? 
Yes, madam, our collection has them all. 
Please look at the screen right here. 請看這裡的螢幕。
You can look at this model. She is wearing all of the items in the Celestine collection. 
So beautiful. 太美了。
What do you think, honey? 你覺得怎麼樣,親愛的?
They are really elegant. 它們真的很優雅。
I'd love to see them all on you. 我很想在你身上看到它們。
Excuse me? Could my wife try all the items in this collection? 
打擾一下? 我的妻子可以嘗試這個系列中的所有項目嗎?
Absolutely, Sir. Please wait for a minute. I'll bring it out for you.
當然,先生。 請稍等。 我拿出來給你們。
Here you are. 這些就是了。
Does it look OK on me, honey? 親愛的,我戴上它們好看嗎?
You're gorgeous, baby. 你真漂亮,寶貝。
Hmm. 嗯。
I decided to buy them all because it's your birthday. 
Choose a size for my wife, please.

Thank you, Sir. 謝謝你,先生。
Because it's your wife's birthday. 因為今天是你妻子的生日。
And you're the 1st to buy the whole collection in my store. 
We'll give you 20% off as a gift. 
Ah, nice. Thank you for that. 很好。 謝謝你。
Honey, I am so touched right now. Oh, I love you. 
親愛的,我現在很感動。 哦,我愛你。
I love you too, baby. Always.我也愛你,寶貝。永遠。

2022年12月19日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 99

"English Listening Practice" (99)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

What's your address?你的地址在哪?

Linda, have you heard about Michael's new house? 
It is a whole mansion! 它是一整座豪宅呀!
Wow. Really. Where did you get that information? 
哇!真的? 你從哪裡得到這些信息的?
Leo told me about it. 
Apparently they live right next door to each other now. 里歐告訴我這件事。 據說他們現在就住在隔壁。
That's nice. 真不錯!
Talking about Leo, he is throwing a party at his place this weekend. .
Are you coming?你要來參加派對嗎?

Yeah, he invited me yesterday. 是的,他昨天邀請了我。
Can you give me his address again? 妳能再給我他的地址嗎?
I totally forgot to write it down. 我完全忘了寫下來。
Let me see. Hmm. 讓我看看。 唔。
It's 45 XYZ Street right next to a gas station, I think. 
我想是 XYZ 街 45 號,就在加油站旁邊。
OK. 好的。
While we're at it, maybe we can pay Michael's house a visit as well. 
Good idea. Let's ask him.
好主意。 讓我問問他。
Hey Michael, can we hang out at your place after Leo's party this weekend? 
Sure, but my family and I just moved in and we have not finished unpacking yet. 
If you guys are fine with the house being a bit messy, then it's fine. 
No worries, we just want to check out your place a bit. 
OK, I'll tell my parents you guys are coming. 
Oh, should we bring something over as a House warming gift?
You can if you want, but it really isn't necessary. 
Your presence is enough. 你的蒞臨就足夠了。
That's so nice of you. 你真好。
I'll still bake something for us to enjoy together though. 
That's also great. I'm excited.那也很棒。 我很興奮。

Mom, can I go over to Michelle's place and hang out with her there today? 
Sure, honey. Have her parents agreed to that yet? 
當然,親愛的。 她父母同意了嗎?
She said so, mum. 她是這麼說的,媽媽。
All right. Do you need me to drop you off or are you going on your own? 
好的。 你需要我送你還是你自己去?
It would be great if you could give me a ride, mom. 
I'm not too familiar with her neighbourhood. 
That's no problem, honey. What is her address? 
沒問題,親愛的。 她的地址在哪裡?
Oh, it's 29 Def Street. 哦,是 Def 街 29 號。
I think you would know it. It's on your way to work. 
我想你知道那地方的。 它在你上班的路上。
Ah, yes, I have to go past that street every morning.
Should I get ready to go now? 
Maybe in 15 minutes I need to finish doing these dishes. Then we can go. 也許 15 分鐘內我需要洗完這些碗。 那我們可以走了。

Oh, can you grab the car key in the living room for me? 
Um, where exactly in the living room, mom. 
Look on top of the coffee table. I saw it there last time. 
查看咖啡桌的頂部。 我上次在那裡看到過。
Got it, mom. I'll wait for you in the car. 
明白了,媽媽。 我在車上等你。

911 What's your emergency? 911,你有什麼緊急情況?

Hi, I am calling to report a potential burglary at my neighbor's house. 
They told me they were out of town for the week. 
But I heard something like Windows breaking and saw movement in the house.但我聽到類似窗戶破裂的聲音,並看到房子裡有動靜。

All right, keep calm and please tell us the address of your neighbor's house. 
It's 64 XYZ St.它是 64號 XYZ 街。

Can someone come over here right now? 
I'm not sure if the burglar is still there. 
We are sending a team right over. 我們馬上派一個團隊過來。

In the meantime, can you give us some additional information? 
Yeah, sure. 當然可以。
Did you see anyone suspicious around the house earlier? 
Hmm. Actually, yes, yes I did. 唔。 實際上,是的,是的,我有。

I saw a male in dark clothes with a black cap covering his face, about 5 foot 10, a bit slender.
I didn't think much about him though, because it was quite cold outside. 
I see. What about his vehicle? 我懂了。 那他的車呢?

Did you see a new car or motorbike on your street? 
I don't think so. Everything seemed normal except for what I already reported. 我不這麼認為。 除了我已經報告的以外,一切似乎都很正常。 

OK. Well, our team should be there any moment now. 
好的。 好,我們的團隊現在應該隨時會到場。
Please stay on the line and update us with any new information as soon as you have it. 
Alright. I got it. 好的。 我知道了。

2022年12月18日 星期日

英語聽力練習 - 98

"English Listening Practice" (98)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Traffic violations. 交通違規

Pay attention to the traffic signs. 注意交通標誌

I'll try another road to go to the company. 
Ohh, the traffic light is red. Um. I want to turn right. I think it will be fine. 哦,紅燈。 嗯。 我想右轉。 我想會沒事的。

The black car with the license plate: 1B 2345. Please pull over.
黑色車牌號:1B 2345,請靠邊停車。
Good morning, Sir. 早安,先生。

Good morning. May I see your driver's license and registration ID card and proof of insurance? 
早安。 我可以看一下您的駕照和登記身份證以及保險證明嗎?
Sure Sir. But may I ask, did I violate any traffic laws? 
當然,先生。 但是請問,我有違反交通法規嗎?
You don't know. 你不知道?

Yes, I swear I don't know.是的,我發誓我不知道。

OK, let me tell you. 好吧,讓我告訴你
at that intersection there are traffic signs that prohibit turning right and you turned right. 
So sorry I didn't recognize it. This is the first time I go in this way. 
很抱歉我沒有認出它。 這是我第一次走這條路。
You blew the red light and here's your ticket. 
Yes Sir, I got my ticket. 是的,先生,我收罰單
You can appeal to the court within 14 days if something goes wrong. 
如果有問題,您可以在 14 天內向法院提出上訴。
And here this is the image taken from the camera when you blew the red light. 這是你闖紅燈時從相機拍攝的圖像。

No doubt. Thank you very much Sir. I will pay more attention. 
毫無疑義。 先生非常感謝您。 我會多加註意。
It's been a long time since I met someone who got a ticket but thanked me. Like you. 
好久沒遇到拿到罰單卻還感謝我的人了。 喜歡你。
Remember to drive carefully and pay attention to the traffic signs.
Yes, Sir. Have a nice day. I.
是的,先生。 祝你今天過得愉快。

I have a letter from the police station in my mailbox. 
I have a meeting at 10:00 AM. Too early. I will eat something. 
我在上午 10:00 開會。太早了。 我會吃點東西。
Where are you now, Bill? 你現在在哪裡,比爾?

It's already 9:30. I want to discuss it with you before we start the meeting. 
My wall clock is broken. I will come to the company right away.
我的掛鐘壞了。 我馬上來公司。
OMG I have a letter from the police station in my box. 
Let's see what's in there. An administrative record, a ticket, pictures of my motorbike, my number plates, the route was violated, the time of the violation.
讓我看看裡面有什麼。 一份行政記錄,一張罰單,我的汽車照片,我的車牌,違章路線,違章時間。

Oh, I see the address to pay this fine. 
How can I help you? 我該怎樣幫助你?
I'm here to pay the fine for speeding a few days ago.
May I see your ID card? 我可以看看你的身份證嗎?
Here you are. 給你。
You have the minimum penalty for speeding, which is a €100 fine and three penalty points added to your license. 
您對超速有最低處罰,即 100 歐元罰款和駕照扣分 3 分。
OK, so sad to hear, but may I ask this question? 
Yes. 好的。

if I'm busy and don't come to pay the fine directly in here, can I pay online? 
Of course, there are instructions for paying the fine online, write in the letter we sent you.
That's so good. 那真是太好了。

And we also sent you an online e-mail of your violation.

Let me check my e-mail. 讓我檢查一下我的電子郵件。
Oh, I see. 我懂了。
You shouldn't drive too fast. It's not safe for you any more. And every one. 
I know, I didn't think I drove so fast either. Thanks for your information today.
我知道,我也不想開得這麼快。 感謝您今天提供的信息。

2022年12月17日 星期六

英語聽力練習 - 97

"English Listening Practice" (97)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Marriage. 婚姻

Happy marriage. 幸福的婚姻

Hi, Kelly, how are you? And it's been a few months since the last time we met. 
I'm fine. Thanks, caddy. How are you and your family? 
我很好。 謝謝,凱蒂,你和你的家人好嗎?
Never better. Thank you for asking. 
I really admire you and Eric. You are such a perfect couple though. How long have you been married now? 
我真的很佩服你和埃里克。 你們真是一對完美的夫妻。 你結婚多久了?
Almost 10 years. 快10年了。
That's a long time. No regrets? 那是一段很長的時間。不後悔嗎?
No. There are ups and downs, of course, but I wouldn't change it for anything. 不後悔,當然有起有落,但我不會為了任何事情而改變它。

I'm so glad to hear that. What is the key to a happy marriage, in your opinion? 
我很高興聽到這個消息。 在您看來,幸福婚姻的關鍵是什麼?
Yeah, it works well. Of course, part of being a good couple is knowing when to give each other some space.
That's true.這倒是真的。

I see a lot of people who move in together and they give up all the things which make them individuals. 
We spend a lot of time together, but we have our own friends, our own hobbies and so on. 
Sure, you mean you don't want to be too dependent on each other?
Absolutely. Although you need to strike a balance, you need to make time for each other too. 
絕對地。 雖然你們需要取得平衡,但你們也需要為彼此騰出時間。
Of course, I imagine that it can be easy to let things slip when you have been together so long. 
Yeah, it's dangerous actually. You can't take things for granted, otherwise your relationship will suffer.
One more thing is we have a cute daughter. I think having a child really strengthens the connection between two people. 
Of course. But you know, sometimes conflict happens the most when you're parenting. 
當然。 但你知道,有時候當你為人父母時,衝突發生的次數最多。
That's right. Therefore, I think the most important thing to maintain a happy marriage is sharing respect and understanding.

Thanks a lot for your sharing, caddy. I definitely learned something today. 

Traffic violations. 交通違規

When you go somewhere, you're always in traffic before going to your destination. This video is situations where the characters violate traffic laws. What will happen to them? Let's see together. 
當你去某個地方時,在到達目的地之前你總是在交通中。 本段影片是角色違反交通法規的情況。 他們會怎樣? 一起來看看吧。

Remember to wear your seat belt.記得繫好安全帶

I am in maternity hospital. Listen, I see your husband and a pregnant woman. 
我在婦產醫院。 聽著,我看到你的丈夫和一個孕婦。
They entered the hospital and also looked very intimate. 
I will send you the address. Come here quickly. 
我會把地址發給你。 快點過來。
What? My husband said he went to Michael's house.
什麼? 我丈夫說他去了邁克家。

The black car with the license plate 1B2345, please pull over. 
Hi may I see your driver's license and registration ID card and proof of insurance? 
Yes, Sir, here you are. 是的,先生,你要驗的證件在這兒。

This isn't your car, is it? 這不是你的車,對吧?

es, it's my husband's car, John Robertson. 是我丈夫的車,約翰·羅伯遜。

Please check for me the information of Mr. John Robertson and his wife. 
Why do you look so sad? Because you violate a traffic law, right? 
你為什麼看起來這麼難過? 因為你違反了交通法規,對吧?
Sorry Sir, but what do I violate? 
You don't wear the seat belt. 你沒有繫安全帶。

Oh, that's a shame, because I'm in a hurry. 
It is Mr John's car and his wife is Laurel West Robertson.
Thank you. 謝謝。
So here's your ticket. You and your husband can appeal to the court within 14 days if something goes wrong.
這是你的罰單。 如果有問題,您和您的丈夫可以在 14 天內向法院提出上訴。

Yes, Sir. 是, 先生。
Whether you are in a hurry or have something sad, remember to wear your seat belt. Your safety comes first. 
不管你是趕時間還是有什麼傷心事,記得好安全帶。 安全第一。
Thank you so much, you are good police. 
Who is she? 她是誰?
Why are you here, honey? 
So you are his wife. On the way to catch the bus, my stomach hurt a lot. 這麼看來妳是他的妻子囉。 在趕公車的路上,我的肚子疼得很厲害。
I asked people around for help, but only Mr. John drove me to the hospital. 
Oh, it's good to hear that. No, I mean, how do you feel now? 
哦,很高興聽到這個消息。 不,我是說,你現在感覺如何?
I feel fine now. Thank you so much. Good bye. God bless you all.
我現在感覺很好。 太感謝了。 再見。 上帝保佑你們。
Ohh I have an e-mail. My wife drove my car and got a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. 
哦,我有一個電子郵件。 我的妻子開我的車,因為沒有安全帶而被開罰單。
Oh, really? Which wife?哦,真的嗎? 哪個老婆?

2022年12月15日 星期四

英語聽力練習 - 96

"English Listening Practice" (96)

《English Speaking Courses - 英語口語課程

Marriage. 婚姻

Watch the following video to see how the characters talk about married life and their views on marriage. 
Marriage conflicts.情境之一:婚姻衝突

Why are you looking so tired these days, Jack? 
Yeah, my wife and I are having a difficult time these days. 
We are fighting all the time. She seems to change so much after having a baby. 
我們無時無刻不在戰鬥。 生完孩子後,她好像變了很多。
Really? What's wrong? 真的嗎? 怎麼了?
Ah, it's all these little things that keep adding up, so I'm very tired.
For example, I came home from work being so tired and the house was a mess sometimes I threw my clothes away on the floor thinking it's messy anyway. 
I would clean up everything later, but she was extremely angry with me about that. 我稍後會清理所有東西,但她對此非常生我的氣。
OK. Is there anything else? 好。 還有別的事嗎?
Another? OK, milk bottle story. For example, there was some milk leftover. She asked me to empty the bottle and wash it. 
其他? 好的,牛奶瓶的故事。 例如,剩下一些牛奶。 她讓我把瓶子倒空洗乾淨。
But I was so busy that day that I forgot when she found out, she grumbled all night. 
You were tired all day at work. Then come home and have to listen to your wife. Be cranky. Are you happy?
你整天工作很累。 然後回家就得聽老婆的。 胡思亂想。 你快樂嗎?
OK, got it. I think you should have more sympathy with your wife. She just gave birth. 
好的,我知道了。 我認為你應該對你的妻子多一些同情。 她剛生完孩子。
Many women also experienced postpartum depression, so it's normal to get angry easily. 很多女性也有過產後抑鬱症,所以容易生氣是正常的。
Besides, you're the one who made mistakes anyway, your reason for everything is that you come home from work being tired?

But it may be even more tying for her to take care of the baby alone all day. At least you shouldn't add more work for her right? 
但整天一個人帶娃,對她來說可能更累(束縛)。 至少你不應該為她增加更多的工作,對吧?
back to the milk bottle. You don't know how carefully mothers take care of their babies. 
Just thinking about the bacteria multiplying in the baby's bottle is driving them crazy. 
Besides, maybe she needed a bottle for her baby right away, but she didn't have one. 
Washing and cleaning the bottle also takes time, baby. Can't wait, you know.
Yeah, it seems like I was too careless actually. I'm not mad at her at all. 
I'm just a little tired of hearing complaints all day long. 
Then you should think about how tired she is from the lack of sleep to take care of the baby. 
I think if you apologize to her and explain that you are also a first-time father.
You may make many mistakes but will try to help her more. I think she will be happy again.

Say again? I understand. Thank you. I will try to talk to her and help her more. 
再說一遍? 我明白。 謝謝你。 我將嘗試與她交談並為她提供更多幫助。

Will you do me the honour of being your husband? 
Lily time flies so fast, it's already our two year anniversary. 
Right. So quick. I'm glad I had you by my side all this time. 
是啊。 這麼快。 很慶幸這段時間有你在身邊。
So am I. Today I order this crab soup. I know you like it a lot. Try it.
我也是。今天我點了這個蟹湯。 我知道你很喜歡它。 試試看。
So delicious. I love it. Thank you. I still remember on our first date you took me here and let me try it. 
真美味。 我喜歡它。 謝謝你。 我還記得我們第一次約會時你帶我來這裡讓我試一試。
John. I saw something on the plate. Let me finish the soup. 
約翰, 我在盤子上看到了一些東西。 讓我把湯喝完。
Oh my God, John.哦,天哪,約翰。
Lily, these two years with you have been the happiest time of my life. 
We have gone through many ups and downs together many challenges, and grown up together every single day. 
I now know that you and I are truly meant to be together. You are the one I've been waiting for my whole life. 
我現在知道你和我真的注定要在一起。 你是我等了一輩子的人。
I believe it is the time we should move. One step forward. 
Lily, Let's get married. Let's spend the rest of our lives together. 
莉莉,我們結婚吧。 讓我們一起度過餘生。
Will you do me the honour of being your husband? 
Yes, John, of course, yes. 
She said yes!
Oh my God, John, I was so surprised. What if I didn't finish the soup? 
哦,天哪,約翰,我太驚訝了。 如果我沒喝完湯怎麼辦?
I knew you would finish it very quickly. I know you too well, Lily.