2024年9月27日 星期五


Hello, I'm spencer.

I am here to teach you new phrases and idioms to express your feelings.

Today I will introduce different ways to say that you really dislike or hate something.

Let's get started.

This video will help you sound more like a native speaker.

The most common way to say you hate or dislike something is to use the verbs dislike and hate.

For example:

I hate hot summer days or I dislike sweet food.

You can also use hate with a verb, an action, by adding 'to' before the verb or 'ing' to the verb stem.

你也可以使用 "hate" ,帶有靜態動詞(verb)和藉由在 "verb" 之前加 "to" 或加 "ing" 在動詞詞幹中的動態動詞(action)。

You can also use "hate" with another verb that expresses a state action by adding "to" in front of the state verb or "ing" in the verb stem.

您也可以運用 "hate",



你也可以在狀態動詞前面加上「to」或在動詞字幹中加上「ing」來將 "hate" 與另一個表達狀態行為的動詞一起使用。

For instance:

I hate waking up early and I hate to say goodbye.

With dislike you can also use it with a verb but it's important to note you cannot use 'the infinite to' with the verb.

You can only add 'ing' to the verb stem.

For example:

I dislike listening to loud music and I dislike going to high places.


Instead of using dislike you can use 'not a fan of' or 'not big on' .

取代 "dislike",你可以使用 "not a fan of" 或 "not big on"。

你可以使用 "not a fan of" 或 "not big on" 來取代 "dislike"。

This means you don't really like something or someone.


You can also use it with a verb but only by adding 'ing' to the verb stem.

你也可以與動詞搭配使用,但只能在動詞詞幹上加上 "ing"。

For instance:

I'm not a fan of fruit pie or He's not big on sharing his feelings.


From dislike to hate to disgust.



Instead of using hate you can use 'disgust' or 'disgusted by'.

This means you completely hate something.

Both can be used with a verb but you must add 'ing' to the verb stem.

'Disgusted by' is used when the subject of the sentence is a person.

For instance:

He is disgusted by cold noodles or I am disgusted by loud chewing.

'Disgust' is used when the subject of the sentence is the person or object that someone hates.

For example:

She disgusts me.

Thirdly :

You can say something or someone makes a person sick.

This means you hate something so much you feel sick.

The subject of the sentence is the person or object that someone hates.

For instance:

That video makes her sick or you make me sick.

It can also be used with a verb but you must add 'ing' to the verb stem.

For instance:

Lying makes me sick.


Now that you learn some new phrases.

Listen to a short conversation and see if you can pick out the idiom that means you dislike or hate something.


Ugh... do you see that over there?

See what?

Those plastic bottles and wrappers on the ground.

Oh, I see them. What's the big deal?

There's a trash can nearby. I don't understand why people can't throw away their trash.

I see it really bothers you.

Yeah, I can't stand the sight of littering.

In that case, let's pick up the trash and throw it away in the trash can.


Did you catch the idiom in the conversation?

If you said 'can't stand the sight of', you're right!

Yeah, I can't stand the sight of littering.

This is an idiom that means you hate to see something or someone.

This idiom can be used with an action like in the conversation by adding 'ing' to the verb stem.

She said, "She can't stand the sight of littering."

'Litter' means to throw trash on the ground.

You can also say, "I can't stand the sight of him." or "He can't stand the sight of fish."


Let's review what we learned.

First was not a fan of and not big on.

I am not a fan of drinking.

I am not a fan of drinking.

I am not big on movies.

I am not big on movies.

Second was disgust and disgusted by.

I am disgusted by bragging.

I am disgusted by bragging.

They disgust me.

They disgust me.

Third was make a person sick.

Raw meat makes me sick.

Raw meat makes me sick.

That company makes me sick.

That company makes me sick.

Lastly you learn the idiom 'can't stand the sight of'.

She can't stand the sight of cheating.

She can't stand the sight of cheating.

I hope this video was helpful in learning new phrases and idioms to express disliking or hating something or someone.

Remember to practice using these phrases and idioms in your daily life to become a true master.

I'll see you next time.

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