2023年4月28日 星期五

五分鐘英語練習 (105)


五分鐘英語練習 (105)
"Five minutes English practice" (105)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】



【Time and tide wait for no man - 時間不等人】

Time and tide wait for no man.
This age-old proverb reminds us that time is a precious commodity that cannot be reclaimed once it's gone.
As the seconds tick by, our lives are constantly in motion, and we must learn to adapt to the ever-changing tides of life.
Whether it's chasing after dreams, building relationships, or pursuing career goals, time is always moving forward at an unrelenting pace.
But what does this mean for us?
It means that every moment counts. We must seize the opportunities that come our way and make the most of them.
We must be proactive in shaping our lives and not let circumstances dictate our path.
Because in the end, time is the one thing we cannot control.
So let us be mindful of how we spend our days, make every moment count, and never forget that time and tide wait for no man.


precious  [ˈpreʃəs] adj. 寶貴的
commodity [kəˈmɑːdəti] n. 商品
reclaim [rɪˈkleɪm] v. 取回
tick [tɪk] v. 發出嘀嗒聲
tick by (時間)流逝,一點一點過去…
in motion 轉動;變化
ever-changing adj. 千變萬化的,變幻無窮的,日新月異的
unrelenting [ˌʌnrɪˈlɛntɪŋ] adj. 無情的; 不鬆懈的; 不屈不撓的
make every moment counts 把每一刻都包括在內 = 每一刻都很重要
seize the day 珍惜今天,抓住現在
seize the opportunities 抓住機會
come our way 降臨我們身上
proactive [ˌproʊˈæktɪv] adj. 積極主動的
dictate [ ˈdɪkteɪt] vt. 命令;指示; 控制;支配
mindful [ˈmaɪndfl] adj. 留心的;注意的

make every moment counts - 每一刻都很重要

Every moment of our lives is precious.
It's important to make every second count, to live with purpose and passion.
Every decision we make, every action we take, should be intentional and meaningful.
Whether it's spending time with loved ones, pursuing our dreams, or simply enjoying the beauty around us, we should cherish each moment and make the most of it.
Life is short, but when we make every moment count, it can be incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.
So take a deep breath, embrace the present moment, and let's make every second count.