2023年3月19日 星期日

五分鐘英語練習- 071


五分鐘英語練習 (071)
"Five minutes English practice" (071)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.

【Casual English - 隨興英語】

隨興英語 (015) - go with the flow – 順其自然、隨遇而安

To go with the flow, 
and this means that you're able to adapt to whatever happens. You might say, when you have kids, you need to be able to go with the flow every day. 
You can have a schedule, a plan, an outline, but do you know what? 
When you have kids, things change, things happen that you don't expect. 
So you need to be able to be flexible and adapt to every situation. This is an expression that I try to think about every day. 
Because sometimes I have certain things that I want to get done every day, certain goals or tasks. 
But I have two kids. 
There's other things going on in life that might change my plans. So I need to be able to go with the flow to adapt depending on whatever's happening. 
Let's just go with the flow.


Welcome to English in a Minute.

If you have ever heard American English, you probably have heard this saying: "Hey, man. Just go with the flow." This is a fun expression that can be used in many ways. Let's listen to this idiom in an actual conversation.

Should we stop and grab something to eat before we get to the movie theater, or do you just want to grab something at the movies? What do you think?

I like to go with the flow. Whatever you decide is cool with me.

This phrase makes you think of watching water. When you go with the flow, you swim in the direction that the water's moving. It's easy. In the same way, a person who goes with the flow easily fits in to a given situation. Plus, it rhymes. Go, flow—sounds nice.

And that's English in a Minute.

I feel like Alice through the looking glass.
It's like up is down.
Maybe I'm just not cut out for this city. 
you know? I thought it was going to be an adventure. 
and it is maybe an even better one than you imagined.
I just never pictured myself here alone.


Hello, welcome to Info Cloud everyone.
Today I like to talk about planning vacations.
Do you plan everything out in advance or do you just go with the flow?
I think it's important to plan things ahead of time, 
but when things go wrong, 
it's really important to just go with the flow.
Otherwise you'll never enjoy your vacation. 
When Joe and I talk about going with the flow, 
we mean relax and accept a situation and go with it. 
Imagine you are on a river with a strong current. 
You can try to work hard to swim against the current, 
but you won't really get anywhere that way. 
When you go with the flow of a current, the current carries you along, but you can still move with it. 
Let's say that I have planned to spend a wonderful weekend on the beach in Thailand. 
We show up at the hotel and then it starts raining and it does not stop. Some people would consider their vacation to be ruined.
But if you go with the flow, you find some way to enjoy things no matter what. 
My wife and I, we love Thai food, 
so we turned our trip into a weeklong food tour of Thailand. 
When you go with the flow, the results might not be exactly what you planned for our rained out Thailand trip, not only was the weather cooler, but the food we found made for a great memory. Well, then we saw the new fancy when Xinjia Hashi. Go with the flow, Joe. Yo, Shinji. Surrender is flow, Yoshio. Go with the flow, simiane, Jewish also.

Don't worry about the future, just go with the flow. We are dancing weight, shouldn't teacher and Johal? O again flow your shield Haney then should go with the flow be just pushes on three boards. Tulio de Jong, shoji. Chins on the on the. Justinian the info cloud on the side.