2023年8月1日 星期二

Practice oral English every day (006)


英語口語天天練 (006)

Practice oral English every day (006)

Let’s get started.



2023年7月28日 星期五

Practice oral English every day (005)


英語口語天天練 (005)

Practice oral English every day (005)

Let’s get started.


Big time"很多", "很大", "很嚴重", "很重要".

Big time
When you see "Big time", some people may translate it as "大時間" or "大時代", in fact, the Chinese meaning of "Big time" has nothing to do with "time".
"Big time" is a very common term that can be used as an adverb, an adjective, or even a noun.
When used as an adverb, the Chinese meaning of "Big time" is "很多", "很大", "很嚴重", "很重要".

screw up搞砸了

As a noun, the original meaning of screw is "螺絲釘".
As a verb, it means "壓榨、用螺絲擰緊、扭曲".
But "screw up", colloquially means "搞砸了".

screw you去你的

"Screw" is almost synonymous with "fuck", so "screw you." is translated as "fuck you".
"screw" 跟 "fuck" 幾近同義,因此,"Screw you." 被翻成「去你的」。

【Example Sentences】

Hey, how'd you do on this exam?
I totally screwed up the chemistry exam.

So they isolated me.
Couldn't even touch anyone.
That screwed me up big-time.

Gina, I screwed up, big time.
Charles, given your daily life experiences, you're gonna have to be more specific.
查爾斯,根據你的日常生活經驗 你得說得更具體些。

【Situational video】

Oversight is coming, but not for us.
What the hell is going on?
Well, you were right, Patti.
We screwed up. Big-time.
Disobeying orders, harboring a fugitive.
我們搞砸了。 很嚴重。

There is no good slice! You screwed it up!
You're a screw-up! - Yeah?
Well, if I'm a screw up, it's 'cause you screwed me up.
You screw-up. - Screw you.
沒有好的切片! 你搞砸了!
你真是個混蛋! - 是的?
你搞砸了。 - 去你的。

What's wrong?
I screwed up.
I screwed up big-time!

2023年7月26日 星期三

Practice oral English every day (004)


英語口語天天練 (004)

Practice oral English every day (004)

Let’s get started.


How come為什麼?怎麼會?, 怎麼會?為麼?

How come he missed the flight?(他怎麼會錯過班機啊?)
How come you are late again?(你怎麼又遲到了呢?)
Why did he miss the flight?(他為什麼錯過班機啊?)
Why are you late again?(你為什麼又遲到了呢?)

Richard, can you tell me, my legs, are they broken?
I...I can't see your legs.
How come?

- How come? - How come what?
How come you're not dancing?
Well, because nobody's asked me.

How come?
How come what?
How come he don't die? I shot him lots of times.
how come he don't die?
She's just a little girl,a baby.
She wasn't really trying to kill him. She was...she doesn't even understand what that means.
She was just trying to stop him. She was only trying to stop him.

Let's take the night off.
How come?
-I mean shouldn't we try to cut down the-- -Do what I tell you to do.
Cut that out. We all need to rest tonight.

The word "text" is a type of mobile phone service. When used as a noun it means "text message" or "short message". When used as a verb it means "to send a message".
"Text" 一詞是行動電話服務的一種。當名詞使用時係指 "文字訊息" 簡稱 "簡訊"。當動詞使用時意指 "傳訊息"。

Leave it to me】交給我吧

The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one.
Leave it to me.

And the house is fortified.
How would you even get close?
Leave it to me.
I'll let you know.

fort and fortify】堡壘和強化

Forts have played a crucial role in defending territories throughout history.
Some forts were built near water bodies for additional protection.
In a world where challenges arise, we must fortify ourselves to overcome them.
Education is a key element in fortifying our minds.
Physical fitness is crucial for fortifying our bodies.
Meditation helps fortify our inner peace and resilience.
Kindness and compassion fortify our relationships with others.
In the face of adversity, resilience fortifies our spirit.

Thank you, Anna. It means a lot.
No. Don't thank me.
Just say yes, and help me fix this.
Leave it to me.
謝謝你,安娜。 那意義重大。

I don't think there's a path here.
Leave it to me.

You have allergies?
Just bring it on.
Leave it to me.

bring it on.放馬過來

Ricky... big day.
Bring it on.

What you doin' out here, boy?
Pickin' up some food for my master,
Benjamin Turner.
In the middle of the night? Turn around.
Where your pass at?
Bring it on. C'mon! Bring it!

I'm still standing.
Come on, bring it. Bring it!

2023年7月22日 星期六

Practice oral English every day (003)


英語口語天天練 (003)

Practice oral English every day (003)

Let’s get started.


You got this!你行的!

One more time. Come on. 
You got this. You got this. You got this.

♪ I'm in the building and I'm feeling good ♪
Link: What do you say, Ellie? What do you say?
Come on, keep going. Keep it going! Keep it going!
Show those moves. Come on!
Oh, yeah. Whoo!
♪ She off the Richter scale, she had me shook ♪
Alright, Ellie. What you got?
♪ Now, I don't wanna come in between ♪
You got this! You got this!
[ Laughter ]
Alright, Bailey, you're up! What you got, huh?
Keep moving!
Alright. What do you say, Scout, huh?
Gonna break it down.
♪ Do you want to dance to the music? ♪
♪ Do you wanna rock to the beat of the drums? ♪
♪ Singin' sweet melodies just for you and me ♪
♪ Baby, we should cut a rug Ahh.
Alright, come on, guys. What you got?
Old school? Old school? You should be teaching me!
[ Cheers and applause ]
♪ 我在大樓裡,感覺很好 ♪
鏈接:艾莉,你說什麼? 你怎麼說?
來吧,繼續。 保持下去! 保持下去!
展示那些動作。 快點!
哦耶。 呼!
♪ 她超出了里氏震級,她讓我震驚 ♪
好吧,艾莉。 你有什麼?
♪ 現在,我不想介入 ♪
你得到了這個! 你得到了這個!
好吧,貝利,你起來了! 你得到了什麼,嗯?
好吧。 你說什麼,斯庫特,是吧?
♪ 你想隨著音樂跳舞嗎? ♪
♪ 你想隨著鼓點搖滾嗎? ♪
♪ 為你和我唱出甜美的旋律 ♪
♪ 寶貝,我們應該剪一塊地毯啊。
好吧,來吧,伙計們。 你有什麼?
老套? 老套? 你應該教我!

What you got?你有什麼?

I'm not in the mood, Marty. Fuck off.
Well, I, um...
I wanted to say, uh, sorry if... if I was too harsh last night.
You okay?
What did you think of me when you first met me?
I, uh... I-- I thought that, um...
I thought that-- that you were clever.
You thought I was trash.
I gave you a job, didn't I?
I made you give me that job.
Uh, yeah, because you were clever.
God's a motherfucker.
Isn't he?
Built me smart enough to know how fucked up my life is.
But not quite smart enough to haul my ass out of it.
I can help with that.
I, uh...
I can-- I can get you a payday that'll take you wherever you want to go, if you're interested.
Another Marty Byrde scheme.
That would make me a dumb fucking fuck, wouldn't it?
I don't know.
Go on.
What you got?
I want to buy your product.
Uncut, all of it.
You're fucking kidding me, right?
No. And I need it yesterday.
You a drug dealer now, or--?
It's not for me...
Can we do a deal?
I don't know.
I'll have to think about it.
I got business partners now.
Why the fuck did she lie about Ben?
I wish I knew.

show me what you got讓我看看你有什麼

I heard a lot about you, so show me what you got.

Let me show you what I got.
讓你看看我的能耐。 (帶有拽的意味)

Hey... aren't you that chick who's having sex with that college guy?
Wanna be?
She's not interested, okay?
So why don't you just back off?

Hey... aren't you that chick who's having sex with that college guy?
Wanna be?
She's not interested, okay?
So why don't you just back off?
Okay, Grandpa.
What are you, their pimp, and these are your skank hoes?
You and me, right now... let's go.
Where we going?
- Aah! - No!
- Come on, Jess. Come on! - You can do it.
What do you got, geezer? Come on!
You can do it! Come on!
Come on, Dad. Let's do it. Come on. Show me what you got.

What you got?
You killin' me! You won!
I'm proud of you, boo.
Now, it's not cool that you beat your teacher at Texas hold 'em, but I like the way you nailed down the calculations on the pot odds.
So I'mma let this slide.
Now, remember what I said.
There are no shortcuts.
You gotta work your butt off.
Okay? Give me some love.
I'm so proud of you.
Go on and have a good day now.
Maybe one day I'll take you to Vegas.
That was cool.
You know...
This used to be the Special Ed classroom when I went here.
It still is.
You teach Special Ed?
Special Ed is one of my sections.
It's one of my favorites, actually.
You know, that kid reminds me a lot of myself.
I couldn't do math for shit when I was in school.
Difference is I didn't have a teacher like you that was willing to stay behind to help me.
I know what you're doin', Teddy.
And I admit, it was very cool of you to take the fall for your classmates.
But you're a hustler.
Tryin' to skate by without doing the work.
You should know you can't hustle me.
I do.
Okay? I do know that.
And I promise you, I'm done.
I'm not hustling no more.
Night school is about second chances.
And if I don't get this second chance, then it's over for me.
Night school is all that I have.
I'll consider it on one condition.
Whatever it is.
We get you tested.
For learning disabilities.

2023年7月16日 星期日

Practice oral English every day (002)


英語口語天天練 (002)

Practice oral English every day (002)

Let’s get started.


start a family組建家庭

In English, only children can be called "family". So to "start a family" is to prepare to have children and become a real family.
在英文裡,有孩子才可以叫做 "family"。因此 "start a family",是準備生孩子,成為真正的家庭。

Good morning.
Good morning.
You're making it very difficult for me to leave this morning.
That was the plan.
Just hear me out.
You being here, in my dream, means something is different. Something has shifted.
So, if you can choose to be here…
maybe you can choose to stay.
Think about it. We can have the life we always wanted.
Have a baby.
Start a family.
This is a dream.
Anything is possible.
[Lyta exclaims]

你在這裡,在我的夢裡,意味著有些不同。 有些東西已經發生了變化。
想一想。 我們可以擁有我們一直想要的生活。

And what with the financial security that will be afforded me by the end of the week...
I am finally ready to start a family.
Now, I don't know if you've heard, William, but there's a tenured position opening up at our school.
- And I'm a shoe-in. - Wait, wait, wait, wait.
What makes you so sure you're the one who's gonna get tenure?
Seniority, William.
I'm first in line, and also, I'm a proven champion.

- 而我是穩操勝券的。 - 等等,等等,等等,等等。

I'm gonna get in trouble.
I wanna start a fight.
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
I wanna start a fight.
Na-na-na-na, na-na, na
I wanna start a fight!
So, so what?
Na -na -na, na -na, na
Na -na -na, na -na, na

Do you guys remember when we first decided to start a company together?
We all had a common goal, and we weren't gonna let anything stop us from getting to the bro down.

Hey! Start the car! Start the car!
Dopinder, start the fucking car!

How is your cold?
It's not bad. I'm starting to feel better.

- When can you start? - Soon.
- 你什麼時候能夠開始? - 很快。

Look, I've had a Iong and weird day, so off to bed.
Come on.
We start work tomorrow.

We start work tomorrow.
But you must give your whole self to my vision.
- Of course. Yeah, absolutely.
- See you tomorrow.
- See you!
- 當然。 是的,絕對是。
- 明天見。
- 再見!

And now you have to do what every dysfunctional couple has to do:break up.

I think it means that we need to...you know...break up.
-No? -Mm-mm.
Lucifer, I know what you're doing.
-Do you? -Yes.
You're scared.  Because you've been hurt before.
You don't have to worry, okay?
I promise you that I will never,  ever, ever...give up on you.
You know why?
Surprise me.
Because I love you too.
[laughs, squeals]
[footsteps departing]

-不? -嗯嗯。
-你? -是的。
你害怕了。 因為你以前受過傷。
我向你保證,我永遠,永遠,永遠... 不會放棄你。

2023年7月9日 星期日

Practice oral English every day (001)


英語口語天天練 (001)

Practice oral English every day (001)

Let’s get started.


window rolls up

He rolled up the window and drove on.

Roll up my window.
I don't want my car to get stolen.

window rolls down

He rolled down the window and talked to his friend.

She was driving on the highway.

She rolled up the window and drove away.

lower the window搖下車窗

- I really need some air.
- Okay, Alex, lower your window.

You must lower your voice in public.

Wow, it's raining heavily, quickly lower your head and run.

It's a real pain.

You're a real pain in the neck!

"Do this. Do that."
They're a real pain.
Yeah. They're too bossy.
是的。 他們太霸道了。

It's a real pain to do housework.

it's not my thing

I don't want to lay with you. Or any other man.
It's not my thing.

I don't know why I just told you that.
It's my thing.
Don't worry.
If you're the right candidate, the truth can only work in your favour.

Do you want to play video games?
Well, it's not my thing.
Do you wanna try the dish?
I'll pass.
The telesales people are a real pain, they keep ringing me!

2023年6月30日 星期五

五分鐘英語練習 (139)


五分鐘英語練習 (139)
"Five minutes English practice" (139)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】


aspire [əˈspaɪər] v. 嚮往;渴望;有志於

meaning : 
have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal


【The Meaning and Etymology of the Word 'aspire'】

'Aspire' comes from the Latin word 'aspirare', which means 'to breathe upon' or 'to seek to attain'.
Over time, 'aspire' has come to mean 'to aim or seek ambitiously'.
To aspire means to have a strong desire to achieve something.
Over time, 'aspire' evolved to mean 'to rise up', and later, 'to desire earnestly'.
So, when we aspire, we're not just desiring, we're reaching, breathing, and rising towards our goals.

【Example Sentences】

A title to aspire for.
I aspire to be true to myself.
As a child, he aspired to be a great writer.
Many unknown writers aspire to fame.
He aspired to be their next leader.
What do you aspire to be in the next year?
We aspire to be a church that serves one another.
It is always good to have goals and aspire to reach them.

【Situational video】

If it's my time to go - she doesn't want to be on a life support kind of thing.
-She'd hate that. -I'd just hate lying around like that.
-I don't want that. -Okay.
-Good-bye,darling. -Good-bye,love.
We... we do this every time. she signs the paper,we kiss good-bye,and then after the surgery,we say hello again.
Well,that sounds like a plan to me.
You rest up. We'll be bringing you up soon.
That there is the holy grail of marriage.
Something to aspire to.

-她會討厭那樣的。 -我只是討厭像那樣躺著。
-我不希望那樣。 -好吧。
-再見了,親愛的。 -再見了,親愛的。
我們... 我們每次都這樣做 她在文件上簽字 我們吻別 然後在手術後我們再打招呼

有某種東西,事物,目標,您很想"拿到","達到","得到",..... ,那就是您的 Holy Grail。所以當有一個對您很重要的東西,您就可以說 "This is my Holy Grail"。

2023年6月27日 星期二

五分鐘英語練習 (138)


五分鐘英語練習 (138)
"Five minutes English practice" (138)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】


spirit  [ˈspɪrɪt] n. 精神;心靈;勇氣;意志;靈魂;幽靈

【The Meaning and Etymology of the Word 'spirit'】

The word "Spirit" is of Latin origin from the root -spir, meaning "breath" or "life force". Later evolved into the meaning of 'soul' or 'ghost'.
The suffix -it indicates nouns, especially abstract nouns.
"Spirit" 這個詞起源於拉丁語,其字根為 -spir,原意是 "呼吸"或 "生命力"。後來演變為'靈魂'或'幽靈'的意思。
後綴 -it,表名詞,特指抽象名詞。

【Example Sentences】

He is in high spirits.
You must try and keep your spirits up .
The spirit is ready, but the flesh is weak.
Their father's brave spirit will always live on in their young hearts.
He awakens sleeping spirits.

"Come on, we can win this game." "That's the spirit."

an evil spirit

The spirits of long-dead warriors seemed to haunt the area.

【Situational video】

- No... - Hey, I Am Groot, stop swapping spit here with Pretty Woman and get me Brock and Hunter.
Absolutely. Sorry, I was just on my way to go do that.
It's an important meeting, okay? It's seminal.
(laughs) Oh, hey.
You already did this great joke.
Damn, man, this guy's balls are so big, they're practically tits. Huh? Johnny Tit-balls.
Yeah, don't squeeze the milkers too much.
Milkers. Love it.
You were firing me?
What the hell was that?
Nothing. It's just jock stuff.
You know, just guys having fun.
That isn't, Jonah. That's sexual harassment.
Jesus, does he do that to you all the time?
No, not all the time.
Sometimes, but not all the time.
It's just high spirits.

2023年6月23日 星期五

30 commonly used English phrases (09)


30 commonly used English phrases

【09 - keep your eyes peeled】


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】

【30 commonly used English phrases】

09 - keep your eyes peeled保持警惕

Meaning: To be watchful; paying careful attention to something.
含義: 保持警惕; 仔細注意某事。

Definition and origin of the phrase "keep your eyes peeled"
片語 "keep your eyes peeled" 的定義與來源

One day we went to the Museum of History and one of the museum staff led the audience to the various rooms. When we arrived at the antiques room, she repeatedly said that there were all rare antiques here, so please look at them carefully!

She also said to my youngest son, "Keep your eyes peeled," and he asked me quietly, "Mom, will it hurt my eyes to look at these antiques? Why do I have to peel my eyes?" She didn't know that it means [you have to look carefully with your heart].


她又對我家小兒子說:"Keep your eyes peeled。"小兒子不懂悄悄問我:"媽媽,看了這些古物會傷眼睛嗎?怎麼我的眼睛要削皮呢?"她不知道這是表示【你要用心看仔細觀察的意思。 】

The Meaning and Origin of 'Keep Your Eyes Peeled'
Have you ever heard the phrase 'keep your eyes peeled'? 
In this video, we'll explore the meaning and origin of this common expression.
When someone says 'keep your eyes peeled', they mean to be alert and watchful. 
It's a way of telling someone to pay attention and be aware of their surroundings. 
For example, if you're walking in a busy city, you might say to your friend 'keep your eyes peeled for pickpockets'.
The origin of this phrase is uncertain, but there are a few theories. 
One theory is that it comes from the practice of sailors peeling potatoes by removing the skin with a knife. 
Because they had to be careful not to cut themselves, they were told to 'keep their eyes peeled' while doing this task. 
Another theory is that it comes from the idea of peeling back the eyelids to stay awake and alert.
Regardless of its origin, the phrase 'keep your eyes peeled' has been in use for centuries and is still commonly used today. 
It's a great way to remind someone to be aware of their surroundings and stay alert.
So, to recap, 'keep your eyes peeled' means to be alert and watchful. 
While the origin of the phrase is uncertain, it has been in use for centuries and is still commonly used today.

保持警惕 "的含義和起源
你聽說過 "擦亮你的眼睛 "這句話嗎?
因為他們必須小心翼翼地避免割傷自己,所以他們被告知在做這項工作時要 "擦亮眼睛"。
無論其起源如何,"擦亮眼睛 "這句話已經使用了幾個世紀,今天仍然被普遍使用。

【Example sentences】

John told me he'd meet us in the mall, so keep your eyes peeled.

We need to follow signs for the motorway, so keep your eyes peeled.

Keep your eyes peeled for Polly and Maisie.

【Situational Videos】

♪ mysterious music playing ♪
‐ Keep your eyes peeled.
The entrance to the dragon's cave must be near.
‐ Hey, Brain, look!
It's over there! [giggle] How convenient.

# 神秘的音樂在響起 #
- 擦亮你的眼睛。
- 嘿,大腦,看!
它就在那裡! [咯咯笑]真方便。

2023年6月22日 星期四

30 commonly used English phrases (08)


30 commonly used English phrases

【08 - an arm and a leg】


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】

【30 commonly used English phrases】

08 - an arm and a leg一大筆錢;非常昂貴的東西

Meaning: Something that is extremely expensive.

通常與cost搭配,cost an arm and a leg,表示“付出了昂貴的代價、在某事上花費巨大”。例:Her birthday dress cost an arm and a leg.她生日宴會的禮服花了一大筆錢。

Definition and origin of the phrase "an arm and a leg"
片語 "an arm and a leg" 的定義與來源

Hi, everyone!
Welcome back to AI English.
I'm Jake and in today's video, we're learning a new expression.
The expression is "it cost an arm and a leg."
Do you know what this means?
Let's have a look at an example conversation.
We'll do two example conversations, for this phrase.
Person A says "How was the restaurant?"
Person B says "The food was top quality, but it cost me an arm and a leg."
Conversation two.
Person A asks "Did you get the heating bill for the winter?"
Person B says "Yes, I did and it cost me an arm and a leg."
So what do you think this expression means?
To cost an arm and a leg.
Well, it means it was very expensive.
It cost so much money and it's usually unexpected so we don't usually expect a high bill for something.
It's a very shocking expression because when we look at the phrase literally, so the literal meaning,
to cost an arm and a leg means I lost an arm and a leg.
So imagine if you lost your arm or your leg it would be a very shocking precious thing to lose,
so it means you need to spend most of your money on something precious for this.
So let's practice this phrase together.
Please repeat after me.
It cost an arm and a leg.
One more time.
It cost an arm and a leg.
Great job.
Let's now practice it in example conversation one, so I will be person A and you will be B.
Okay, so please read person B's line.
Are you ready?
How was the restaurant?
Okay, good job and now let's try conversation number two.
Are you ready?
I'll be A again.
Did you get the heating bill for the winter?
Great job.
So next time something is shockingly expensive or super expensive, like a bill or something else,
you can say "it cost an arm and a leg."
Good job!
You're watching ForB English.
My name is Gabriella.
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- Abuelo, can we please get an air conditioner?
I'm sweating out of my eyebrows.
And I didn't even know that was possible.
- You kids think we can just buy anything.
Air conditioners cost an arm and a leg.
- Abuelo,我們可以買台空調嗎?
- 你們這些孩子認為我們可以買任何東西。

Diane and I are especially proud because Ivy was just accepted at Stanford University.
Yeah, it's gonna cost an arm and a leg. 

2023年6月19日 星期一

30 commonly used English phrases (07)


30 commonly used English phrases

【07 - down to the wire】


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】

【30 commonly used English phrases】

07 - roll with the punches渡過一道道難關;克服一連串困難

roll with the punches
Meaning: To tolerate or endure through the unexpected mishappenings you may encounter from time to time.
to be able to deal with a series of difficult situations

Definition and origin of the phrase "roll with the punches"
片語 "roll with the punches" 的定義與來源

這個英語表達的含義是“在逆境中克服重重難關,渡過道道難關”,即通過改變自己來應對一系列困難的局面。這是一個口語說法。 Roll with the punches 源於拳擊運動中為減輕對手擊拳所帶來的傷害而轉動身體的動作。在這裡,“punches 拳頭連擊”用來比喻生活中的逆境給人帶來的衝擊。

Rolling with the Punches: Tips for Dealing with Difficult Situations
Welcome to 'Rolling with the Punches', a video that provides tips and strategies for handling difficult situations. In this video, we'll cover three key topics: adapting to change, managing stress, and maintaining a positive attitude.
Change is a natural part of life, but it can be difficult to deal with. Adapting to change means being flexible and open-minded. Here are some tips for adapting to change:...
Change can be scary, but it can also be an opportunity for growth. Embrace change and look for the positives it can bring.
Remember to take care of yourself during times of change. Practice self-care and seek support from others if needed.
Stress is a common response to difficult situations, but it can be harmful if not managed properly. Here are some strategies for managing stress:...
Exercise, meditation, and deep breathing are all effective ways to manage stress. Find what works for you and make it a regular part of your routine.
Don't forget to take breaks and prioritize self-care when dealing with stress. It's okay to ask for help if you need it.
Maintaining a positive attitude can help us cope with difficult situations and improve our overall well-being. Here are some tips for maintaining a positive attitude:...
Practice gratitude and focus on the good things in your life. This can help shift your mindset to a more positive one.
Surround yourself with positive people and seek out activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.
Thanks for watching 'Rolling with the Punches'. Remember to adapt to change, manage stress, and maintain a positive attitude in difficult situations. If you found this video helpful, please like and share it with others.
隨遇而安: 處理困難情況的技巧
歡迎來到 "隨心所欲",這個視頻提供了處理困難情況的技巧和策略。在這段視頻中,我們將介紹三個關鍵話題:適應變化、管理壓力和保持積極態度。

【Example sentences】

Susan's been through a lot of tough times in her life, but she always knows how to roll with the punches.

You've got to learn to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.

【Situational Videos】

I knew this was gonna be a bad day.
Hey, come on. We'Il be fine.
We just have to keep our heads. 
Roll with the punches.
嘿,拜託。 我們會沒事的。

I didn’t sign up for this! = 這跟你當初說的不一樣啊~
It’s something you would say if you got involved in a situation you didn’t want to be in. You didn’t “sign on” for it meaning it wasn’t expected.
"I did not sign up for this" Is this correct? It means I did not ask for this to happen to me.
“我沒有註冊”這句話正確嗎? 這意味著我沒有要求這發生在我身上。
It’s a correct expression. It’s almost as if somebody is forcing you to do something and you’re resisting by protesting. And that you had no intention of doing this. Good luck!
是正確的表達。 就好像有人在強迫你做某事,而你通過抗議來抵制。 而且你無意這樣做。 祝你好運!

You're going to have to learn how to think on your feet, roll with the punches...and other metaphors. You're part of this thing now.
你將不得不學習如何獨立思考、勇往直前……以及其他隱喻。 你現在是這件事的一部分。

You have to play by their rules.
If you can't do that, you're in trouble.
You must roll with the punches.
You must expect the unexpected.

Kidnap was Dede's plan 'B'?
Or maybe it was never in his cards at all.
He just rolled with the punches.

2023年6月18日 星期日

30 commonly used English phrases (06)


30 commonly used English phrases

【06 - down to the wire】


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】

【30 commonly used English phrases】

06 - down to the wire直到最後一刻

Definition and origin of the phrase "down to the wire"
片語 "down to the wire" 的定義與來源

Today's common phrase comes from the so-called "royal sport" of horse racing: down to the wire.
Here, wire refers to the finish line pulled at the end of a race track.
It helps to determine who is first and who is second in an almost neck-and-neck race.
When we watch a race, we sometimes see that the leading horses are almost indistinguishable from each other until the moment they cross the finish line.
This is the origin of this idiom. 
Down to the wire is now commonly used in politics, especially in electioneering.

今天要學的慣用語來自號稱 “皇家運動” 的賽馬:down to the wire。
這裡的 wire 指賽馬跑道終點拉的終點線。
Down to the wire 如今常用在政界,尤其是競選運動中。

【Example sentences】

I think the election will go right down to the wire.

With only a week to go, the polls show that the two candidates are running neck and neck. The race is still so close it may go right down to the wire.

這裡的down to the wire用來描繪到最後一刻方見勝負的激烈競爭。

They weren’t sure which car to buy. But when it came down to the wire, they chose the cheaper one.

This competition will probably come down to the wire! At the moment, it is very unclear who will win.

【Situational Videos】

Down to the Wire: A Thrilling Race Against Time
Meet our hero, John. 
(先從) 認識我們的英雄,約翰 (開始)
He's in a high-stakes situation where every second counts. 
He needs to complete his task before time runs out.
John is racing against time to complete his task. 
He faces numerous obstacles and challenges along the way.
John is getting closer to completing his task, but time is running out. 
The tension is building.
John is almost there, but the final obstacle is the toughest one yet. 
Can he overcome it?
John is running out of time, but he's not giving up. 
He's determined to complete his task.
John is getting closer and closer to completing his task. 
The excitement is building.
This is it. The final push. 
就是這個。(預期的事件即將發生) 這最後一擊。
John has to complete his task before time runs out.
The tension is at its peak. 
Will John make it in time?
The clock is ticking. 
John is running out of time. 
Can he complete his task?
John did it! 
He completed his task just in time. 
The sense of relief is overwhelming.

【Situational Videos】

♪ Look at that, it's on sale ♪
[Molly] ♪ Oh, wire ♪
♪ Uh-oh, we're down to the wire ♪
♪ Down to the wire, down to the wire ♪
- ♪ Wire ♪ - ♪ Uh-oh, we're down to the wire ♪
♪ Down to the wire, down to the wire ♪

2023年6月15日 星期四

30 commonly used English phrases (05)


30 commonly used English phrases

【05 - hands down】


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】

【30 commonly used English phrases】

【05 - hands downadj. 1.輕而易舉的。 2.無疑的。

The Meaning and Origin of the Phrase 'Hands Down' 
Welcome to this video about the phrase 'hands down'. In this video, we'll explore the meaning and origin of this popular idiom.
When we say 'hands down', we mean without a doubt or easily. It's an idiom that's commonly used in English.
The origin of 'hands down' can be traced back to horse racing. Jockeys would loosen their grip on the reins when they were sure they were going to win, letting their hands drop down.
Let's look at some examples of 'hands down' in use. For example, 'She's hands down the best singer in the competition' or 'He won the race hands down'.
Another example is 'I can beat you at chess hands down'. This means that the speaker is confident they can win easily.
In some cases, 'hands down' can be replaced with 'easily' or 'without a doubt'. However, using the idiom adds a bit of flair to your language.
Now you know all about 'hands down'! It's a fun and useful idiom to add to your English vocabulary. Try using it in your own conversations!

The Meaning and Origin of the Phrase 'Hands Down'
Welcome to our video about the phrase 'hands down'.
When we say 'hands down', we mean without a doubt or easily.
The origin of 'hands down' can be traced back to horse racing, where jockeys would lower their hands to signal that they were going to win easily.
Let's look at some examples of how 'hands down' is used in everyday conversation. For instance, 'She won the race hands down' or 'He's the best player on the team, hands down'.
Another example is 'I can beat you at chess hands down'. This means that the speaker is confident they can win easily.
In some cases, 'hands down' can be replaced with 'easily' or 'no contest'.
It's important to note that 'hands down' is an informal expression and should not be used in formal writing or speech.
Thanks for watching our video about the phrase 'hands down'!

The Meaning of the Phrase 'Hands Down'
Welcome to this video about the meaning and usage of the phrase 'Hands Down'.
The phrase 'Hands Down' has its roots in horse racing. Jockeys would lower their hands and relax their grip on the reins when they were sure they would win the race.
Over time, the phrase 'Hands Down' evolved to mean an easy victory or a clear winner.
Today, the phrase 'Hands Down' is used in various contexts, such as sports, politics, and everyday conversations.
The phrase 'Hands Down' is often used to describe a clear winner or an easy victory. For example, 'She won the race hands down.'
The phrase can also be used to express certainty or confidence. For instance, 'I can hands down beat you in chess.'
In some cases, the phrase can be used to indicate a lack of effort or challenge. For example, 'I could hands down finish this project in an hour.'
The phrase 'Hands Down' can also be used to express agreement or approval. For instance, 'Hands down, that was the best movie I've ever seen.'
The phrase 'Hands Down' has been used in movies, TV shows, and music. For example, in the movie 'The Karate Kid', the main character wins the tournament hands down.
In the TV show 'Friends', the character Joey uses the phrase 'Hands Down' to describe his acting skills.
The phrase 'Hands Down' has also been used in music. In the song 'Hands Down' by Dashboard Confessional, the singer expresses his love for someone.
Thank you for watching this video about the meaning and usage of the phrase 'Hands Down'. We hope you learned something new and interesting.

【Situational Videos】

Between you and me, I don't fully know what I'm doing, but it seems like you guys do, so I'm just gonna stay out of the way and give you guys whatever you need.
Ceej? Hi, Gina Linetti here.
What I need is an assistant of my own, just to do my paperwork and all my other work.
Work is the worst. I get it.
Uh. Hire whoever you want.
I just want you guys to be happy.
- And I will help you with that. - Great!
Hey, we should do a hang sesh like this every morning.
This is amazing. Where do ya... where's my office?
I love him.
He's the best captain we've ever had, hands down.

Chuck, you are the best legal mind I've ever known. Hands down.
But your decision-making has become...unpredictable.
And I can't be partners with someone whose judgment I don't trust.

uh, mafia--mobsters are the most racist people in America. - Hands down. - Right?
They say the N-word more than we do.
Yeah, it's crazy.
呃,黑手黨--黑手黨是美國最種族主義的人。 - 毋庸置疑。 - 對嗎?