2023年7月26日 星期三

Practice oral English every day (004)


英語口語天天練 (004)

Practice oral English every day (004)

Let’s get started.


How come為什麼?怎麼會?, 怎麼會?為麼?

How come he missed the flight?(他怎麼會錯過班機啊?)
How come you are late again?(你怎麼又遲到了呢?)
Why did he miss the flight?(他為什麼錯過班機啊?)
Why are you late again?(你為什麼又遲到了呢?)

Richard, can you tell me, my legs, are they broken?
I...I can't see your legs.
How come?

- How come? - How come what?
How come you're not dancing?
Well, because nobody's asked me.

How come?
How come what?
How come he don't die? I shot him lots of times.
how come he don't die?
She's just a little girl,a baby.
She wasn't really trying to kill him. She was...she doesn't even understand what that means.
She was just trying to stop him. She was only trying to stop him.

Let's take the night off.
How come?
-I mean shouldn't we try to cut down the-- -Do what I tell you to do.
Cut that out. We all need to rest tonight.

The word "text" is a type of mobile phone service. When used as a noun it means "text message" or "short message". When used as a verb it means "to send a message".
"Text" 一詞是行動電話服務的一種。當名詞使用時係指 "文字訊息" 簡稱 "簡訊"。當動詞使用時意指 "傳訊息"。

Leave it to me】交給我吧

The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one.
Leave it to me.

And the house is fortified.
How would you even get close?
Leave it to me.
I'll let you know.

fort and fortify】堡壘和強化

Forts have played a crucial role in defending territories throughout history.
Some forts were built near water bodies for additional protection.
In a world where challenges arise, we must fortify ourselves to overcome them.
Education is a key element in fortifying our minds.
Physical fitness is crucial for fortifying our bodies.
Meditation helps fortify our inner peace and resilience.
Kindness and compassion fortify our relationships with others.
In the face of adversity, resilience fortifies our spirit.

Thank you, Anna. It means a lot.
No. Don't thank me.
Just say yes, and help me fix this.
Leave it to me.
謝謝你,安娜。 那意義重大。

I don't think there's a path here.
Leave it to me.

You have allergies?
Just bring it on.
Leave it to me.

bring it on.放馬過來

Ricky... big day.
Bring it on.

What you doin' out here, boy?
Pickin' up some food for my master,
Benjamin Turner.
In the middle of the night? Turn around.
Where your pass at?
Bring it on. C'mon! Bring it!

I'm still standing.
Come on, bring it. Bring it!