2023年6月22日 星期四

30 commonly used English phrases (08)


30 commonly used English phrases

【08 - an arm and a leg】


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】

【30 commonly used English phrases】

08 - an arm and a leg一大筆錢;非常昂貴的東西

Meaning: Something that is extremely expensive.

通常與cost搭配,cost an arm and a leg,表示“付出了昂貴的代價、在某事上花費巨大”。例:Her birthday dress cost an arm and a leg.她生日宴會的禮服花了一大筆錢。

Definition and origin of the phrase "an arm and a leg"
片語 "an arm and a leg" 的定義與來源

Hi, everyone!
Welcome back to AI English.
I'm Jake and in today's video, we're learning a new expression.
The expression is "it cost an arm and a leg."
Do you know what this means?
Let's have a look at an example conversation.
We'll do two example conversations, for this phrase.
Person A says "How was the restaurant?"
Person B says "The food was top quality, but it cost me an arm and a leg."
Conversation two.
Person A asks "Did you get the heating bill for the winter?"
Person B says "Yes, I did and it cost me an arm and a leg."
So what do you think this expression means?
To cost an arm and a leg.
Well, it means it was very expensive.
It cost so much money and it's usually unexpected so we don't usually expect a high bill for something.
It's a very shocking expression because when we look at the phrase literally, so the literal meaning,
to cost an arm and a leg means I lost an arm and a leg.
So imagine if you lost your arm or your leg it would be a very shocking precious thing to lose,
so it means you need to spend most of your money on something precious for this.
So let's practice this phrase together.
Please repeat after me.
It cost an arm and a leg.
One more time.
It cost an arm and a leg.
Great job.
Let's now practice it in example conversation one, so I will be person A and you will be B.
Okay, so please read person B's line.
Are you ready?
How was the restaurant?
Okay, good job and now let's try conversation number two.
Are you ready?
I'll be A again.
Did you get the heating bill for the winter?
Great job.
So next time something is shockingly expensive or super expensive, like a bill or something else,
you can say "it cost an arm and a leg."
Good job!
You're watching ForB English.
My name is Gabriella.
Please like and share this video and join us again next time.
See you soon. Bye!

- Abuelo, can we please get an air conditioner?
I'm sweating out of my eyebrows.
And I didn't even know that was possible.
- You kids think we can just buy anything.
Air conditioners cost an arm and a leg.
- Abuelo,我們可以買台空調嗎?
- 你們這些孩子認為我們可以買任何東西。

Diane and I are especially proud because Ivy was just accepted at Stanford University.
Yeah, it's gonna cost an arm and a leg. 