2023年6月15日 星期四

30 commonly used English phrases (05)


30 commonly used English phrases

【05 - hands down】


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】

【30 commonly used English phrases】

【05 - hands downadj. 1.輕而易舉的。 2.無疑的。

The Meaning and Origin of the Phrase 'Hands Down' 
Welcome to this video about the phrase 'hands down'. In this video, we'll explore the meaning and origin of this popular idiom.
When we say 'hands down', we mean without a doubt or easily. It's an idiom that's commonly used in English.
The origin of 'hands down' can be traced back to horse racing. Jockeys would loosen their grip on the reins when they were sure they were going to win, letting their hands drop down.
Let's look at some examples of 'hands down' in use. For example, 'She's hands down the best singer in the competition' or 'He won the race hands down'.
Another example is 'I can beat you at chess hands down'. This means that the speaker is confident they can win easily.
In some cases, 'hands down' can be replaced with 'easily' or 'without a doubt'. However, using the idiom adds a bit of flair to your language.
Now you know all about 'hands down'! It's a fun and useful idiom to add to your English vocabulary. Try using it in your own conversations!

The Meaning and Origin of the Phrase 'Hands Down'
Welcome to our video about the phrase 'hands down'.
When we say 'hands down', we mean without a doubt or easily.
The origin of 'hands down' can be traced back to horse racing, where jockeys would lower their hands to signal that they were going to win easily.
Let's look at some examples of how 'hands down' is used in everyday conversation. For instance, 'She won the race hands down' or 'He's the best player on the team, hands down'.
Another example is 'I can beat you at chess hands down'. This means that the speaker is confident they can win easily.
In some cases, 'hands down' can be replaced with 'easily' or 'no contest'.
It's important to note that 'hands down' is an informal expression and should not be used in formal writing or speech.
Thanks for watching our video about the phrase 'hands down'!

The Meaning of the Phrase 'Hands Down'
Welcome to this video about the meaning and usage of the phrase 'Hands Down'.
The phrase 'Hands Down' has its roots in horse racing. Jockeys would lower their hands and relax their grip on the reins when they were sure they would win the race.
Over time, the phrase 'Hands Down' evolved to mean an easy victory or a clear winner.
Today, the phrase 'Hands Down' is used in various contexts, such as sports, politics, and everyday conversations.
The phrase 'Hands Down' is often used to describe a clear winner or an easy victory. For example, 'She won the race hands down.'
The phrase can also be used to express certainty or confidence. For instance, 'I can hands down beat you in chess.'
In some cases, the phrase can be used to indicate a lack of effort or challenge. For example, 'I could hands down finish this project in an hour.'
The phrase 'Hands Down' can also be used to express agreement or approval. For instance, 'Hands down, that was the best movie I've ever seen.'
The phrase 'Hands Down' has been used in movies, TV shows, and music. For example, in the movie 'The Karate Kid', the main character wins the tournament hands down.
In the TV show 'Friends', the character Joey uses the phrase 'Hands Down' to describe his acting skills.
The phrase 'Hands Down' has also been used in music. In the song 'Hands Down' by Dashboard Confessional, the singer expresses his love for someone.
Thank you for watching this video about the meaning and usage of the phrase 'Hands Down'. We hope you learned something new and interesting.

【Situational Videos】

Between you and me, I don't fully know what I'm doing, but it seems like you guys do, so I'm just gonna stay out of the way and give you guys whatever you need.
Ceej? Hi, Gina Linetti here.
What I need is an assistant of my own, just to do my paperwork and all my other work.
Work is the worst. I get it.
Uh. Hire whoever you want.
I just want you guys to be happy.
- And I will help you with that. - Great!
Hey, we should do a hang sesh like this every morning.
This is amazing. Where do ya... where's my office?
I love him.
He's the best captain we've ever had, hands down.

Chuck, you are the best legal mind I've ever known. Hands down.
But your decision-making has become...unpredictable.
And I can't be partners with someone whose judgment I don't trust.

uh, mafia--mobsters are the most racist people in America. - Hands down. - Right?
They say the N-word more than we do.
Yeah, it's crazy.
呃,黑手黨--黑手黨是美國最種族主義的人。 - 毋庸置疑。 - 對嗎?