2023年6月23日 星期五

30 commonly used English phrases (09)


30 commonly used English phrases

【09 - keep your eyes peeled】


【AI English - 人工智慧英語】

【30 commonly used English phrases】

09 - keep your eyes peeled保持警惕

Meaning: To be watchful; paying careful attention to something.
含義: 保持警惕; 仔細注意某事。

Definition and origin of the phrase "keep your eyes peeled"
片語 "keep your eyes peeled" 的定義與來源

One day we went to the Museum of History and one of the museum staff led the audience to the various rooms. When we arrived at the antiques room, she repeatedly said that there were all rare antiques here, so please look at them carefully!

She also said to my youngest son, "Keep your eyes peeled," and he asked me quietly, "Mom, will it hurt my eyes to look at these antiques? Why do I have to peel my eyes?" She didn't know that it means [you have to look carefully with your heart].


她又對我家小兒子說:"Keep your eyes peeled。"小兒子不懂悄悄問我:"媽媽,看了這些古物會傷眼睛嗎?怎麼我的眼睛要削皮呢?"她不知道這是表示【你要用心看仔細觀察的意思。 】

The Meaning and Origin of 'Keep Your Eyes Peeled'
Have you ever heard the phrase 'keep your eyes peeled'? 
In this video, we'll explore the meaning and origin of this common expression.
When someone says 'keep your eyes peeled', they mean to be alert and watchful. 
It's a way of telling someone to pay attention and be aware of their surroundings. 
For example, if you're walking in a busy city, you might say to your friend 'keep your eyes peeled for pickpockets'.
The origin of this phrase is uncertain, but there are a few theories. 
One theory is that it comes from the practice of sailors peeling potatoes by removing the skin with a knife. 
Because they had to be careful not to cut themselves, they were told to 'keep their eyes peeled' while doing this task. 
Another theory is that it comes from the idea of peeling back the eyelids to stay awake and alert.
Regardless of its origin, the phrase 'keep your eyes peeled' has been in use for centuries and is still commonly used today. 
It's a great way to remind someone to be aware of their surroundings and stay alert.
So, to recap, 'keep your eyes peeled' means to be alert and watchful. 
While the origin of the phrase is uncertain, it has been in use for centuries and is still commonly used today.

保持警惕 "的含義和起源
你聽說過 "擦亮你的眼睛 "這句話嗎?
因為他們必須小心翼翼地避免割傷自己,所以他們被告知在做這項工作時要 "擦亮眼睛"。
無論其起源如何,"擦亮眼睛 "這句話已經使用了幾個世紀,今天仍然被普遍使用。

【Example sentences】

John told me he'd meet us in the mall, so keep your eyes peeled.

We need to follow signs for the motorway, so keep your eyes peeled.

Keep your eyes peeled for Polly and Maisie.

【Situational Videos】

♪ mysterious music playing ♪
‐ Keep your eyes peeled.
The entrance to the dragon's cave must be near.
‐ Hey, Brain, look!
It's over there! [giggle] How convenient.

# 神秘的音樂在響起 #
- 擦亮你的眼睛。
- 嘿,大腦,看!
它就在那裡! [咯咯笑]真方便。