2022年9月10日 星期六

英語聽力練習 - 12


The injuring woman was taken to the hospital.
The injured woman was taken to the hospital.


I drink a coffee every morning.
I drink coffee every morning.

不可數名詞 coffee 前面絕對不能有 a/an, 不可數名詞可以用量詞 "some" ,或 "a cup of" 來修飾。

I never knew how poor I was until I had a few money.
I never knew how poor I was until I had a little money.

限定詞 a little 用於不可數名詞 money。

By next week I will lost ten kilo.
By next week I will have lost ten kilo.

未來完成式(will have lost)用在未來某一時刻(By next week)之前已經完成某個動作(lost ten kilo)。

How long after a woman is married would you call her bride?
How long after a woman is married would you call her a bride?

單數可數名詞 bride 前面要有冠詞, a bride 泛指新娘。

Acoustics are the study of the behavior of sound.
Acoustics is the study of the behavior of sound.

表示學科,如:acoustics (聲學)、politics (政治學)、civics (市政學) 、kinetics (動力學)等都是不可數名詞,要用單數動詞

acoustic - “音響效果”, 是可數名詞,通常以複數形式 acoustics 呈現,要用複數動詞。
比較: The acoustics in this hall are terrible. 這個大廳的音響真是可怕。

When we came in, we found they have already arrived.
When we came in, we found they had already arrived.

比 came (過去式)還早發生的動作,必須用過去完成式。

If I have time, I would help you.
If I had time, I would help you.


Let me teach you how to play the hockey.
Let me teach you how to play hockey.

任何 sports (運動) 項目,如 tennis, ping-pong, hockey, basketball 等名詞前面不須要加冠詞 the。

I can't afford buying a house in Taipei.
I can't afford to buy a house in Taipei.

某些動詞如 afford,習慣後面跟著不定詞

She was sick since last week.
She has been sick since last week.

帶有 since 或 for 表時間的介系詞,通常用現在完成時式。for 表示一段時間, since 表示從過去某一時間點到現在。

After a little civilities, they got down to business.
After a few civilities, they got down to business.

量詞 a few 修飾複數可數名詞; a little 修飾不可數名詞。

The accident was occurred shortly after midnight.
The accident occurred shortly after midnight.

不及物動詞 occur 不能有被動語態

I am recognizing you!
I recognize you!

動詞 recognize 通常不用進行式,請參考非持續性動詞

非持續性動詞 (Non-Continuous Verbs)

一般看得到動作的動詞,例如: work, play, study, cook, eat, sleep 都可以用於各種時態。但是有一種非持續性動詞,通常看不到動作,如「羨慕」、「憎恨」、「擁有」、「屬於」、「似乎」、「需要」等,卻從來不用或很少用進行式時態。

I am having a smart phone.
I have a smart phone.

動詞 have 當作「擁有」解釋時,不用進行式。
若 have 有「吃;喝」的意思時,可以有進行式。
When are we having dinner? (我們什麼時候吃晚飯?)Alice 現在需要幫忙。
Alice is needing help now.
Alice needs help now.

非持續性動詞 need (需要), 不能有進行式。

John said it _______ a lot of work.

(A) involved (B) involves (C) had been involving (D) was involving

John 說,它涉及了很多工作。

非持續性動詞 invole (涉及),通常不用進行式。我不相信這個消息。
I am not believing the news.
I don't believe the news.

非持續性動詞 believe (相信),通常不用進行式。我恨它,當你這樣做。
I am hating it when you do that.
I hate it when you do that.

非持續性動詞 hate (恨),通常不用進行式。
