2024年10月11日 星期五

short vowel - [æ]


When a word has only one vowel, it is pronounced as a short vowel.

When a word has only one vowel, the vowel is pronounced short.

短母音 /æ/
after [ˈæf.tɚ]
afternoon [ˌæftərˈnun]
am [æm]
ant [ænt]
apple [´æpl̩]
aunt [ænt]
at [æt]
back [bæk] adv.
bad [d]
bag /bæɡ/
batter [´bætɚ] n. 打擊手
brat [bræt] n. 小頑童
can [kæn]
cab [kæb] n. 計程車
cap [kæp] n. 便帽
cat /kæt/
clap [klæp] v. 拍(手),擊(掌)
dad /dæd/
draft [dræft] n. 草案
flag [flæɡ]
flat [flæt] adj. 平坦的
grandpa [ˈɡræn.pɑː]
had [hæd]
hammock [ˈhæmək] n. 吊床

hat /hæt/
lack [læk] n.v. 缺乏
lag [læɡ] v. 滯後
land [lænd]
Mac  [mæk]
mad /mæd/ adj. 瘋狂的
man [mæn]
map /mæp/
mass [mæs] adj. 大量的
math [θ]
pass [pæs] v.
past [pæst] 
piano [pɪ´æno]
plan [plæn]
rapid [ˈræp.ɪd] adj. 快的
rat /ræt/ n. 大老鼠
sack [sæk] n. 大袋
Sam [sæm]
sat [sæt]
stamp [stæmp]
tan [tæn] n. 棕褐色 adj. 曬成棕褐色的
task [tæsk] n. 任務;工作;差事
tax [tæks]
vast [væst] adj. 巨大的
wax [wæks] n. 蠟
wrap [ræp] v. 裹
wrap up 結束、總結
zap [zæp] v. 蓄意破壞

attractive [əˈtræk.tɪv] adj. 有吸引力的
half [hæf] 
calf [kæf] n. 小牛;幼獸
laugh [læf] v.

jam /dʒæm/ n. 果醬

tag /tæɡ/ n. 標籤 vt. 加標籤於

mat /mæt/ n. 蓆子 (鋪墊於地上或床上,以供坐臥的平面片狀用具。多由竹、葦或草編織而成。)

pan /pæn/ n. 平底鍋

gas /ɡæs/ n. 瓦斯

bat /bæt/ n. 球棒

ham /hæm/ n. 火腿

lab /læb/ n. 實驗室
laboratory /ˈlæb.rə.tɔːr.i/ 的縮寫

fat /fæt/ adj. 肥的

pad /pæd/ n. 護墊

nap /næp/ n. 小睡,打盹

fan [fæn] n. 風扇

I am Sam, a brat, I turn on the gas stove, put the pan on top, and set a mass of ham.
[ æm sæmə bræt tɜrn ɑn ðə ɡæs stoʊvpʊt ðə pæn ɑn tɑpænd sɛt ə mæs ʌv hæm.]


Turn on the gas and place the pan on top and then layer the ham.

A fat cat ran to the lab and sat quietly on the mat.
/ə fæt kæt ræn tu ðə læb ænd sæt ˈkwaɪətli ɑn ðə mæt./

Dad wore a hat, carried the Elephant Team tag bag, and had a bat in his hand.

The man with the tan skin was my dad. He wore a flat cap, carried an Elephants tag bag, and hand with apple watch holding bat. He walked at a rapid pace along street to hail a cab, like a brat. He really makes me laugh.

The map was covered in jam and the rat was going mad.

The fat cat took off his pads and took a nap in the hammock with the fan blowing.

In the afternoon, grandpa Mac took a nap in the hammock with the fan blowing, then the fat cat with the pads comes over and lies down on the ground at the entrance.
[ɪn ði ˌæftərˈnunˈɡrændˌpɑ mæk tʊk ə næp ɪn ðə ˈhæmək wɪð ðə fæn ˈbloʊɪŋðɛn ðə fæt kæt wɪð ðə pædz kʌmz ˈoʊvər ænd laɪz daʊn ɑn ðə ɡraʊnd æt ði ˈɛntrəns.]