2022年10月26日 星期三

英語聽力練習 - 47


"English Listening Practice" (47)

wordcom-pa-ri-son [kəmˈpærɪsn]  [n.] 比喻

The poet's comparison of the writer's pen to a magic wand is quite clever.

The comparison of one's life to a journey is commonly seen in poetry.

【動詞三態】speak - spoke - spoken

【word】speech [spiːtʃ] [n.(U)] 講話;說話方式

The noun 'Speech', when used with an uncountable [U], means 'the activity of talking' or 'way of speaking'.
名詞 'speech' 當不可數使用時,其意為「講話」或「說話方式」。

speech example sentences

There was a hesitation in his speech.

Drunken people often have slurred speech.

Her speech was slurred but she still denied she was drunk.她口齒都不清楚了,但還不承認自己喝醉了。

【word】slur [slɚ] 
[vt.] 毀謗;含糊地說口齒不清地說

She had drunk too much and her speech was slurred.

The drug affected her vision and made her speak with a slur.藥物影響了她的視力,使她的口齒也不清楚了。
【word】speech [spiːtʃ] [n.(C)] 對...演說;演講
'Speech' 當可數名詞使用時,其意為「演講」。
for example
He give an emotional speech.他發表了感人的演講。

Structural analysis of 'Speech' example sentences

'Speech' 例句的結構分析。

We thought he was drunk because of his confusing speech and the strong smell of wine on his breath.


1. 整句就只是一個「主詞 + 及物動詞 + 受詞」的結構。其中 'We' 為 主詞,'thought' 為及物動詞,後接「that 引導的名詞子句 (that) he was drunk」充當其受詞,其中 that 子句因為是當受詞使用,故 that 可以省略。

2. because of 為介詞片語,後接名詞或名詞片語 (his confusing speech and the strong smell of wine on his breath),在文法上僅僅是「副詞修飾語」,用來解釋前面主句的「理由」。

3. 'because' 和 'because of',在意義上雖相同,但用法不同:

A. because 是「連接詞」後接「子句」。
B. because of 是「片語介詞」後接「名詞」。

We cancelled the party because it was raining.
=We cancelled the party because of the rain.

listen again

We thought he was drunk because of his confusing speech and the strong smell of wine on his breath.