2011年11月7日 星期一


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No. 301
The room fifteen feet across
(A) measures
(B) has measured
(C) measuring
(D) is measured
結論The room measures fifteen feet across。這房間 (量起來) 15英尺寬。故(A)
across:副詞。Across is used in measurements to show the width of something

No. 302
The baby slept
(A) for sound sleep
(B) to be sound
(C) a sound sleep
(D) in a sound sleep
同系受詞:源自與動詞相同字源的受詞 (名詞)
例如He dreamed a sweat dream last nightShe lived a happy lifeI slept a sound sleepHe died a miserable death
名詞sleep,我們可加不定冠詞a及形容詞sound來修飾它,而成為a sound sleep,它仍然是具有名詞性質的片語。
其他,(A) for sound sleep(D) in a sound sleep,雖有同系受詞sleep,但已不具名詞性質。因此,(CD)皆錯
結論The baby slept a sound sleep。寶寶睡了一個良好的睡眠。故(C)

No. 303
I always have my bedroom tidy and clean
(A) look
(B) to look
(C) looked
(D) looks
使役動詞之後必須以「原形動詞」做受詞補語。例如:I made him wash the car
have (使命令) 的用法
主動語態have + 受詞 + 原形動詞。
被動語態have+ 受詞 + p.p.
結論I always have my bedroom look tidy and clean。我總是令我的臥室看起來乾淨整潔。故(A)

No. 304
that the newcomers know computers very well
(A) The fortune
(B) To be fortunate
(C) Fortunately
(D) It is fortunate
結論It is fortunate that the newcomers know computers very well。值得慶幸的是,新人很懂電腦。故(D)

No. 305
In the U.S.Senate,▁,regardless of populationis equally represented
(A) each state
(B) where each state
(C) each state that is
(D) for each state
In the U. S. Senate 為介詞片語,修飾整句,regardless of population 是插入的形容詞片語,修飾主詞,is represented 則為被動語態的動詞。因此,將修飾語捨棄,本句簡化為:▁ is equally represented。即知空格內是本句的主詞,故選each state
結論In the U.S.Senateeach stateregardless of populationis equally represented美國每一州於聯邦參議院中均有兩位議員作為代表,與各州人口無關。(A)

No. 306
“What did you do with the door””The door was painted
(A) whitely
(B) white
(C) with white
(D) with white hands
空格內應填入主詞補語white 為形容詞,可作主詞補語。
結論“What did you do with the door””The door was painted white你把門怎麼了?門被漆成白色。故(B)

No. 307
While in collegehe used to long hair
(A) had
(B) wear
(C) reserve
(D) reserving
used to + 動詞原形 (過去常常…) 例句:We used to go jogging together. 我們過去常常一起去慢跑。
wear long hair:留長髮。
wear short hair:留短髮。
結論While in collegehe used to wear long hair。在大學期間,他總是留長髮。(B)

No. 308
The people in general looked upon the situation
(A) as critical
(B) to be critical
(C) being critical
(D) critical
look upon A as B:將A視為B
結論The people in general looked upon the situation as critical。一般人都會認為這種情況很危急。故(A)

No. 309
I knowhe is very honest
(A) As soon as
(B) As well as
(C) As far as
(D) As long as
As far as one knows:就某人所知。
結論As far as I knowhe is very honest。據我所知,他很老實。故(C)

No. 310
to New Yorkher father has not heard from her
(A) Because she went
(B) After she went
(C) When she went
(D) Since she went
since 用來表示某段時間的起點,常用於現在完成式,其意為:自...以來;從...至今。
句型若為:after所引導的從屬子句 + 主要子句。則有二種可能:
過去的動作從屬子句、主要子句皆用簡單過去式。一般說來,如果在過去某一時間內先後發生了兩個動作,那麼先發生的動作用過去完成時態,後發生的動作用一般過去時態。但是若用了連詞來連接這兩個動作,由於after本身已說明了兩個動作的先後關係,所以兩者均可用一般過去時態。如:After he (had) closed the doorhe left the house。關了門之後,他就離開了房子。
將來的動作從屬子句用現在式來代替將來式;主要子句用將來式。如:After I arriveI'll phone you。我到了之後,會給你電話。
Since she went to New Yorkher father has not heard from her。從她去紐約至今,她的父親就沒有她的訊息。故(D)

No. 311
She is going to buy a hat after she a check
(A) will cash
(B) cashs
(C) would cash
(D) should cash
表時間的副詞子句,必須用現在式代替未來式。如:I'll phone you after I arrive。我到了之後,會給你電話。
She is going to buy a hat after she cashs a check。在兌現支票後,她打算買一頂帽子。故(B)

No. 312
Strike the iron is hot
(A) before
(B) after
(C) while
(D) during
while 指在某一段時間內。在iron被燒熱這段時間內,打鐵最有效率。
Strike while the iron is hot。打鐵趁熱。故(C)

No. 313
We do not necessarily grow wiser we grow older
(A) as
(B) than
(C) that
(D) which
結論We do not necessarily grow wiser as we grow older。長年紀,不必然長智慧。故(A)

No. 314
The lecturer will come he will send a substitute
(A) or
(B) and
(C) and otherwise
(D) but
or otherwise 均表「否則」,但前者為連接詞,後者為副詞,故此處選or
The lecturer will comeor he will send a substitute。講師會來的,否則他會派遣代替人。故(A)

No. 315
Go me some ice cream
(A) for get
(B) and get
(C) to getting
(D) as well as getting
and 連接二個動詞。或第二個動詞用「不定詞」。Go and get me some ice cream= Go to get me some ice cream
Go and get me some ice cream。去幫我弄點冰淇淋來。故(B)

No. 316
You must not move utter a word
(A) and
(B) nor
(C) also
(D) or
not … nor:「既不也不」。nor 為對等連接詞,連接二個否定的字或片語。
utter發出 (聲音等)When he heard the newshe uttered a sigh。聽到這消息時,他歎了口氣。
結論You must not move nor utter a word。你不可以動,也不可以發出聲音。故(B)

No. 317
You will not be able to keep your appointment you hurry
(A) for
(B) because
(C) unless
(D) if
連接詞 unless (除非) + 子句 = 表條件
由連接詞whenunlessifonce (一旦) 等所引導的副詞子句,表示某條件時,一定要用現在式,而主要子句用未來式。例如:
When I have moneyI will buy a houseI won’t buy a car unless I have money
If I see himI will tell him the truthOnce I receive the letterI will let you know
結論You will not be able to keep your appointment unless you hurry。除非快點,否則你會趕不上你的約會。故(C)

No. 318
Put the manuscript the editor can find it
(A) when
(B) where
(C) which
(D) how
manuscript:手稿;原稿。He had seen a manuscript of the book。他見過這本書的原稿。
where可作副詞連接詞,等於 in the place where (的地方) 引導副詞子句,表示地方。
結論Put the manuscript where the editor can find it。把手稿放在主編能找到的地方。故(B)

No. 319
The road leads to the house is steep
(A) that
(B) who
(C) where
(D) whose
that 作關係代名詞,為形容詞子句 (that leads to the house) 中的主詞,用來修飾「先行詞road」。
結論The road that leads to the house is steep。通向房子的路是陡峭的。故(A)

No. 320
The artist picture won the award is my uncle
(A) that
(B) who
(C) which
(D) whose
空格之後有名詞picture,作形容詞子句 (picture won the award) 的主詞,因此,空格要用「所有格」,表誰的picture
關係代名詞所有格 whose,可以代替人或物,引導形容詞子句,修飾前面的名詞。
結論The artist whose picture won the award is my uncle。贏得繪畫獎的那個藝術家,是我的叔叔。故(D)

No. 321
The life-guard had already warned
(A) us swimmers
(B) we swimmers
(C) us swimmer
(D) we swimmer
us (我們):複數,故其同位語用複數swimmers
This mana lawyerlives near my house
Weyoung peopleshould do our duties
結論The life-guard had already warned us swimmers。救生員已經警告我們泳客了。故(A)

No. 322
Only two students,▁,got high grades
(A) John and mine
(B) John and me
(C) John and I
(D) John’ s and mine
結論Only two studentsJohn and Igot high grades。只有約翰和我兩個學生拿高分。故(C)

No. 323
If you do not have good study habitstry to learn themIf are already goodtry to make them better
(A) you
(B) yours
(C) they
(D) those
所有格vs 所有代名詞
(1)       My name is John(2) This is her book(3) His brother works in Taichung
This book is minemine = my bookmine不但有所有格 (我的) 的意思,而且具有代名詞的功用(代替book)
This is my book(所有格my後面加名詞book)This book is mine(所有代名詞mine後面沒有名詞)
If you do not have good study habitstry to learn themIf yours are already goodtry to make them better
yours = your study habits

No. 324
in the intensive care unit can be discharged without written permission
(A) None of patients
(B) None the patients
(C) None of the patients
(D) No of the patients
intensive care unit加護病房。
discharge:允許離開;釋放;解雇[(+from)]My brother was discharged from hospital last week. 我兄弟上週出院。
None of my family are here。我的家人都不在我身邊。
None of my friends are teachers。我的朋友中沒有人當教師。
none 作「無一人」解時,常用形式 none of the + 複數名詞。
None of the patients in the intensive care unit can be discharged without written permission

No. 325
To say is one thingto do is quite
(A) other
(B) another
(C) others
(D) the other
一、單數oneanotherthe other
1. 剛好兩個:限定的兩者用「One…;the other…」;非限定的兩者用「One…;another…」。
2. 剛好3個:One…;another…;the other
3. 超過3個:One…;another…;another…;the other
例如:I have three pensOne is redanother is greenand the other is blue
二、複數someothersthe others
1. 剛好兩個:Some…;the others
2. 剛好3個:Some…;others…;the others
3. 超過3個:Some…;others…;others…;the others
例如There are some kids in the classroomSome are chattingothers are sleepingand the others are playing
To say is one thingto do is quite another。說是一回事,做又是另一回事。故(B)

No. 326
The door bell is ringingwould you see who
(A) he is
(B) it is
(C) is he
(D) is it
名詞子句當 see 的受詞,應依敘述句「主詞 + 動詞 + …」的順序;不可使用問句的順序,he指的是一般人。
結論The door bell is ringingwould you see who he is。門鈴在響,你去看是誰好嗎?故(A)

No. 327
There is too much noise in this classroomI can’t  understand what
(A) is the professor saying
(B) the professor is saying
(C) is saying the professor
(D) that the professor is saying
understand之後用名詞子句當受詞,應依敘述句「疑問代名詞 + 主詞 + 動詞 + …」的順序;不可使用問句的順序。且其動詞應使用「現在進行式」,方能符合題意。
結論There is too much noise in this classroomI can’t understand what the professor is saying

No. 328
The man was talking on the TV is my neighbor
(A) what
(B) how
(C) where
(D) who
因先行詞The man為句中主詞,故用表示人的主格關係代名詞who
結論The man who was talking on the TV is my neighbor。正在電視上談話的那個人是我鄰居。故(D)

No. 329
Architecture is a profession has always interested me
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) in which
先行詞profession (職業) 為事物,故排除(AC)
先行詞profession當動詞has always interested的主詞,故選 which
結論Architecture is a profession which has always interested me。建築一直是我感興趣的行業。故(B)

No. 330
In the distance are two buildingsone of looks very majestic
(A) them
(B) that
(C) where
(D) which
in the distance:片語。(相當)遠處。majestic雄偉的。
兩個獨立的句子(1) (分號;) 連接。或 (2) (逗點,+ 連接詞) 連接,亦即將後面的獨立句子改成子句。
本題用 (逗點,) 。若選 them 會造成兩個獨立的句子用逗點連接在一起的錯誤。因此them不可選。
In the distance are two buildingsone of which looks very majestic。後面的 one of which looks very majestic是子句;而非獨立的句子,用以補充說明 “two buildings”which 代表“two buildings”
In the distance are two buildingsone of which looks very majestic。遠處有二棟建築,其中一棟看起來相當雄偉。故(D)
:本句是下列原句的倒裝:Two buildingsone of which looks very majesticare in the distance

No. 331
It's foolish of you to believe completely he said
(A) which
(B) that
(C) what
(D) who
複合關係代名詞 = 先行詞 + 關係代名詞。例如:
I don't believe the words which he said= I don't believe what he said
本題沒有先行詞,故用複合關係代名詞 what
結論It's foolish of you to believe completely what he said。你完全相信他所說的話,真愚蠢。故(C)
It's foolish of you to believe completely what he said= It's foolish of you to believe completely the words which he said= It's foolish of you to believe completely all that he said

No. 332
is one man's meat may be another man's poison
(A) It
(B) That
(C) This
(D) What
本題沒有先行詞,故用複合關係代名詞 what
結論What is one man's meat may be another man's poison(諺語) 蘿蔔青菜,各有所愛。故(D)
What is one man's meat may be another man's poison= The thing which is one man's meat may be another man's poison= All that is one man's meat may be another man's poison

No. 333
We visited the place Lincoln was born
(A) which
(B) that
(C) where
(D) when
(1) 關係代名詞之前要有先行詞。
(2) 關係代名詞在其所引導的形容詞子句中,要作主詞、受詞或補語。
He is a good student who studies hard(1) 有先行詞a good student(2) whowho studies hard中作主詞。()
He is a boy whom every loves(1) 有先行詞a boy(2) whomwhom every loves中作loves的受詞。()
We visited the place which Lincoln was born(×)。雖有先行詞the place,但which Lincoln was born中已有主詞Lincoln,且及物動詞bear被動語態無須受詞。因此,which既無法作主詞,又無法作受詞。使得該形容詞子句形成錯誤的句構。此時關係代名詞之前應置介系詞We visited the place in which Lincoln was born
關係副詞:由 介系詞 + 關係代名詞 which 形成。一共有四種:
where = in whichon whichat which。用以修飾表地方的名詞。
when = in whichon whichat which。用以修飾表時間的名詞。
why = for which。用以修飾the reasonhow = in which
因此We visited the place in which Lincoln was born= We visited the place where Lincoln was born
結論We visited the place where Lincoln was born。我們參觀了林肯出生的地方。故(C)

No. 334
The house is located on the top of the hill belongs to me
(A) which
(B) when
(C) where
(D) whose
(1) 有先行詞The house
(2) 空格在 is located on the top of the hill中作主詞。
(3) 先行詞為事物。
結論The house which is located on the top of the hill belongs to me。位於山頂上的房子是我的。故(A)

No. 335
This is the year our sales will reach the highest point
(A) which
(B) when
(C) where
(D) whose
(1) 有先行詞The year
(2) 空格在 our sales will reach the highest point中,既無法作主詞,又無法作受詞或補語
因此,關係代名詞之前一定要有介系詞。先行詞The year,用介詞in,故空格應填入in which
關係副詞when = in which。用以修飾表時間的名詞。故空格應填入when
結論This is the year when our sales will reach the highest point。這是我們銷售額達到最高點的一年。故(B)

No. 336
Can you tell me the reason you are always late
(A) which
(B) that
(C) why
(D) how
(1) 有先行詞the reason
(2) 空格在 you are always late中,既無法作主詞,又無法作受詞或補語
因此,關係代名詞之前一定要有介系詞。故空格應填入for which
關係副詞why = for which。用以修飾the reason故空格應填入why
結論Can you tell me the reason why you are always late?你能告訴我為什麼你總是遲到的原因嗎?故(C)

No. 337
He is the man factory I purchased
(A) that
(B) who
(C) where
(D) whose
(1) 有先行詞the man
(2) 空格在 factory I purchased中,作purchased的受詞
(3) 空格後面有名詞factory,故知空格應為人稱代名詞所有格his
(4) his的關係代名詞所有格為whose,故知空格應填入whose
結論He is the man whose factory I purchased。他就是我購買他工廠的男人。(D)

No. 338
This is I recommend you to do
(A) what
(B) that
(C) which
(D) whatever
複合關係代名詞 = 先行詞 + 關係代名詞。例如:
I don't believe the words which he said= I don't believe what he said
本題沒有先行詞,故用複合關係代名詞 what
what = the thing thatThis is the thing that I recommend you to do= This is what I recommend you to do
結論This is what I recommend you to do。這就是我建議你做的事情。(A)

No. 339
Where can I buy the same dictionary you have
(A) that
(B) as
(C) which
(D) what
as之前若有名詞 (先行詞) 時,as 就等於 “as + the + 先行詞 + 關係代名詞,換言之,我們可以將 as 視為關係代名詞,在其所引導的子句中作主詞、受詞或補語,我們稱此處的 as 準關係代名詞
事實上,the same + n. + as 已構成片語,其意為:「和相同的」。
結論Where can I buy the same dictionary as you have?那裡可以買到和你一樣相同的字典?(B)

No. 340
Give the book to needs it
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) whoever
(D) whomever
本題沒有先行詞,故用複合關係代名詞 whoeverwhomever
whoever = anybody who
結論Give the book to whoever needs it。把這本書給任何需要它的人。(C)

No. 341
The book the cover is broken is mine
(A) whose
(B) that
(C) of which
(D) which
(1) 有先行詞The book
(2) 空格在 the cover is broken中,既無法作主詞,又無法作受詞或補語
因此,關係代名詞之前一定要有介系詞。故空格應填入of which
結論The book of which the cover is broken is mine。破掉封面的那本書是我的。(C)
The book of which the cover is broken is mine= The book whose cover is broken is mine

No. 342
This is my bussiness ▁。
(A) work
(B) card
(C) man
(D) hours
名片 = bussiness card = name card
結論This is my bussiness card。這是我的名片。(B)

No. 343
Have you read the in the morning paper
(A) book
(B) novel
(C) news
(D) emails
配合news (新聞) in the paper (newspaper 報紙)
結論Have you read the news in the morning paper?你在早報上看到那則新聞了嗎?(C)

No. 344
Jill went shopping for a of shoes
(A) couple
(B) two
(C) pair
(D) group
a pair of shoes。一雙鞋。
a couple of lovers。一對戀人。a couple of miles。幾英里。a couple of books:一兩本書。
a group of people。一群人。
結論Jill went shopping for a pair of shoes。吉兒去買了一雙鞋。(C)

No. 345
This is a bridge
(A) woolen
(B) wooden
(C) swollen
(D) old
woolen:羊毛製的;羊毛的。She likes to wear woolen socks in winter。冬天她喜歡穿羊毛襪。
wooden:木製的;木的。This is a wooden bed. 這是張木床。
swollen:浮腫的。My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see。我的眼睛腫得很厲害,幾乎看不到東西。
This is a wooden bridge。這是一座木橋。(B)
This is an old bridge。這是一座古老的橋。

No. 346
I have had ▁。
(A) full
(B) stuffed
(C) enough
(D) much
關於吃 (have) 的說法
They had their lunch in a cafeteria. 他們在一家自助餐廳吃了午飯。
Have a cup of coffeeplease. 請喝杯咖啡。
關於吃飽 的說法
I have had enough= I am full。吃飽了。
I have had too much= I am stuffed。吃太多了(吃撐了)
結論I have had enough。我已經吃夠 () 了。(C)

No. 347
The milk has gone ▁。
(A) sour
(B) sweet
(C) bitter
(D) salty
sour + milk = 變酸的牛奶。
sweet 糖果、蜜蜂。Candy is sweet
bitter 藥。Medicine is bitter
salty 湯。The soup is too salty
結論The milk has gone sour。牛奶已經變酸了。(A)

No. 348
This is what I want
(A) closely
(B) exactly
(C) clearly
(D) nearby
closely:接近地。He resembles his father very closely。他非常像他的父親。
exactly:恰好地,正好地。That's exactly what I expected。那正是我所期待的。
clearly:清楚地。He spoke so clearly that I could hear every word。他講得非常清楚,每個字我都聽得見。
nearby:附近。She lives nearby。她住在附近。
結論This is exactly what I want。這正是我想要的。(B)

No. 349
Not money courage is what you need
(A) and
(B) with
(C) but
(D) neither
not … but …:「不是而是」是對等連接詞的固定用法,連接兩個意思相反的字或片語。
結論Not money but courage is what you need。你需要的不是錢,而是勇氣。故(C)

No. 350
We will leave early we may get there before sunset
(A) that
(B) so that
(C) till
(D) before
so that (片語):以便。I stepped aside so that she might come in。我往旁邊走一步,以便她能進來。
結論We will leave early so that we may get there before sunset。我們會很早出發,以便能在日落前抵達。故(B)