2022年11月21日 星期一

英語聽力練習 - 77

"English Listening Practice" (77)

Life Conversation
You're telling me

We use this expression 'you're telling' to show that you completely agree with what another person has said.
You're telling me is a way really of saying you don't need to tell me.
It's obviously true, or I already know that because I have personal experience with that.

Had a rocking time.

Catch you later.
But I have to walk you to your counter!
How else will I know you made it safely to work?
Well, first of all, I'm here.
And, there's no girls allowed...in the store...on Tuesdays.
Just a little kiss for the road?
I can't. That's uh, another rule.
No kissing in the store.
There's no rule like that here, Jude.
Oh, I'm pretty sure there is, dude!
Yikes! That was a level 5 clinger.
Cha!You're telling me.
I've heard about chicks like this, but I've never actually met one.