2022年11月10日 星期四

英語聽力練習 - 65


"English Listening Practice" (65)

Easy Story & Easy English

/English Story - /

【Chapter 2 - Adam Goes To Darpur

The next morning I got up very early.
It was dark and everyone was asleep.
But I was going to Darpur.
I washed and dressed carefully.
I put on my best clothes and I carried my best stick.
I put the money order carefully in my pocket and I said goodbye to Martha.

I walked 10 miles to the main road.
I sat down at the main road and ate my breakfast.
I waited for the bus.
I waited for two hours.

Then the bus came and I got up. 
It is a long way to Darpur. 
The bus takes three hours.
I arrived in Darpur and walked to the Post Office immediately.

I do not often go to Darpur. 
I only know the market, and one shop.
This is the shop of Rick.
I buy things for my farm from Rick.

There were a lot of people in the Post Office.
I asked about money orders.
A man showed me the queue.

There was a long line of people and I waited at the back. 
Finally it was my turn; I was at the front of the queue.
But the official did not serve me.

'Excuse me' I said. 'It's my turn. I'm next.'

'You are next? Old man, I'm very busy.' the official said. 
Look at my papers.
Look at all these people. 
I am very busy.
And you must wait.

So I waited.
Finally the official looked at me.

'What do you want?' he asked.
I gave him my money order. 
'This is my money order for 100 pounds,' I replied.
The official held out his hand.
'Identity card,' he said.
'Excuse me. I don't understand,' I replied.
'Your identity card,' the official said again. 
'Give me your identity card.'
6:01what is an identity card I asked
6:05I can't give you any money for this
6:08money order first I must see your
6:10identity card your identity card gives
6:14your name and your address your identity
6:17card describes you there is a photograph
6:19of you in your identity card I don't
6:22know you who are you
6:25the official was a little angry
6:28but I was also angry
6:30who am I I said everyone knows me I am
6:34Adam of the village of minta I haven't
6:37got an identity card and I don't need an
6:40identity card
6:42old man I'm very busy and you're very
6:45stupid the official said who are you
6:48where is minta give me my money give me
6:52my 100 pounds I said
6:55the official looked angry and said show
6:59me your identity card I don't know you
7:03the official gave back my money order
7:06and he turned away
7:08where can I buy an identity card I asked
7:12the official
7:13he did not speak to me he did not answer
7:17go to the ministry of the Interior a man
7:20said he was standing in the queue
7:23and he told me the way