2013年6月2日 星期日

Sandra - One More Night (共度一晚)

Sandra - One More Night (共度一晚)  - 經典療傷情歌,不容錯過
one more night. 共度一晚。
one more night with you. 與您共度一晚。 
close your eyes i'll give you my love. 閉上你的眼睛,我會給你我的愛。
one more night. 共度一晚。 
one more night with you. 與您共度一晚。
please hold me once again. 請再抱我一次。
cause i love you. 因為我愛你。
here i stand. 我站在這裡。
and i can't even cry. 我甚至不能哭。
my heart is breakin up inside. 我心碎。 
you say goodbye. 因為,你說再見。 
found somebody new. 你已找到了新歡。
wherever you go. i'll be with you. 
one more night. 共度一晚。 
one more night with you. 與您共度一晚。 
hear me now i can't let you go . 
one more night. 共度一晚。
i'll open my heart to you. 我會為你敞開心扉。 
please hold me once again . 請再抱我一次。
cause i love you. 因為我愛你。 
before you leave. 在你離開之前。
just take me in your arms. 只要將我擁入你的懷中。
and let me feel you once again . 讓我再次感受你的愛。
can't help myself. 我無法自己。 
i still depend on you. 我仍然依賴著你。 
whatever you do. i'll be with you. 
one more night. 共度一晚。 
one more night with you. 與您共度一晚。 
close your eyes i'll give you my love. 
one more night. 共度一晚。 
one more night with you. 與您共度一晚。 
you know how long it gonna last. 誰知會持續多久。
it's up to you. 這由你來決定。 
i wanna hold you once again. 我想再一次擁有你。 
cause i love you. 因為我愛你。
