2013年6月1日 星期六


A Place In My Heart - Nana Mouskouri
停泊靠岸吧 !歌詞隱喻,一位男生終日追求愛情的虛榮,摯愛他的女生,警惕他:愛情不是多重選擇題;而是單選題,如果仍然不想停泊靠岸,即便再深情的女孩,也會離你而去。
感謝 +hanna ye 的翻譯...蟹蟹您!
I got your letter yesterday. 我昨天收到你的來信.
From some small town I never knew. 從那些我根本不知道的小城鎮.
It told me you were on your way. But not where you were going to. 
You said you're following the sun. 你說你將唱随天涯.
But do you really know for sure. 但你確信真的可以如此嗎.
For after all is said and done. 追根究柢.
Just what it is you' re looking for. 只不過是追尋你內心的虛榮.
There' s a place in my heart. 在我心中有個地方.
I wish that your eyes could see. 我希望你的眼睛能看見.
And there' s no one on earth. Who loves you as much as me.
If you just travel on and on,till I don't know where.
如果你只是不停地在蹉跎. 直到我不知道你所在.
There's a place in my heart.You may never find again.
And so you travel with the wind. 所以你隨風旅行.
You' ll find some road to fly along. 你會發現一些路飛沿.
And though your letter says the word. 但你信中說的話.
Your heart may soon forget the song. 你可能會很快忘記這首歌.
Then you may someday write the poem. 那麼你可能有一天會寫信.
That tells your life in words of fire. 告訴我,你的生活水深火熱.
But you will never have a home. 你永遠不會有一個家.
Or find the love that you desire. 或找到你渴望的愛情.
( Repeat 3-4-)
And so heading for the sea. 所以面對大海吧.(暗喻…展開心胸)
Now that the flowers are in bloom. 現在正是,繁花似錦。鮮花盛開時.
Just when the wild mimosa tree. 就在野外合歡樹.(古時常以合歡樹暗喻美好的愛情)
Is like the colour of our room. 就像是我們房間的顏色.
( Repeat 4 ) 
Image Source:Sukon Sebunrad:http://goo.gl/4VmPt