2024年9月6日 星期五

Random word -2

 annoy /əˈnɔɪ/ v. 使生氣

字首 an=toward (朝向)

字根 noy=hate (憎恨)

annoying /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/ adj. 令人生氣的

annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/ adj. 生氣的

1. 如果你覺得自己打擾了某人時,你可以說 "I'm (annoying.)"。
2. 如果你在與某人交談時,對他們所做的事情或所說的話感到生氣,你可以說 "I’m (annoyed.)"。

1. If you feel like you are bothering somebody , you say (I’m annoying.). 
2. If you are talking to someone and feel angry (by what they are doing or telling you), you say (I’m annoyed.).

“I’m annoying” means you feel like you are bothering someone or doing things that make other people stressed or upset. 
“I’m annoyed means” you are upset or angry or irritated.

If you are talking to someone and feel angry or upset by what they are doing or telling you, you say “I’m annoyed”

But if you feel like you are bothering somebody , you say “I’m annoying”

irritate /ˈɪrɪteɪt/ v. 激怒,使惱火

字首 ir= (進入)

字根 rit= (摩擦)

字尾 ate 表動詞

irritating /ˈɪr.ə.teɪ.t̬ɪŋ/ adj. 惱人的,令人厭煩的

Irritating means making you feel annoyed or angry.

These tight shoes irritate my toes. 

He was irritated by the persistent noise. 