2024年9月27日 星期五


Hello, I'm spencer.

I am here to teach you new phrases and idioms to express your feelings.

Today I will introduce different ways to say that you really dislike or hate something.

Let's get started.

This video will help you sound more like a native speaker.

The most common way to say you hate or dislike something is to use the verbs dislike and hate.

For example:

I hate hot summer days or I dislike sweet food.

You can also use hate with a verb, an action, by adding 'to' before the verb or 'ing' to the verb stem.

你也可以使用 "hate" ,帶有靜態動詞(verb)和藉由在 "verb" 之前加 "to" 或加 "ing" 在動詞詞幹中的動態動詞(action)。

You can also use "hate" with another verb that expresses a state action by adding "to" in front of the state verb or "ing" in the verb stem.

您也可以運用 "hate",



你也可以在狀態動詞前面加上「to」或在動詞字幹中加上「ing」來將 "hate" 與另一個表達狀態行為的動詞一起使用。

For instance:

I hate waking up early and I hate to say goodbye.

With dislike you can also use it with a verb but it's important to note you cannot use 'the infinite to' with the verb.

You can only add 'ing' to the verb stem.

For example:

I dislike listening to loud music and I dislike going to high places.


Instead of using dislike you can use 'not a fan of' or 'not big on' .

取代 "dislike",你可以使用 "not a fan of" 或 "not big on"。

你可以使用 "not a fan of" 或 "not big on" 來取代 "dislike"。

This means you don't really like something or someone.


You can also use it with a verb but only by adding 'ing' to the verb stem.

你也可以與動詞搭配使用,但只能在動詞詞幹上加上 "ing"。

For instance:

I'm not a fan of fruit pie or He's not big on sharing his feelings.


From dislike to hate to disgust.



Instead of using hate you can use 'disgust' or 'disgusted by'.

This means you completely hate something.

Both can be used with a verb but you must add 'ing' to the verb stem.

'Disgusted by' is used when the subject of the sentence is a person.

For instance:

He is disgusted by cold noodles or I am disgusted by loud chewing.

'Disgust' is used when the subject of the sentence is the person or object that someone hates.

For example:

She disgusts me.

Thirdly :

You can say something or someone makes a person sick.

This means you hate something so much you feel sick.

The subject of the sentence is the person or object that someone hates.

For instance:

That video makes her sick or you make me sick.

It can also be used with a verb but you must add 'ing' to the verb stem.

For instance:

Lying makes me sick.


Now that you learn some new phrases.

Listen to a short conversation and see if you can pick out the idiom that means you dislike or hate something.


Ugh... do you see that over there?

See what?

Those plastic bottles and wrappers on the ground.

Oh, I see them. What's the big deal?

There's a trash can nearby. I don't understand why people can't throw away their trash.

I see it really bothers you.

Yeah, I can't stand the sight of littering.

In that case, let's pick up the trash and throw it away in the trash can.


Did you catch the idiom in the conversation?

If you said 'can't stand the sight of', you're right!

Yeah, I can't stand the sight of littering.

This is an idiom that means you hate to see something or someone.

This idiom can be used with an action like in the conversation by adding 'ing' to the verb stem.

She said, "She can't stand the sight of littering."

'Litter' means to throw trash on the ground.

You can also say, "I can't stand the sight of him." or "He can't stand the sight of fish."


Let's review what we learned.

First was not a fan of and not big on.

I am not a fan of drinking.

I am not a fan of drinking.

I am not big on movies.

I am not big on movies.

Second was disgust and disgusted by.

I am disgusted by bragging.

I am disgusted by bragging.

They disgust me.

They disgust me.

Third was make a person sick.

Raw meat makes me sick.

Raw meat makes me sick.

That company makes me sick.

That company makes me sick.

Lastly you learn the idiom 'can't stand the sight of'.

She can't stand the sight of cheating.

She can't stand the sight of cheating.

I hope this video was helpful in learning new phrases and idioms to express disliking or hating something or someone.

Remember to practice using these phrases and idioms in your daily life to become a true master.

I'll see you next time.

If you want to learn more download cake now.

It's free.

2024年9月24日 星期二

Casablanca 卡薩布蘭卡(中英歌詞)

***************************************************************************** I fell in love with you watching Casablanca. 看《卡薩布蘭卡》時,我愛上了你。 Back row of the drive-in show in the flickering light. 汽車電影院的後排在閃爍的燈光裡顯現。 Popcorn and cokes beneath the stars 星光下的爆米花與可樂 Became champagne and caviar. 化為香檳與魚子醬。 Making love on a long hot summer's night. 在漫長而燥熱的夏夜時光翻雲覆雨。 I thought you fell in love with me watching Casablanca. 在看《Casablanca》時,我以為你已愛上了我。 Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans in Rick's candle lit café. 在里克燭光咖啡館裡的吊扇下牽手。 Hiding in the shadows from the spies. 藏在暗處裡避開窺諜。 Moroccan moonlight in your eyes. 摩洛哥的月光映美在你的眼裡。 Making magic at the movies in my old Chevrolet. 在我那老舊的雪佛蘭裡隨著電影的放映施展魔力。 Ooh, a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca. 哦,在卡薩布蘭卡,吻仍然是吻。 But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh. 但沒有妳低語呻吟呼息的吻就不是一個吻。 Please come back to me in Casablanca. 請回到看《Casablanca》時那樣,依偎到我身邊。 I love you more and more each day as time goes by. 隨著時間的流逝,我愛你與日俱增。 I guess there are many broken hearts in Casablanca. 我猜在卡薩布蘭卡有很多破碎的心。 You know I've never really been there, so I don't know. 你知道我從未真正到過那裡,所以我不知道。 I guess our love story will never be seen. 我想,我倆的愛情故事絕不會被亮相。 On the big wide silver screen. 在大螢幕上演。 But it hurt just as bad when I had to watch you go. 但當我不得不看著你離開的時候,我也感到很痛苦。 Ooh, a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca. 哦,在卡薩布蘭卡,吻仍然是吻。 But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh. 但沒有妳低語呻吟呼息的吻就不是一個吻。 Please come back to me in Casablanca. 請回到看《Casablanca》時那樣,依偎到我身邊。 I love you more and more each day as time goes by. 隨著時間的流逝,我愛你與日俱增。 Ooh, a kiss is still a kiss in Casablanca. 哦,在卡薩布蘭卡,吻仍然是吻。 But a kiss is not a kiss without your sigh. 但沒有妳低語呻吟呼息的吻就不是一個吻。 Please come back to me in Casablanca. 請回到看《Casablanca》時那樣,依偎到我身邊。 I love you more and more each day as time goes by. 隨著時間的流逝,我愛你與日俱增。 I love you more and more each day as time goes by. 隨著時間的流逝,我愛你與日俱增。 *****************************************************************************

I fall to pieces


2024年9月22日 星期日

Random word -7










Everyone makes mistakes. That's why they put an eraser on the other end of the pencil. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, just correct them. If the pencil hasn't run out, but the eraser has. What does that mean? It means that you have missed a lot. If we replace the pencil with a fountain pen, there will be no eraser to correct the mistake. What does it say? It means that if we made a mistake when we were young, we can correct it. When we grow up, we have to be responsible for our own mistakes.

2024年9月20日 星期五

Random word -6

idiom:make it

I will make it.

I made it to the train.

I believe I have the talent to make it.

Make it so beautiful.
Hold me close.
And don't let go.

Dive into the chaos,embrace the unpredictability,and make it.
Because in the end, it's the creative process that defines us, that brings us together, and that inspires us to keep pushing boundaries.

This is the essence of teamwork— transforming individual efforts into collective triumphs. As they reach the summit, the view is breathtaking, a testament to what can be achieved when we team up.
Join us in celebrating the spirit of unity, because when we work together, we achieve greatness. Team up, and let’s climb higher, together.
這就是團隊合作的本質 - 將個人努力轉化為集體勝利。當他們到達山頂時,景色令人嘆為觀止,證明了我們合作可以取得的成就。

essence /ˈesns/ n. 本質
字根 ess=ese=be;of;from 有 "源自;屬於" 之意。
字尾 ence 表性質名詞。

Essence. Essence of what? Essence of ugliness.
Ruckus, we have a saying at BET: "We hate black people."
And I know you share that same sentiment.
But I've learned how I can use my blackness against the black race.
Ruckus,我們在 BET 有一句話:“我們討厭黑人。”

sentiment /ˈsentɪmənt/ n. 觀點
字根 senti = sent = feel (感覺;觀感)
字尾 ment 表名詞

phrasal verb:team up

You're good at building, I'm good at destroying.
We should totally team up.

Hey jimmy, you wanna hang out ?
Sorry, eric, but i gotta write some jokes.
Unless you wanna team up or something ?
Team up ? OK.
Okay, let's write some jokes together.
組隊嗎? 好呀。

triumph /ˈtraɪʌmf/ n. 勝利;巨大的成就

Triumph International is an international company that produces underwear.
黛安芬Triumph International是一家生產內衣的國際公司

Teamwork transforms individual efforts into collective triumph.

summit /ˈsʌmɪt/ n. 頂點;高峰會議;最高階層

2024年9月17日 星期二

Random word -5

 In a world where the mind dances between chaos and clarity, we find ourselves caught in the web of distraction. It pulls us in, a whirlwind of noise and color, diverting our focus, yet igniting curiosity.


chaos /ˈkeɪ.ɑːs/ n. 混亂

to cause chaos 引起混
in a state of chaos 處於雜亂狀態

clarity  /ˈkler.ə.t̬i/ n. 清楚
字根 clar = clear,bright ,表 "清楚" "明白"
字尾 ity ,表狀態名詞

chaos and clarity 混亂與清晰
between chaos and clarity 在混亂與清晰之間
the mind dances between chaos and clarity

 In a world where the mind dances between chaos and clarity.

bribery  /ˈbraɪ.bɚ.i/  n. 賄賂
字根 bribe = 乞討禮物
字尾 ery 表行為名詞

片語 ... caught in the web of .../kɑt ɪn ðə wɛb/

KP was caught in a web of bribery.

I've been hiding out through the days.
So I don't get caught in the web of lies.

We find ourselves caught in the web of distraction.

idiom (成語):so much for something

The car won't start. So much for our trip to the beach.汽車又出毛病了,我們去海邊的旅程只好作罷。
shatter  [ˈʃætər] v. 使破碎

So much for your promises.
They died the day you let me go.
Caught up in a web of lies.
But it was just too late to know.
I thought it was you who would stand by my side.
And now you've given me, given me nothing but shattered dreams, shattered dreams.
Feel like I could run away, run away from this empty heart.

Don't stop believin'

 Just a small town girl

Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in south Detroit
He took the midnight train goin' anywhere

A singer in a smoky room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding, somewhere in the night

Working hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice just one more time

Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the night
Streetlight people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding, somewhere in the night

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people
woahhh, woahhhh

Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlight people
Ohhh, woahhhh

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight people

Ohhh, woahhhh

Don't stop

2024年9月12日 星期四

Random word -4

 distract  /dɪˈstrækt/ v. 使分心

字首 -dis = away

字根 -tract,有「拖、拉 」的意思。

I'm going to play a recording for you. 
Please listen carefully. 
Please don't play with your cell phone! 
Don't let yourself be distracted. 
Please do your best to understand the content.


distraction /dɪˈstrækʃn/

Students, now I am going to teach you the "D" of drama.
Maurice, if Plato, Shakespeare and Einstein were talking about the meaning of life,and two elephants started humping outside,even they would rush to the window.
It is the ultimate distraction.
同學們,現在我要教你們戲劇性的 「D」。

attract /əˈtrækt/ v. 吸引;招引;引起

字首 -at = to

字根 -tract,有「拖、拉 」的意思。

因此attract,有「被拉過去 」的意思。

Well, as a wise man once said, opposites attract.


attractive /əˈtræk.tɪv/ adj. 有吸引力的嫵媚動人的

Our kids are really attractive.
There was only attraction at first.
Because she bothered to play hard to get.

abstract /ˈæbstrækt/ adj. 抽象的;心不在焉
字首 -abs=away from, off
(實體)被抽離、被萃取 = 抽象的

We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is abstract.

extract  /ɪkˈstrækt/ v. 提取

字首 -ex = out

字根 -tract,有「拖、拉 」的意思。

因此extract,「被拉出去 」提取 」的意思。

extract iron 採礦
extracted a file 取出一份文件
I've simply extracted a few figures.

In a world where the mind dances between chaos and clarity, we find ourselves caught in the web of distraction. It pulls us in, a whirlwind of noise and color, diverting our focus, yet igniting curiosity.

But within this chaos lies attraction— a magnetic force drawing us toward what truly matters, guiding our gaze to the beauty hidden in plain sight.
但在這混沌的世界裡,隱藏著一股吸引力 - 一股磁力將我們引向真正重要的事物,引導我們注視隱藏在眾目睽睽之下的美麗。

As we delve deeper, abstraction emerges. It strips away the superficial, revealing the essence beneath the surface. Here, forms and ideas blend, challenging our perceptions and inviting us to see beyond the obvious.

Abstraction is the art of seeing with the mind's eye, where imagination paints the canvas of reality.

Yet, from this realm of abstraction, we must extract. Extraction is the distillation of thought, the clarity that emerges from contemplation.

It is the process of refining ideas, drawing out the core truths that resonate within us. Through extraction, we find meaning, a beacon guiding us through the fog of distraction.

These themes— distraction, attraction, abstraction, and extraction— intertwine, each influencing the other in a dance of creativity and thought.
這些主題 - 分心、吸引、抽象和萃取 - 交織在一起,在創造力和思維的舞蹈中互相影響。

They challenge us to explore, to question, and to create. As we navigate this intricate tapestry, we are reminded that art is not just seen, but felt, a journey of the mind and soul.

So, let us embrace this exploration, allowing our minds to wander and wonder. For in this interplay of ideas, we discover not only the world around us but the depths within ourselves.

Let this be an invitation to think, to feel, and to create anew.

2024年9月9日 星期一

Random word -3

persistent /pərˈsɪstənt/ adj. 持續的;堅持不懈的;執意的;頑強存在的
字首 -per,有穿過、徹底的意思。
字根 -sist = stand ,表站立。
字尾 -ent ,表形容詞。 

persistence /pərˈsɪstəns/ n. 堅持不懈;執意
字尾 -ence,表名詞。

a persistent cough 持續不斷的咳嗽
persistent rain 持續的雨 (陰雨綿綿)
persistent salesman 執著的推銷員
persistently high interest rates 利率居高不下

Be persistent and don't give up.

perspire /pərˈspaɪə(r)/ v. 出汗;苦幹

字首 -per,有穿過、徹底的意思。
字根 -spir = 呼吸
字尾 -e,表動詞。 

perspiration /pɜrspəˈreɪʃn/ n. 流汗;苦幹
字尾 -ation,表名詞。

Success isn't about luck or talent. 
It's about patience, persistence, and perspiration. 
It's about choosing to keep going no matter what.
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.

2024年9月6日 星期五

Random word -2

 annoy /əˈnɔɪ/ v. 使生氣

字首 an=toward (朝向)

字根 noy=hate (憎恨)

annoying /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/ adj. 令人生氣的

annoyed /əˈnɔɪd/ adj. 生氣的

1. 如果你覺得自己打擾了某人時,你可以說 "I'm (annoying.)"。
2. 如果你在與某人交談時,對他們所做的事情或所說的話感到生氣,你可以說 "I’m (annoyed.)"。

1. If you feel like you are bothering somebody , you say (I’m annoying.). 
2. If you are talking to someone and feel angry (by what they are doing or telling you), you say (I’m annoyed.).

“I’m annoying” means you feel like you are bothering someone or doing things that make other people stressed or upset. 
“I’m annoyed means” you are upset or angry or irritated.

If you are talking to someone and feel angry or upset by what they are doing or telling you, you say “I’m annoyed”

But if you feel like you are bothering somebody , you say “I’m annoying”

irritate /ˈɪrɪteɪt/ v. 激怒,使惱火

字首 ir= (進入)

字根 rit= (摩擦)

字尾 ate 表動詞

irritating /ˈɪr.ə.teɪ.t̬ɪŋ/ adj. 惱人的,令人厭煩的

Irritating means making you feel annoyed or angry.

These tight shoes irritate my toes. 

He was irritated by the persistent noise. 