2023年2月14日 星期二

五分鐘英語練習- 037


五分鐘英語練習 (037)
"Five minutes English practice" (037)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.

Casual English - 隨興英語

隨興英語 (005) - keep your voice down – 聲音小點

You know what? Forget I offered to help you.

“You know what?" 是大多數美國人的口頭禪。它是一個典型的不能按字面意思來理解的句子。發問者並不是問你知道什麼?而是像徵性地問一句「你知道嗎?」不妨把 “You know what?" 看成是“You know this?" 或者 “Guess what?" 這句話就容易理解了。舉例如下:
You know what? We’re through. (你知道嗎?我們玩完了。)
在一般情況下,“You know what?" 帶有明顯的負面情緒,或輕蔑,或反感,或不耐煩,說出來有助於情緒的宣洩。

Forget the entire fucking idea.

Cause that must have been fucking crazy
because I'm so much crazier than you.

keep your voice down.

I'm just a crazy slut with a dead husband!

Elle, you will abort the mission.
We owe her better than that.

Oh, you don't owe her shit.

Will you keep your voice down?

You don't owe her shit.

May I say one thing?

What are we doing here?

We can see that.
我們可以看的出來 → 顯而易見 → 廢話

It is a sarcastic reply when somebody tells you something that you can already see or know without them telling you. Like if a wet person says "I got caught in the rain" you might say "I can see that!"
當有人告訴你一些你已經看到或知道但他們不告訴你的事情時,這是一個諷刺的回答。 就像一個濕漉漉的人說“我被雨淋濕了”,你可能會說“我能看到那個!”

sarcastic [sɑːrˈkæstɪk] adj. 嘲諷的
言論 sarcastic 是有目的地懷著惡意;最起碼應該是以有點傷人的方式來揶揄。


Because I said so.

Because I said so. 因為我說了算。

通常會說出這句話都是因為孩子不停地詢問父母各種事情的理由,當父母略顯不耐煩時則會說出 “Because I said so.” 表示大人說得對、我說了算。

Mom: Go brush your teeth.

Kid: Why should I brush my teeth every day?

Mom : Because I said so.

How long do we have to stay here?

As long as it takes.

片語 "as long as" 最常用於條件句當中,意思是「只要…就…」。

As long as I have you, nothing else matters.

「只要(有需要)…就(一直等下去)」,本句 "As long as it takes.",省略了後句話 - 就(一直等下去)...因為語意已經很明顯,無須贅述。

And keep your voice down. It's a hospital.