2023年2月12日 星期日

五分鐘英語練習- 035


五分鐘英語練習 (035)
"Five minutes English practice" (035)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.

Casual English - 隨興英語

隨興英語 (002) -  don’t get one's hopes up – 別抱太大希望

To become enthusiastic about something that is not yet guaranteed to happen.

The proverb "Get one's hopes up" refers to being enthusiastic about something that is not yet guaranteed to happen.
"Get one's hopes up" 這個諺語是指,對尚未保證會發生的事情充滿熱情。

So, this phrase comes in handy when you want to tell someone 'the higher the hope, the bigger the disappointment'. 
因此,你想規勸別人 '希望越高;失望越大' 時,這句話就派上用場了。

Example sentences are as follows:

We use this when we want to talk about a situation in which a person wants something to happen. However, there is a strong possibility it won’t happen, so someone else encourages them to expect that it won’t happen. Here are some example sentences:

Don’t tell Sue you can take her to Disneyland if you’re not sure. I don’t want you to get her hopes up.

A: Valerie said she’d help me move.
B: Don’t get your hopes up. She always agrees to help people, but then she doesn’t.
B:別抱太大希望。 她總是同意幫助別人,但後來她沒有。

Don't get your hope up for fatal perfection, it requires conditions.

隨興英語 (003) -  come in handy – 派上用場

東西「派上用場」,英文用「come in handy」

當某樣被你買來備著很久的東西,某天突然「派上用場」時,你可以用這句英文「come in handy」表示,其中 handy 有「便於使用」的意思,來看例句:
This pocket knife really comes in handy when I need to open a package.