2007年7月12日 星期四

英英單字圖文記憶(265) - compatible


compatible [kəmˈpætəbəl]

Compatible is an adjective and is used when two or more people are getting along thogethter in perfect harmony and are in support of each other.兼容是個形容詞,當兩個或兩個以上的人,完美和諧的相處,並彼此相挺時用之。
If things, for example systems, ideas, and beliefs, are compatible, they work well together or can exist together successfully.相容的;可以並存的
【前綴】com = together,表:一起。
【字根】pati = feeling,表示:感情;忍耐;遭受。
【分析】:compatible = 有共同感情;能相處的。引申為:相容的;相容的;和諧的;協調的

For example
The new system will be compatible with existing equipment.