2007年7月5日 星期四

英英單字圖文記憶(219) - figure


figure [ˈfɪgjər]

A figure is a particular amount expressed as a number, especially a statistic.數字,(尤指)統計數字
You refer to someone that you can see as a figure when you cannot see them clearly or when you are describing them.人影;身影

【字根】fig = domake,表:製作。
【分析】figure  = 製作出狀態形狀。引申為:體形;輪廓;數字;圖形;人物;雕像;塑像

For example
It will not be long before the inflation figure starts to fall. 過不了多久,通貨膨脹就會開始下降。
A figure in a blue dress appeared in the doorway. 一個穿著藍色連衣裙的身影出現在門口。
