2023年4月13日 星期四

五分鐘英語練習- 087


五分鐘英語練習 (087)
"Five minutes English practice" (087)

Listen & Practice - 聆聽和練習

Let’s get started.


【Easy English - 簡易英語】



Where is the women's clothes department?
Excuse me, but will you show me the way to the station?
I would often visit the museum when I lived in London.
Do I need to take out my hat for inspection?
Could you tell me where the restrooms are?


I'm sorry I can't find you in the computer.
The flight attendants were rude and unhelpful.
The collar's straight now.
I want to be in a senior sales position.
Please make sure your carry-on bag meets the size and weight restrictions.